
That moment after you had an epic leg session at the gym and did like 7 sets of squats , then you go home and see stairs....I just wanted to fall down the steps lol


  • Going up: Sit on the third step, use your triceps to lift your butt to the fourth step, etc. until you’re at the top. Going down: Walk backwards, holding the hand rail tight.

    So, yes, been there, done that.
  • Lol yea gotta love the pain
  • Stairs after leg day=hell
  • It's not just stairs. I need one of those handles on the wall in my toilet. I find it near impossible to gracefully lower myself on to the loo. Getting up is only slightly easier :tongue:
  • It's not just stairs. I need one of those handles on the wall in my toilet. I find it near impossible to gracefully lower myself on to the loo. Getting up is only slightly easier :tongue:

    I’m usually alone during that moment in my life, so being graceful isn’t necessary. B)
  • It's not just stairs. I need one of those handles on the wall in my toilet. I find it near impossible to gracefully lower myself on to the loo. Getting up is only slightly easier :tongue:

    LOL. That is always the moment I feel I've done too much aka first week back at yoga class after vacation.
  • Lol. My gym has 6 steps from the entrance to street level. That first step after leg day is scary... :expressionless:
  • Hahaha yep gotta hit those legs don't want to have chicken leggs
  • Leaving the gym the other day, I made it to the steps leading to the street and just had to sit down before I could even get down them.
  • Every day is no more then two days after leg day. You get used to it.