Thighs Hips and Butt...LADIES lifting heavy

So I have all the above....and plenty of it. Not saying Im a big girl just saying Im well off in those areas. Honestly Im writing this post because I LOVE MY CURVES. I love having thick thighs, a big butt, and wide curvy hips. It goes well with my petite waist. So my concern is...though my body is well proportioned, after bouncing weight and recently losing 20 lbs I desperately need to set my curves in place, firm up, lift the low spots, and vainly add some cuts and definition:). I want to heavy lift and then transition to just using body weight lifting to maintain once I reach my mirror-comfort zone. My concern here is losing my POW WOW once I start tightening up. Yes I know my bodys shape will take its form regardless. If Im an hourglass/pear I will always be an hour glass/pear...just at different weights. But I want to keep my UMMPH if you know what I mean. I dont want to lose my extra BAM. So those of you who have these plump areas and lifted heavy to shape up could you shed some light on how it took away or added to your figure? Also...PLEASE give before and after pics if you can.


  • I would like to maintain my booty also, although I don't have the small waist like you do. Nowloss dot com also has some info on keeping that shape with hip thrusts, etc.
    How have you been losing the weight after you stopped herbalife? I'd love to get down some lbs and having a hard time even though I'm working out.
  • I think you've gotten some great advice from other MFP users. I thought I’d add one more experience. I’m also pear-shaped and didn't want to lose my booty. In January, I started with the Brazil Butt Lift (BBL) program from BeachBody (I’m a sucker for informercials…). I was realistic and knew that I would never have a booty like the model on the cover, but I stuck with it for the full 8 weeks starting in January. I also weighed and logged all of my food using a digital scale for accuracy.

    After reading all of the forums, and getting bored with the “strength” workout included in BBL, I started to include some heavy lifting. I read the forums, New Rules (NROLFW), Strong Curves, Strong lifts 5x5, Female Body Breakthrough… you get the idea. In the end, I decided to go with Jamie Eason’s Live Fit Trainer. It’s a 12 week program that’s provided for free through What sold me, over the other programs, was’s app – BodySpace. I could track all of my workouts with my phone, view progress, etc. They even include links to the exercises so you can watch form videos if you’re not sure how to do the move.

    I completed Phase 1 & Phase 2 (8weeks) but opted to move on to something else before finishing the whole program. Phase 3 still includes a lot of lifting, but also a lot of cardio. Now that I know what I like and what I want, I used the BodySpace app to create my own workouts that I can track. I've taken the Strong Lifts A & B days and added glute bridges, hip thrusts, box step ups, and lunges (from Strong Curves) plus some tricep and back work. It takes about 40-45 minutes to complete. I do those workouts 3 days a week followed by a 20 minute HIIT workout if I have time. On 3 other days, I do the High and Tight workout from BBL. It includes a lot of inner/outer thigh and booty work with resistance bands and ankle weights.

    I’m still a work in progress, but my booty is probably the best it’s ever looked. I've lost 24 pounds since January and have another 7 to go till I reach my ultimate goal. I gave myself a 6 month commitment, so hopefully I’ll be posting progress pics at the end of June.
  • RoundDoz wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Ummmm you look great. You must have no kids lol


    because people with kids don't look great?

    All this is unnecessary

    so is saying "you look great- you must not have kids"

    that's just rude.