No Energy :( - would vitamins help?

I'm not sure if this is the right board.....but I HAVE NO ENERGY! I have been exercising since April 15 (2 bootcamps per week, and walking/hiking twice per week), trying to eat better....but I still feel as if I am in my winter slump!

I am 46 years old, have a desk job, and am 20 - 30 lbs over my goal weight - any suggestions on vitamins that i should possibly be taking?


  • B vitamins help our energy but the answer is more likely to be in the foods you are eating rather than the foods your not. Could this be simple carb peaks and crashes maybe?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    You really shouldn't take vitamin supplements without first seeing your doctor and having blood work as to what you are actually deficient in. While water soluble vitamins you just pee out if you take too many, fat soluble vitamins can build up in your system. If you are taking too many that you don't actually need, you can cause serious health problems, including death if you reach a toxic level. See your doctor first.
  • Hello, some questions so we can help you.
    How many calories are you consuming? How much protein? And lastly, at what time of day do you have the most energy?
  • Hi there. My suggestion from personal experience is to check your iron levels. I had low iron and started taking supplement a couple of weeks ago and now i'm feeling much better.
  • Having no energy means that you should look at what you eat. Maybe your weekly goal is to aggressive. Calories is energy and if you have no energy you are not eating enough calories.
  • Yes my bf had low iron...added more spinach and red meat periodically and worked perfectly.
  • How many calories are you consuming?
    What are your stats?
    How much protein and fat are you aiming for in a day?

    I would avoid vitamins until you have your doctor draw lab work. If you are deficient in something, then I would suggest a vitamin.
  • MFP has me set at 1400 calories, and i eat those plus whatever i "earn" thru exercise.....I thought my protein was pretty good, morning, afternoon and dinner I am getting protein. I would say i have the most energy about an hour or so after i wake up ~ but then it's to work where i sit all day and by the time i get home i feel exhausted when i didn't do anything but type!! haha........I have to force myself to exercise
  • Have iron and ferritin levels checked, maybe thyroid, and vitamins B12 and D3. But don't take any supplements containing any of those vitamins at least 2 months before the test as they can mess up the results and give you normal values while you might still be deficient.
  • i have no insurance until August ~ so the doctor may be out till then (unless it was something serious of course!)....... My diary is open if anyone wants to take a peek
  • Are you drinking enough water?
    Can you get up from your desk every so often and stretch or walk around? Stand when you can?
  • water is a BIG problem for me, but I'm trying ~ up to 5 (8oz) cups a day ~ and yes, I can get up and stretch, just doing it is another problem (busy at desk, etc)
  • Thank you for your suggestions. My plan will be to keep chugging along, and as soon as my insurance kicks in I will be making an appt for blood work, physical, etc.......
    yirara wrote: »
    Have iron and ferritin levels checked, maybe thyroid, and vitamins B12 and D3. But don't take any supplements containing any of those vitamins at least 2 months before the test as they can mess up the results and give you normal values while you might still be deficient.

    Thank you for letting me know about not taking anything at least 2 months prior, never would have thought of it!

  • elphie754 wrote: »
    You really shouldn't take vitamin supplements without first seeing your doctor and having blood work as to what you are actually deficient in. While water soluble vitamins you just pee out if you take too many, fat soluble vitamins can build up in your system. If you are taking too many that you don't actually need, you can cause serious health problems, including death if you reach a toxic level. See your doctor first.

    ^ this
  • elphie754 wrote: »
    You really shouldn't take vitamin supplements without first seeing your doctor and having blood work as to what you are actually deficient in. While water soluble vitamins you just pee out if you take too many, fat soluble vitamins can build up in your system. If you are taking too many that you don't actually need, you can cause serious health problems, including death if you reach a toxic level. See your doctor first.

    ^ this

    Thank you, definately will see a doctor first ~
  • MFP has me set at 1400 calories, and i eat those plus whatever i "earn" thru exercise.....I thought my protein was pretty good, morning, afternoon and dinner I am getting protein. I would say i have the most energy about an hour or so after i wake up ~ but then it's to work where i sit all day and by the time i get home i feel exhausted when i didn't do anything but type!! haha........I have to force myself to exercise

    1,400 cals is good, but I'm wondering if you aren't eating enough. Do you mind if I ask you how tall you are and how much you weigh?
  • I am 5'8" and currently weigh 181 :( trying to get down to 150ish
  • Do you have any stress, depression, or anxiety? Is your work dragging you down? I ask because you have a desk job, but said you come home exhausted. I know for me, stress plays a big role in how much energy I have, regardless of how much I eat. Mental and psychological aspects shouldn't be overlooked.
  • Do you have any stress, depression, or anxiety? Is your work dragging you down? I ask because you have a desk job, but said you come home exhausted. I know for me, stress plays a big role in how much energy I have, regardless of how much I eat. Mental and psychological aspects shouldn't be overlooked.

    I actually have a pretty stress free life (within the last 4 months) ~ i owned a cafe for 3 years, and closed in December ~ this is where I gained these pesky 30 pounds!! ~ I enjoyed owning the cafe, but it was very stressful also, now I have come full circle and am back at the job that I left, lol....No regrets opening or closing the cafe ~

    My kids are healthy, I have a great husband, make fairly good money ~ I am a pretty laid back person and don't let much bother me. For the most part, life if good :)

    Last night I couldn't keep my eyes open past 8:30! I did take a big walk with hills involved, but come on!! Maybe I don't sleep as well as I think?

    Will definatley be seeing a doctor in August when my insurance kicks in.

  • I looked at your diary and you're getting virtually no veggies!
    Try adding a good portion every day!
    I eat lots and have endless energy! And (knock on wood), I very rarely get sick.
    There are so many nutrients in the veggies!
    Use a little fat with them like butter or extra virgin olive oil to better absorb the vitamins!