Help! I have put on weight on diet chef

hi there ,
I have been doing diet chef for 2 weeks now. The first week was great and I lost 6 pounds, this week I gained 2!!
Feeling so demotivated and like a blubber whale :(
Anyone got any ideas why???? As all reviews I have seen rave about their losses


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    You just lost 6 pounds, put 2 back on. That sits you at about 4lb of loss.

    It's probably just water weight... no need to be bummed out about gaining 2lb's. B)

  • I'd never heard of Diet Chef so I googled it. Sounds pretty good actually. How do they determine what meals they send you? I hope they determine what your calories should be for your particular needs, and prepare your foods accordingly. If that's the case, three things come to mind:
    1. you are eating or snacking outside of the provided foods (or drinking your calories and not accounting for it)
    2. your caloric requirement needs an adjustment (not abnormal)
    3. the provided meals have not been measured correctly

    Also keep in mind that weight loss is not linear.
  • Weight loss isn't linear. I've lost 84 pounds, and my weight is up & down all of the time, but the overall trend is down. As you can see, about half of the days I actually show a gain. It has been like this for the entire last year that I have been logging. Weight loss isn't linear.

  • Much of that first 6 pounds you lost would have been water. It is not possible that you ate 21000 (3500 calories * 6 pounds) less calories than you burned that week. You then gained 2 pounds of water back this week. As Isaack said, you've lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks and that is great. You'll see a lot of fluctuations like this as you progress with your weight loss. Try not to let them get to you, they are normal. As long as the overall trend is downward you're doing fine.
  • Unless you went radically off-piste, you haven't gained a kilo in a week. It could be down to something as simple as the time of day you weighed yourself, so don't fret about it. You're looking for a downward trend over time.
  • Thanks guys that really helps me wrap my head around it!!
    You choose from a list of meals what you want and that day adds up to between 1000 and 1200 cals. You add 5 portions of fruit and veg, dairy and carbs up to your daily rate.
    They base it on your bmi and level of activity. This gets adjusted as you lose (when I lose!!)
    Guess I will keep going and hopefully will see results next week.
    Thank you
  • Congrats Amcock on that huge loss!! Hope I am as successful as you!
  • So how much are you eating in total then? Looking at my own diary, 5 apples could easily be 350kcal, 170 grams of fullfat yoghurt about 100. Mind sharing your weight, age and goal for additional help?
  • So you lost four pounds in two weeks. Nice!
  • I'm 36 years old, 5 foot 1 and weigh 11 stone 6. I want to lose 36 pounds to get to under 9 stone.
    Diet chef lets me eat 1450 cals a day as I do a bit of exercise.

    Thank you for any further help I really appreciate it!
    I'm now not looking at the gain, just the total lost
  • tanyaf2417 wrote: »
    I'm 36 years old, 5 foot 1 and weigh 11 stone 6. I want to lose 36 pounds to get to under 9 stone.
    Diet chef lets me eat 1450 cals a day as I do a bit of exercise.

    Thank you for any further help I really appreciate it!
    I'm now not looking at the gain, just the total lost

    Great mentality! Keep it up and I am sure the weight will keep coming off :)
  • Sounds like a good goal, and some great mentality! Just make sure you weigh all the food you eat additionally on a food scale. With so little to lose it will be down to accurate logging.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    My DC food averages around 800ish calories per day, and it's working for me.... You do have to top it up with veggies etc.

    However, I must say, keep an eye on the Salt (Sodium) levels - you may be surprised, as high salt/sodium will make you hold on to water.... Diet Chef is OK, but nothing beats a fresh cooked-at-home from scratch meal. Some of the Weight Watcher's frozen ready meals from Iceland are lower in calories, but are even higher in salt than the DC meals, so it's all about making sensible choices :)

    As others have said, you're not going to lose exactly 2lbs *every* week. Seriously, don't be hard on yourself.

    All I can suggest is the ordinary response - make sure you know what you eating, and are logging everything without guessing.

    Personally, I also always check the packaging against the database - but because of my sedentary living, every calorie matters to me - yes, I would say I'm obsessed in a bit of a bad way.

    <<EDIT>> I just realised, you say you lost 6lbs the 1st week? 6lbs = 2.7kg. If you lost that in the 1st week, that's not good! That is too much, too quickly. You really shouldn't be losing any more than 1kg/week.

    So please, make sure you're actually eating enough, and don't be unrealistic about your weight loss goals. You don't put on weight overnight, don't expect it to go overnight either :)
  • Look into Dr Fuhrmann Nutrition diet.
  • <<EDIT>> I just realised, you say you lost 6lbs the 1st week? 6lbs = 2.7kg. If you lost that in the 1st week, that's not good! That is too much, too quickly. You really shouldn't be losing any more than 1kg/week.

    So please, make sure you're actually eating enough, and don't be unrealistic about your weight loss goals. You don't put on weight overnight, don't expect it to go overnight either :)

    It's utterly impossible that she ate 21000 calories less than she burned that week. :smile: Much of what she would have lost the first week was water so there's really not much to worry about. A big water loss the first week is completely common, especially if the person's diet changed pretty drastically. Now, if she were losing that much consistently then she should revise her plan.