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A place to discuss broader wellness themes like sleep, meditation, mindfulness and overall wellness.
For those using MyFitnessPal to maintain their current weight.
For those using MyFitnessPal with the purpose of gaining weight.
Share your success story and celebrate your victories big and small! Every small win counts.
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Hi, this is the original post. π
This is what a Blockquote looks like! Tapping "Enter/Return" twice will get you back to normal text.
Changed a setting... let's see what happens!
I like food
Text formatting/links Selecting text in the editor displays the following formatting options: bold, italic, strikethrough, inline code, and hyperlink. In addition, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts: ctrl+b or β+b for bold. ctrl+i or β+i for italic. ctrl+k or β+k to display the link menu, where you can enter aβ¦
Text Styling Selecting text in the editor displays the following formatting options: bold, italic, strikethrough, inline code , and hyperlink. In addition, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts: ctrl+b or β+b for bold. ctrl+i or β+i for italic. ctrl+k or β+k to display the link menu, where you can enter a URL andβ¦
Testing more things
Test to badgify discussion
My device has not synced with MFP in days. The struggle is real.