Love yourself

I would normally never post something so personal about myself, but I'm at a point in my life where I could really care less about what people think of me. The more open I am, the better you'll understand me.

For the past 20 years or so, I have struggled with my weight. I have tried every diet out there, even starving myself, exercising excessively, you name it - I've tried it. When it all came down to it, it wasn't my weight or my looks that I've struggled with all my life, it's me. It is something I've held deep inside for as long as I can remember and this past year I gave up. It has been a really rough year for me. I had some personal issues I would prefer not to talk about, my sister was diagnosed with a very serious case of Leukemia, I've lost friends and boyfriends, I've had great days and I've had terrible days. I quit smoking, in fact, I quit doing alot of unhealthy habits to better myself and in the process I gained weight. With all the stress of life and growing up, I have found myself lost and not in a good place, but I know that I changed for the better. With that said, it broke my heart to hear my own family making comments about my weight, questioning if I'm pregnant? It's not fair because I know I need to lose weight, if only to be a more active mother and partner to my boyfriend. So i recently started eating healthier and excercising, and to hear all of this, it's really discouraging... I'm not here to keep the rest of the world happy with my looks, we could only hope to be accepted regardless.

I know I'm not alone in this struggle. We're all different, flawed and beautiful - all at the same time. It has taken me 30 years to be ok with who I am. I am beyond clumpsy, I'm a terrible driver, I could be silly, smart and dumb, loving, caring, naive and reckless. I'll never a super thin woman. I'll always have curves and I'm ok with that. I have a man that loves me unconditionally. My daughter has a healthy/loving mother and that's enough for me. I encourage everyone of you to be happy in your own skin. *kitten* trying to be something you'll never be. Most of all, love yourself. ❤


  • I think I could be your are beautiful for sharing what you have. Hispanic families can be cruel about weight...even if said in jest. To me, it sounds like you've turned a corner and are bettering your life. Achieving a good balance is hard, but not impossible. I think you're well on your way to that balance of happiness.
  • Hugs. I definitely agree that we all need to accept/love ourselves more. Best of luck to you!
  • I'm sorry for your pain and your losses, but it sounds like you've learned a lot and have grown. That's why these things happen to us: they make us who we are.

    Do not let the comments of others (even if they are family) influence your emotions and self-worth. People will always make thoughtless, inaccurate comments. Dismiss the comments, not the people.

    Health, healing, and beauty come from the inside. Loving yourself is the first step. Fixing what you want about yourself is the next. Your outer shell / body will follow suit. I know. I've exercised and tried to eat healthy since high school but I was not in the shape I wanted to be at all. That's because I was unhappy with myself and my life. It took years of work, but once I changed who I was and got to a healthy place in life, my outer appearance changed as well.

    My personal motto is: You cannot become the person you want to be on the outside until you become the person you SHOULD be on the inside.
  • wow! You are an inspiration. Your attitude towards what other believe and how you feel, bring me hope. I'm struggling right now to get your mentality. In a society where social media, pictures and models are everywhere, I often struggle with finding my place and being happy with who I am. I appreciate you posting this. Thank you!