help help help!!!!!
Need help losing weight. I gained 23 pounds in two months..I'm very disappointed in myself and wud love for you to help me keep my head in the game!! FEEL FREE TO ADD ME!
Healthy/fun/alternate meal options
How about fried spider .....
how do you know what shape your body is?
cause I have no Idea what shape my body is.
100 pounds to drop
Hi guys. I'm a 37 year old mother of four who has 100 pounds to drop. I had gained some weight when I hit my 30s, but I decided to have one more baby (my other kids were teenagers) three years ago. Well, this time the weight didn't fall off and I've gained some on top of that. Normally I stayed around 160lbs, when I hit my…
eating out......fast food restaurant
I'm going to Burger King?......I'm getting my usual (spicy chicken sandwich w/lettuce mayo tomatoes) or (10-piece chicken nuggets w/sweet & sour sauce)
sweat potato
Any recipe ideas
I gained so much weight and can't get my head back in the game. I need help. I need to be healthy:( help me please! FEEL FREE TO ADD ME!
New MFP Site
Has anyone joined the new MFP site that charges 9.99 month or 49.99 per year ? Is it any good or better than orginial site ?
I'm new here
hi everyone, looking for friends to help keep me motivated. Also looking for tips on how to jumpstart weight loss as I have been running for a month now and have gained 3 pounds instead of losing. Feel free to add me as a friend, I can use the support.
That moment after you had an epic leg session at the gym and did like 7 sets of squats , then you go home and see stairs....I just wanted to fall down the steps lol
Hey there!
How's it going! I'm James and I just picked this app up because a friend recommended it to me so I thought I'd give it a shot. I recently moved up here to payson arizona and have been enjoying the outdoors, hiking every other day! I've already lost 20 pounds but I don't want to stop there, my goal is to lose another twenty…
What are some exercises for bad weather days?
I usually take my son for walks in the morning (I get exercise and he gets to be outside). My goal starting monday was to walk 30 minutes every day. Tuesday was cold and rainy and we didn't make it out and today is cold and rainy as well. I don't want to skip another day but I don't want to expose my son to the weather for…
10-15 lb to lose
I am new with MFP. Started logging about a month ago. Started with a low carb diet(20% and 1200 cal diet). I am 43 and 5'4" and started this program when I hit 143lb which is the highest I have weighed in 14 years(after my son was born). I am looking to connect with folks who have 10-15 lb to lose and those who have lost…
Increasing Sprinting speed
Hi, I'm 41 years old and I have three sons 16, 18, 20 years of age. We play together in a semi competitive ultimate frisbee group. I do pretty well but I have lost a step or two. Any tips on how to increase my sprinting speed for 20-75 yard breaks? I'm not in bad cardio shape.
Bariatric Surgery - new oulook, new life!
Hello Everyone, I'm Bonnie and I'm new to My Fitness Pal. Like many others, my struggles with weight began in college and continued on throughout my lifetime. Three times I gained and lost 75 pounds or more, and three times the weight crept right back on ... slowly at first ... but within a matter of years despite my many…
Views on corn?
I've heard mixed reviews about corn. I have no idea what to believe. I follow a 1200 calorie diet but I had a major craving today and ate two cans of corn (yes I was THAT hungry lol). I am still under my daily calories but should I avoid splurging on that in the future? I assumed eating corn was a healthier substitute than…
its hard!!!
First day of cutting back and all i want to do is grab some cookies!!! Its hard but day one is almost complete. I can honestly say this app helped me alot to stay focus!! B)
Barb from Kansas
Hi all, I have been fighting with my weight off and on for over 40 years. I would like to get below 200. I keep gaining and losing same 10 pounds. After losing 60 I regained 20. I need help. I have generally attended weight watchers but meetings are now limited in my area. Recently I tried Jenny Craig for 6 weeks before a…
Strength training scheduling app?
I know what routine I want to do, but I don't want to "hard" schedule it on certain days of the week. I'm looking for an Android app that lets me say "Day 1 I want to do this, this, and this", then "Day 2 do these", etc. JeFit lets me set up my routine, but I have no way of knowing what I'm supposed to be doing today. Pen…
Is this a lost battle?
After all the effort I got stuck after 18 days. I have been losing and getting the same pounds up and down, and despite the effort put in login food and attending exercise classes daily ..... i got stuck. The scale is not moving. It is really bad to be the biggest fattest person in the exercise class, and find the middle…
I just got my Fitbit last night.
Hello, I could use some friends to help motivate me and would like to be motivated in return.
Gaining weight
Right about now I weigh about 164 pounds and I'm 6' I'm starting to eat about 3200-4000 calories in a day. and I work out every day, whether it be lifting or running. Is this good?
Heart Rate Training
Curious to know...does anyone do heart rate training when working out?
Canned green beans
This is probably a silly question. Calorie counting canned green beans. The can says there are about 3.5 servings in a can, 120g and 20 cal per serving. That should make about 400 g per can. I drain and rinse the beans. No liquid. And when I measure the beans I only get around 240 g per can every time I use them. I can't…
MFP's Acquisition
I just heard that MFP has been acquired by another company that is merging two companies together. I have been here three years and like the way it is and do not want anything to change. But money talks, especially $475 million. So, what is in store for MFP? What changes will impact us? When will this happen? How many…