Why do we do it to ourselves?

This is more a rhetorical thought really.. Tonight I had a night off and got take out pizza. I now feel tired, sluggish, bloated and (sorry) have more wind than a UK winter and 1,491 over my calorie count. All this from making a negative food choice that was detrimental to my health. When making the choice to make healthier positive food choices makes me feel good both mentally and physically. So with this choice, it's not difficult to make a choice to eat better.


  • Tomorrow is another day.
  • I look at it as a reminder as to why I eat the way I do the majority of the time.
  • Because pizza is nice. Moderation is just as important as food choice. Cant be bothered to demonise food.
  • I know how you feel, remember how you are feeling and consider how often you see pizza being an occurrence in your life in the long term and plan around it more next time. You might not want it for months after this experience. Don't feel bad, you have to stand back up and plod on. You'll be back to feeling great in no time at all!
  • Moderation is also pretty important...I eat pizza every couple of weeks...it's a nice family tradition. I have a couple of slices from a small pie...moderation.
  • Thanks guys :)
  • 999tigger wrote: »
    Because pizza is nice. Moderation is just as important as food choice. Cant be bothered to demonise food.

    Oh I just love when common sense posts are flagged!
  • 999tigger wrote: »
    Because pizza is nice. Moderation is just as important as food choice. Cant be bothered to demonise food.

    why the hell is this flagged?

    it's on point. Pizza IS delicious.
    Moderation is just as important as your choice for food- that means balancing what you need with what you like- and it's a daily balance- it's never just ONE or the OTHER.
    And yeah- no- demonizing foods... never good for anyone.
  • you don't have to deprive yourself, A little of what you fancy is always good, and the willpower to stop when you need to. Im trying to practice this at the moment, not always as easy as they say.Start again tomorrow and dont worry about it to much,
  • This is more a rhetorical thought really.. Tonight I had a night off and got take out pizza. I now feel tired, sluggish, bloated and (sorry) have more wind than a UK winter and 1,491 over my calorie count. All this from making a negative food choice that was detrimental to my health. When making the choice to make healthier positive food choices makes me feel good both mentally and physically. So with this choice, it's not difficult to make a choice to eat better.

    I sometimes have pizza. I choose the portion size that fits my calories for the day and that is usually 1-2 slices. I might pair it with a salad. I get or make a smaller pizza then I used to. I feel okay after eating it.
    If I went 1,491 calories over my goal eating broccoli I'd probably feel kind of yucky and bloated even though it is a vegetable and thus healthy. I bet you feel better eating "healthy" food because you stick to your calorie goal easier. There is nothing negative with choosing that but there would also be nothing negative with simply choosing to have a slice of pizza and sticking to your goal either.
  • I split a small pizza with a friend works out great!!
  • I split a small pizza with a friend works out great!!

    You split a small pizza?

    by your friend you mean yourself?

  • I try to have one or two slices and a HUGE salad. Paring it up might make for feeling less salt-bloated, get your veggies in & maybe enjoy your slices a bit more, during & after without as much regret.
  • I try to have one or two slices and a HUGE salad. Paring it up might make for feeling less salt-bloated, get your veggies in & maybe enjoy your slices a bit more, during & after without as much regret.

    This is great advice. Also, I sometimes combine the pizza and the salad making a sort of salad pizza! I don't know why but I just love pizza.
  • If it makes you feel sick... then bleah, not worth it imho. I keep sort of a mental list of things that make me feel sick every time I try to eat them, and just avoid those things any more. 16 hours of wanting to die is not a reasonable price to pay for tasting pizza, at least not to me!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I split a small pizza with a friend works out great!!

    You split a small pizza?

    by your friend you mean yourself?


    I eat pizza on Friday. In beast mode. With lots of beer and/or low cal mixed drinks. Husband and I made six semi-homemade personal pizzas last Friday. One for our kid, one for her friend, and three for us, plus one failed one that became a calzone. Also 24oz beer, gin and Sparkling Ice, chips and gelato. At the end of the night, we had one whole pizza left over from the parts that were left and 1/3 a calzone.

    I then was up at 5am the next morning, rowing 10km and lifting. Then drove to the store for some of the most disappointing bakery donuts I have ever ate. I had many sadz and ended up eating leftover pizza instead, though my kid and her friend destroyed them.

    The scale is telling me I am not gaining weight. Still burning more than I am eating. Because during the workweek, I rarely cross 1500 cals. I am probably burning around 2000-2200 a day. I can't make up the deficit with the Friday binges. CICO. This is why only the long term pattern of behavior matters. One binge isn't going to change anything ultimately if you are in a normal holding pattern of having regular daily caloric deficits.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I split a small pizza with a friend works out great!!

    You split a small pizza?

    by your friend you mean yourself?


    Ya whats wrong with splitting a small pizza with a friend and having a great conversation? I'm guessing and hoping your just having fun with my post Because the as Tony Montana said " Say Hello to my Little friend" JOKE!!

  • Pizza is good! Balance it out with on track days for the rest of the week. I like to look at the 7 day average in the app to reference how I'm doing, vs. a day to day approach.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I dunno. Sometimes I actually feel really good after a nice slice of pizza or two. I get some fat in there, and I'm usually a bit low on that.