20 pounds by Easter challenge

Anyone want to join me. ? I been a member here on MFP for 6 years and Have not been able to lose any weight. But stumble on this ONe One One diet and been following it for going on 3 weeks Its working for me at long last. my goal is to lose 20 lbs. by Easter. I have lost 6.8 in the first 3 weeks
Currant weight 197
Beginning weight 203.8
Total lost 6.8

See 'ya


  • Hi everyone.

    Marie. Glad to hear it is only temporary weight gain. At least it's just your bladder. Me, I've just lost my mind.

    And for the second day in a row I am going to pass 10000 steps!!!!!! My legs are still trashed from yesterday but we had so much fun. But now it is up to me to walk the pups since my hubby just left town for 14 days. I'm surprised they don't have walking pushing a stroller as a cardio exercise on this app. Because I know darned good and well I burned more than 371 calories with 2 dogs on a leash and pushing a 20 pound stroller with a 32 pound girl in it. But that's ok. In my mind I know I worked harder.

  • @SeeAhtter787 - you definitively worked harder than that for sure! Good on you for getting 10k steps in 2 days in a row!!

    @CALIECAT - glad you had good news from the docs :-)

    @eyegirl777va and @lovesretirement - I hear you!!!! Scales are evil!

    I have worked my butt off recently and genuinely thought I was doing some good! I weighed myself today expecting to be delighted with the results and I had gained!! How is that even possible..feeling completely and utterly deflated right now!

  • Marie, I'm glad things went well at the doctor's, and they gave you a plan.

    Esther, those "secret" calories burned will add up. :) If I do an activity that some might consider exercise, but isn't my workout, I don't count the calories burned for it, I just relish knowing I've burned extra.

    So I'm really considering after this upcoming weekend, upping my calories by 200 each day. I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing my body a disservice with the 1,200 calories I give it. Since starting these calories at the end of January, my period has arrived a day later than normal each month. As in, normally on a 28-day cycle, and then after the first month of 1,200 calories it came on the 29th day, and then the next month on the 29th day, then last month on the 30th day, and now I've just completed the 31st day without it arriving yet for this month. If it shows up tomorrow it will be day 32, 4 days off from normal. The only time I've ever had it arrive this late is if I'm under a great deal of stress, which I haven't been lately. The only thing I can relate to the irregularity is the low calories and weight loss. I'm going to maintain my current calories until Saturday, when I know I'll be eating a lot at a wedding that night. I'll reassess how I'm feeling calories-wise the next day. I guess it's a wait-and-see, but it sounds like the healthy thing to do, I think?

  • Faye, hang in there!
  • Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Esther..you are doing it! Keep up the great effort!
    Ray.. if you are working out, you need to fuel your body.
    Faye..I am not seeing any progress either. It is discouraging, but quitting is not an option; we must keep on keeping on.
    Marie..I hope you are on the mend and we see more of you today..miss you!

    I am going to a body pump class this morning at the gym. Not sure if I will observe or participate. I've been wanting to try it, so I decided to pull up my big girl panties and check it out! ;)

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay Strong!
  • Ray, I think bumping your calories up now that you are nearing your goal is the right thing to do. Especially since you work out so often. Great job!

    Faye, I definitely feel the same as you lately!

    I am going to try keeping my carbs low (30-50) and move to the 5 days eating at TDEE and 2 days eating 500 calories. I think it will do my metabolism good to get a shock twice a week (M/TH), but not think I'm starving and slow my metabolism because I go right back to TDEE the next day. I think it should lead to a 1 lb loss per week. I'll keep you all posted.

    Have a great day today!!!

  • Morning Ladies,

    I hear ya about the scale being evil and not budging. Mine did budge this morning but have a long way yet to go
    for my goal. My goal is 160 with any luck this summer.

    Yesterday was a lot of running around it was my sister's birthday so lunch with her and we met Joe her new boyfriend.
    A nice visit and she liked her gift.

    After that a lot of running around and I did buy a new pair of runners. I have been getting New Balance with success but
    I went with Brooks this time and a larger size. Now to test them out with a walk. Today I will get on my bike, I still have it
    on the turbo trainer and hope to have it off that and on the road this week.

    Our boat will be in the water this week and then I can clean the inside and get it ready for the sailing season. It has been
    a slow start this year due to the weather. We have had a great week so far with weather with many people wearing
    shorts around here so I hope it continues.

    Well better get going to I can get on that bike. I am also planning on an evening Yoga class tonight.

    Have a splendid day!!!

    Ontario, Canada
  • good morning ladies,

    connie, I love body pump, use to take it twice a week for years!! really great class. it is choreographed weight lifting:)

    Rachel, definitely can throw off your cycle by eating too few calories or even just the large amount of weight loss. 1200 calories is really low for an extended period of time with the amount of activity you do. maybe think about adding a couple hundred calories

    ester, great job on the steps, way to go!!

    faye, hope you see some movement soon. maybe look at sodium levels, that will always get you.

    Shirley, love my brooks, would never buy anything else!!!

    have a great day!! off to spin!

  • Thanks for the encouragement! For vanity purposes I'll wait til Sunday or Monday to start my calorie increase, but I'm looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see how my body responds, and that also means I can start incorporating some peanut butter in! Haha.

    Enjoy your new shoes, Shirley! I got Mizuno shoes for the first time a few months ago, after a friend of mine raved about them. I like them, they seem to be holding up better through use than any others I've gotten before. I usually wears holes in the heels of my athletic shoes. I'll have to look into Brooks shoes too next time. I've seen commercials for the Brooks memory foam insoles shoes, they sound so comfy.

    Becky I'm really curious to see how your 5/2 plans works out. If it works maybe I'll experiment with it at some point.

    Connie I hope you enjoyed your class! It sounds like a good one.

  • tenpets wrote: »
    Ray, I think bumping your calories up now that you are nearing your goal is the right thing to do. Especially since you work out so often. Great job!

    Faye, I definitely feel the same as you lately!

    I am going to try keeping my carbs low (30-50) and move to the 5 days eating at TDEE and 2 days eating 500 calories. I think it will do my metabolism good to get a shock twice a week (M/TH), but not think I'm starving and slow my metabolism because I go right back to TDEE the next day. I think it should lead to a 1 lb loss per week. I'll keep you all posted.

    Have a great day today!!!

    What is TDEE I have been seeing it a lot ere lately?

  • Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). It's basically the total amount of calories your body burns while simply existing, or while existing + exercise. :) Here is a link to a TDEE calculator if you want to play around with it: http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html
  • Hi everyone,
    I was down .3 lb this morning- only bad thing is I am still not back to my lowest on the Easter Challenge.
    I am glad it is going in the right direction.
    Have a great day.
    Marie, Hope you are doing better today.
  • Happy Tuesday Misfits :) Maybe we should rename ourselves the non losing losers LOL......

    I'm right there with you on the frustration level. It's funny we are all looking to change things up this week to power through <3 I was just looking back to try to see where I am going wrong. It appears the weeks I have a loss my protein macro is in the 39-43% range, and the weeks it is around 35% I get the big zeros. Sooooo, I am going to try going back to my original macros to tackle these last 6 pounds.... Up the protein and slightly reduce the carbs again. On the up side at least I know my maintenance macros are going to work :)

    So glad your doctor gave you good news Marie <3

    Hope your new shoes are going to be great <3

    So proud of you with your steps and determination Esther! You are going to get those new knees before you know it <3

    Good luck this week with your changes everyone.... Maybe just shaking things up will be the golden ticket for us o:)

  • @Sandcastles61
    You are right about our new name!!!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Hello everyone!

    Well I'm back from my trip to Disney World. It was really nice to be with so many family members and friends at Disney. There was probably 20-25 people with the majority being kids. All in one big mini-mansion(8 bedroom house).

    I returned on Sunday to an upset stomach that lasted 2 days. I guess it's from eating junk food and not as many fruit and veggies that I generally get from my green smoothies.

    I felt much better today and got on the scale and surprising I was down 3 lbs from when I weighed in on Thursday!! I am SOOOO thrilled because that brought me to the 150's!! I now weigh 158.2! In December I weighed 186, I'm just amazed!

    But for the last 2 months I had been hovering between 161 and 164. I'm not sure what happened to make it move since I ate horribly. I wasn't expecting a loss even though I walked over 10,000 steps a day at the parks.

    So for the challenge I'm down a total of 2.8 lbs, my first loss!

    Getting closer to my goal of 145 lbs.

    I have a new goal to drink 3 L of water a day. Today's my first day and so far I've only gotten 2 L down. I hope to finish the last one before I fall asleep tonight.

    I hope everyone had a great night!
  • @Sandcastles61 I love our new name and at the moment it totally fits!!

    @cristina0000 congrats on getting to the 150s you are doing a marvelous job! Glad you had a great time at Disney with your family

    @lovesretirement how was the body pump class? I remember the first one I did - I could move or lift my arms for a week :-) jolly good fun though

    Keep at it everyone!

  • @cristina0000 Maybe decreased stress from normal daily life helped you with the loss? Having fun is good for you. :)
  • Hi gang. I doubt any of you are awake at this time of night. It has been a massively crazy day. I was home for 55 minutes in 14 hours. I decided to soak in my jacuzzi tub with Epsom salts......I fell asleep for 3 hours in there. Don't worry I can't slip in and drown........it's a 5 foot tub and I'm 5'9.......so now I'm off to the rack. I'm drained.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Wednesday!

    B) Nancy...moving in the right direction! That's all we can ask, huh? ;)
    B) Cristina...good job!
    B) Esther... You have been VERY busy these last few days! Be sure to get a rest day in there somewhere!
    B) Faye... I liked the class and was very proud of myself for going, participating, and lasting the entire time! I credit that to the personal training I've had since December. That has paid off because, without it, I would not have lasted. Granted, I used the lightest weights and sometimes no weights, but it was an intense class. I may go again Thursday! :s

    B) Marie...where are you???

    It's going to be another beautiful day and I'm headed to the gym for training and the pool. The >:) scale is not moving, but I will. At some point, the numbers have to catch up to my body, right?? :#

    Have a great day!
    Stay strong!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015

    Happy Birhday Becky I hope you have a lovely one
