Can't stop snacking!!!!!

I'm finding it really hard not to snack!!!!! I just can't seem to stop myself! I log all of the snacks I have but I still bloody eat them...... Any advice on how to distract myself would be appreciated!

I know my snacking is stopping me from losing any weight but seem to have lost my will power somewhere......


  • Sounds like you're eating out of boredom. Drink a large class of ice cold water when you're having a craving and also chew more gum.
  • Do you have a consistent work schedule (or are you a student, or at home)? Focusing on some routine helps me a lot. Do you eat regular meals? I've made it a practice over the years to consistently eat a similar breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack, at the same times each day. This helps tremendously. I don't snack in the morning. I eat lunch at work around noon and at 2pm I have a cup of coffee, which I really look forward to. Then I eat my brought-in-from-home snack at 3pm everyday. I no longer buy snacks from a vending machine. I only eat what I bring from home. After dinner is when I really want to snack, but I pre-log a dessert and try to stick to that amount amount and close up the kitchen for the night. These habits really have helped me over the last couple of years.
  • Snacking is fine. Eating over your calories isn't. The water tip is a good one. I replaced 2 snacks with glasses of milk and that controlled my hunger better. You may just be the sort of person who likes to eat every 3hours. Just don't also try to eat 3 large meals. Keep the calories down and eat protein and healthy fat/fiber to keep you full.
  • My schedule is always the same on weekdays (I'm a teacher). What I tend to do is eat quite a small lunch so I feel like I have more calories in the evening. However what I always end up doing is just constantly grazing for the whole evening until I go to bed......even though I feel physically full. I have about 10lbs to lose in an ideal world and I was that ideal weight this time last year. Just feeling a bit rubbish about it as I used to be really on top of it and now I'm just not.
  • I was having that issue myself. My day starts at 4:30am. Typically I would get my workout done by 7:00am. I noticed that I didn't have much of an appetite in the morning, but it certainly would bite me in the butt by mid afternoon. I'm trying something new. I'm doing my workouts in the afternoon now (between 1:00 & 3:00). That's the time the snacking monster would attack. I'm finding that the afternoon workouts are distracting my snacking tendencies AND is actually curbing my appetite. I don't know if that's something you could try, but just thought I'd let you know what seems to be working for me. Best of wishes at reaching your goals.
  • It depends on what you're snacking on. Is it high calorie, low density junk food? Snack on low calorie foods (carrots, celery), or foods that make you work for them (sunflower seeds in the shell).
  • Find something to do with your hands. For me, snacking has almost always been an unconscious habit, one I'm still trying to break. I try to keep my hands busy and not keep food near my computer where I spent a lot of time in the evening. That way, I have to stop what I'm doing and get up to snack, and I've found I'm not as likely to do that unless I'm actually hungry. Being lazy does help out if you use it right. XD
  • sarahgale wrote: »
    I'm finding it really hard not to snack!!!!! I just can't seem to stop myself! I log all of the snacks I have but I still bloody eat them...... Any advice on how to distract myself would be appreciated!

    I know my snacking is stopping me from losing any weight but seem to have lost my will power somewhere......

    Snack. But portion out your snacks. I eat something about every 1.5hours but I limit the amount to about 150 calories. It helps me squash hunger pangs but still keep me in control of my calories.
  • Snacking is fine. Just don't go over your calorie allowance. I snack quite a bit, but don't go over my limits.