Hello Pregnancy

So. I haven't been on here in forever mostly because I got pregnant. I was doing AWESOME prior to pregnancy, toning, gym 5 days a week, eating clean--then again that's always been my main focus--being healthy.

I'm now 6 months pregnant and aside from seriously slacking for two months (school and moving and life ugh) I can finally get back to focusing on being healthy with baby. I went to my 6 month appointment today and was told I gained 30 POUNDS since I first started going there. I have a 5lb window to stay in the recommended weight gain so my OBG told me to start watching what I'm eating and get a little more active.

I walk to work daily (about a mile each way)
I stand at work rather than sit at my desk
I do basic squats and leg lifts

I have started logging my meals and am trying to limit any and all carbs, same with sweets (I can't help my little guy likes water ice of all things though)

Anyone out there with awesome suggestions? She said I still have enough time to reverse the weight gain and stay within the healthy limit.

Thanks in advance to everyone :smile:


  • Realistically, 5lbs in the last trimester is only doable if you lose body fat, because baby and blood volume alone will be over this. So basically your dr is telling you to eat at a deficit. I would suggest you ask for a meal plan or perhaps a reference to a dietician. Staying on your legs if you have the choice not to, is not a good plan at this point, it will only cause swelling not help with weight loss. I have no idea about squats and lef lifts, but my gut instinct would be to say that they will not help with burning more calories and are not the first exercises that would come to my mind when very pregnant. Personally, with no medical restrictions, I would focus on walking and if possible swimming. Also maybe yoga? But none of these activities will help if you do not watch what you eat and control cravings.
  • Did you doctor ask you to limit carbs? How many carbs do you think you're eating a day? As a mom that gained 60 pounds in both my pregnancies; neither of my doctors told me to limit carbs or sweets. Neither were worried at all about my weight gain.
  • Definitely ask your doctor some pointed questions about what you should and should not do -- how much exercise is too much, how many calories should you actually be eating? And also ask her, what happens if you do exceed the recommended weight gain? At this point, how important is it to stay within that window?
  • My doctor was the one who suggested the limiting of carbs and sweets. She didn't seem too concerned with it, but I had brought up that I gained the 30lbs and she suggested such things to me. I didn't think I was eating too many carbs, but then again I haven't really been paying attention. I've been so effing busy for the last two months. thanks by the way guys.
  • by the way @Asher_Ethan you look awesome! Maybe I shouldn't worry too too much about this 30 pounds.