999tigger wrote: » Because pizza is nice. Moderation is just as important as food choice. Cant be bothered to demonise food.
Auntiezozo81 wrote: » This is more a rhetorical thought really.. Tonight I had a night off and got take out pizza. I now feel tired, sluggish, bloated and (sorry) have more wind than a UK winter and 1,491 over my calorie count. All this from making a negative food choice that was detrimental to my health. When making the choice to make healthier positive food choices makes me feel good both mentally and physically. So with this choice, it's not difficult to make a choice to eat better.
Michael190lbs wrote: » I split a small pizza with a friend works out great!!
Cindy4FunFit wrote: » I try to have one or two slices and a HUGE salad. Paring it up might make for feeling less salt-bloated, get your veggies in & maybe enjoy your slices a bit more, during & after without as much regret.
JoRocka wrote: » Michael190lbs wrote: » I split a small pizza with a friend works out great!! You split a small pizza? by your friend you mean yourself? #1mediumpizzaisoneserving