Bariatric Surgery - new oulook, new life!

Hello Everyone,
I'm Bonnie and I'm new to My Fitness Pal. Like many others, my struggles with weight began in college and continued on throughout my lifetime. Three times I gained and lost 75 pounds or more, and three times the weight crept right back on ... slowly at first ... but within a matter of years despite my many attempts to incorporate diet & exercise into my life, I was always back to where I started from. I've tried so many weight loss programs with short-term success; from Weight Watchers, Atkins, and the 6-Week Body Makeover to the diet centers, nutrition counselors, YMCA and more. I became an expert at what DIDN'T work for me ... all those products and programs that were at best a temporary fix. I was the poster child for the "Yo-Yo" effect. Up and down, and up and down. The older I got, the harder it was. And before I knew it, the health problems began ... thyroid, knees, and heart. Life became a vicious cycle of surgeries and rehab and despite 6 surgeries in an 8 year span, I still thought I could conquer the weight loss - one more time. Wow! Was I wrong. I learned that at some point you come to a crossroads in life between your health problems and your bad genetics - and now matter how hard you try, you just can't outrun both.

And so I finally opted for Bariatric Surgery and on 4/19/15 I had a Sleeve Gastrectomy. What a blessing. I had an amazing surgeon and incredible results! I cannot believe how much better I feel already. The hardest part was making the decision and accepting the help that I needed. And now I have a whole new outlook and a whole new life to look forward to. Between the 2 week pre-op diet and 2 week post-op diet I've lost 24 pounds and I'm feeling fantastic. And for the first time in a very long time, I am looking forward to the journey ahead. So if you've had success with weight loss surgery, I'm looking forward to hearing your story and meeting other "Bariatric Buddies" to share my journey to good health with. Wishing you all success in your endeavors and looking forward to meeting your here on My Fitness Pal.

Bonnie B.


  • Hey Bonnie,

    I completely understand the reality bite. I too made the decision to have weight loss surgery.
    My operation date is set for 10 jun.
    I'm tentative about it, but excited too.
    Looking forward to my life ahead and meeting new friends.
    Talk soon
    Cat nz
  • Hi! My name is Jen! Nice to meet y'all! I was sleeved 3-31-15. Best decision I have ever made! I'm feeling the best I have felt in ages! And yes I am looking forward to the journey. Hope to chat with you soon!