From Fat to Fab

edited March 2015 in Success Stories
I'm not exactly where I want to be with my body yet, having struggled with my weight my whole life I don't think I can ever achieve that peace of mind but I'm proud of my progress and so proud of the many others posting their transformations. It inspired me to post my own.
I started actually noticing I was "Fat" at 16. I was always chubby so i guess growing up big I kinda was blind to the fact that I was very unhealthy. My journey all started off by accident actually. I was very sick with the flu one night and I woke up in the middle of the night and went trough my bedside table to grab my Advil, instead of popping 2 advils, I accidentally took 2 laxatives.....(let that be a lesson to all, don't rummage for meds in the dark). I hadn't figured it out until the next morning, ugh it was not a pretty sight. Nevertheless, after flushing out literary everything I had in my body out my stomach looked quite a bit flatter, slightly motivated by this I portioned controlled my meals for that day. Waking up the next morning to see an even better result I just kept going at it and haven't stopped yet.
at 16 I was 190lbs

after a few months and a few road blocks in my path I got to 150lbs

and here I am 2 months back at 133lbs

Today, I'm 19 years old weighing a healthy 130lbs standing 5'8 tall, I hope this offers you all some motivation just like all the other success stories inspired me.

p.s i don't encourage weight loss through laxatives, it was just a happy accident that happened to me a few years back lol
