In need of some exercise routine advice!
Hello! So I am trying to plan out a decent exercise routine for myself in the hopes that it will motivate me better to have more goals/things to do/etc. Last summer I was adequate at running (i could jog 2-3 miles at a 12 minute pace) at 170 pounds. I wasn't really seeing weight-loss, which might have been because of my…
Can't stop snacking!!!!!
I'm finding it really hard not to snack!!!!! I just can't seem to stop myself! I log all of the snacks I have but I still bloody eat them...... Any advice on how to distract myself would be appreciated! I know my snacking is stopping me from losing any weight but seem to have lost my will power somewhere......
A lil Motivation wouldn't hurt.....
So I was aiming for Losing 10lbs per month.... but lets be real... I won't lose much if I continue 1- Missing the gym 2- Eating chips & 3-Having my regular wine/cocktails every weekend..... I think I did Great this past month.... I some how managed to lose 8lbs and am happy about that.... My friend said it was starting to…
Help! I have put on weight on diet chef
hi there , I have been doing diet chef for 2 weeks now. The first week was great and I lost 6 pounds, this week I gained 2!! Feeling so demotivated and like a blubber whale :( Anyone got any ideas why???? As all reviews I have seen rave about their losses
Preworkout Supps
Hello everyone! I was curious if anyone knows of a great preworkout supplement / drink to take to boost their workouts? Honestly, I just can't seem to find as much energy as I used too when it comes to exercising and I am just needing an energy boost to help get through cardio & lifting. I usually drink a cup of black…
I have linked my fitness pal with my misfit shine but ......
even though I have done over 10,000 steps on my misfit, my fitness pal is giving me no exercise points, why? What have I done wrong? To reach my allowance, I even jogged for 30 minutes yesterday and still got no exercise points, help!
My Fitbit isn't syncing my steps properly into MFP
I'm hoping someone can help me. I synced my Fitbit to MFP and the first two days it worked perfectly. Now the last couple of days it's all over the place. One day showed I had 6000 steps when I really had over 14,000 then the next day showed me having 26,000 steps when I only had 12,500. It's driving me nuts. I keep trying…
drinking water to help lose weight
Drinking 64 oz of water a day really helps u lose to weight? how many pounds can u lose?
I just started back on my diet recently, and I was wondering what I can do to stay motivated? I really would appreciate any advice, feel free to friend me as well, I feel that can be a form of motivation in itself!
Just help
Hi I am a 30 year old dad of 2 boys (7&5) I am a truck driver doing shop deliveries so spend a good amount of time sat driving and the rest I'm unloading, pushing roll cages from trailer to shops so I have an amount of activity in the day, however I start early in morning 4am to 6am and do 10 to 15 hour shifts and by time…
any Scottish runners/gym junkies out there to help keep me motivated
my wife and I are fairly new to running, we are both agreed that trail runs are better!! we both seem to have plateaued and need some help breaking the ceiling we would also love help pushing the limits in the gym too, ideas and tips on new ways to lift or do cardio are more than welcome and of course we want to share what…
The Proof is in the Logging
I recently started using myfitnesspal... seriously, that is... and what a revelation! In the past, I just could not understand why I wasn't losing weight. I exercise and I really wasn't eating that much, or so I thought. Since I have started logging my calories, I've learned that it is not the quantity that matters (at…
Has anyone done a detox/cleanse to jumpstart their weight loss? If so, what can you recommend? I am in need of a good boost! Thank you for any feedback!
Love yourself
I would normally never post something so personal about myself, but I'm at a point in my life where I could really care less about what people think of me. The more open I am, the better you'll understand me. For the past 20 years or so, I have struggled with my weight. I have tried every diet out there, even starving…
Hello Pregnancy
So. I haven't been on here in forever mostly because I got pregnant. I was doing AWESOME prior to pregnancy, toning, gym 5 days a week, eating clean--then again that's always been my main focus--being healthy. I'm now 6 months pregnant and aside from seriously slacking for two months (school and moving and life ugh) I can…
Orville redenbacher's gourmet popping corn ultimate butter confusion???
Orville redenbacher's gourmet popping corn ultimate butter, popped came to 2.3 oz popped (68 grams) I repopped the unpopped kernels till almost all popped and weighed it out. A cup is 6 oz and the package claims 4.5 cups popped @ 2 servings per bag (9 cups) but weight is 2.3 ounces (2 and 1/3 cups popped) whole bag. I put…
No Energy :( - would vitamins help?
I'm not sure if this is the right board.....but I HAVE NO ENERGY! I have been exercising since April 15 (2 bootcamps per week, and walking/hiking twice per week), trying to eat better....but I still feel as if I am in my winter slump! I am 46 years old, have a desk job, and am 20 - 30 lbs over my goal weight - any…
Thighs Hips and Butt...LADIES lifting heavy
So I have all the above....and plenty of it. Not saying Im a big girl just saying Im well off in those areas. Honestly Im writing this post because I LOVE MY CURVES. I love having thick thighs, a big butt, and wide curvy hips. It goes well with my petite waist. So my concern is...though my body is well proportioned, after…
OFFICE workouts- water jugs!?!?!?!?!
Whats shaking beautiful people of the MFP!?!?!? I just asked the water dropoff guy how much these water jugs weigh that go into the water cooler and he told me 44lbs. Of course A lightbulb light up in my head................these can used as weights! Theres even a handle on the side. Has anyone done this? And or have any…
Looking into hiring a personal trainer
Sorry if this isn't the right board. I am looking for a personal trainer in Oregon, on the west side of Portland area, that has experience working with extrememly obese clients. Does anyone know of any they would recommend or where I could find such a listing? Google wasn't much help. What types of questions should I be…
I am on day 3 of taking Contrave. I have very high hopes. I've already tried Belviq which did not work at all, also tried qsymia which I only noticed it helping me somewhat during the day when I was busy at work but definitely not at night which is my problem time of day. I am only on day 3 but have had no side effects so…
HEAVY metal
Any metalheads out there? What r some jams u like to listen to while working out?
From Fat to Fab
I'm not exactly where I want to be with my body yet, having struggled with my weight my whole life I don't think I can ever achieve that peace of mind but I'm proud of my progress and so proud of the many others posting their transformations. It inspired me to post my own. I started actually noticing I was "Fat" at 16. I…
Fruit and Calories
Hi everyone! I am new here and have what may be a simplistic question. I eat things like bananas, pears (or whatever is in season) and drink orange juice. However, when I enter these food items in the MFP calculator I notice that they are high in calories and carbs! Is it better to keep these foods or dump them for other…
Dad Bod...enough said
i just watched the funniest video on the reaction to the "Dad Bod" on YouTube. http://youtu.be/5n94h8qnbwU All I am going to do is leave that there, note that I agree and see what other people think. **WARNING: Strong Language**