What are some exercises for bad weather days?

I usually take my son for walks in the morning (I get exercise and he gets to be outside). My goal starting monday was to walk 30 minutes every day. Tuesday was cold and rainy and we didn't make it out and today is cold and rainy as well. I don't want to skip another day but I don't want to expose my son to the weather for too long. What should I do?


  • Lift.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    coryrood wrote: »
    Everyday is a good day for deadlifts.

    edit: but don't do them everyday! you'll mess your $%#& up!
  • yusaku02 wrote: »
    coryrood wrote: »
    Everyday is a good day for deadlifts.

    edit: but don't do them everyday! you'll mess your $%#& up!

    I don't have any equipment and can't afford a gym membership. I do exercises that incorporate cardio and strength but if it involves any equipment other than basic household items, it's out of the question.
  • Would your son sit happily in a crib or playpen while you did a YouTube fitness video? fitnessblender.com has a TON of options (all free). The cardio kickboxing ones are my personal favorite and don't usually require equipment. (A lot of their workouts have a strength bit attached to the end that does use weights; I skip these at home.)

    There are also some Leslie Sansone videos posted to YT that are very popular and should fit in quite nicely with what you've been doing outside. :)

    If a video requires handweights, you can always use canned food, a basketball, or really anything of an appropriate weight and size you have lying around.
  • Would your son sit happily in a crib or playpen while you did a YouTube fitness video? fitnessblender.com has a TON of options (all free). The cardio kickboxing ones are my personal favorite and don't usually require equipment. (A lot of their workouts have a strength bit attached to the end that does use weights; I skip these at home.)

    There are also some Leslie Sansone videos posted to YT that are very popular and should fit in quite nicely with what you've been doing outside. :)

    If a video requires handweights, you can always use canned food, a basketball, or really anything of an appropriate weight and size you have lying around.

    Thank you!
  • I roller skate at an indoor rink twice a week for two hours. Lots of fun, not expensive, and because of my size and the seriousness that I skate, I end up burning 1000 calories.

    Depending on the age of your son, it is something he can do with you. (double bonus!)
  • Workout videos are great. In addition to fitnessblender, which is awesome, I'd also recommend some of the yoga videos on YouTube. I like yoga by adriene and Ekhart yoga in particular. Lots of free classes on YouTube.
  • When our kids were young we had two pieces of invaluable equipment. One was a bike trailer that could be closed off to the elements, and could also be converted to be a double wide stroller. The other was a higher end running stroller but for a single child. With these we could run or cycle, rain or shine. Only ice keeps me off the streets and we rarely have that.

    I ran with my kids thousands of kilometers with both pieces of equipment. The trailer wasn't as nice to run with but when rainy, or when both kids were going with me, I happily embraced it. The kids too. They were dry, warm, and often we'd run somewhere fun like the market and playground 12km away for a treat for us all.

    Living in Vancouver / the Pacific Northwest we must embrace rain or become hermits.

    There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear.
  • my favorite workouts when I don't feel like going to the gym are at home cardio circuits using just bodyweight... try 8-12 different exercises, as many rounds as possible for 45 minutes (30 even if you're short on time!) trust me, if you are going hard you can get an effective workout & will be dripping in sweat within the first 15 minutes! example: 20 jumping jacks, 50 high knees, 10 burpees, 50 mountain climbers, 20 switch lunges, 10 jump squats, 20 skip jumps each side, 20 butt kicks each leg.
  • A favourite workout of mine is an EMOM (every minute on the minute). So I typically pick 1 or 2 exercises that I know if I work hard I can complete in 20-25 seconds. Well you do this every minute on the minute until you can't complete the round. So for example, I did 10 burpees EMOM yesterday. Round 1: 10 burpees in 23 seconds, I got to rest for 37 seconds then round 2 started. I was able to get to round 15 before I couldn't do 10 burpees in the minute. I was bagged, my intensity was high and it only lasted 15 minutes. Perfect during my son's nap. Another one could be 5 squats and 5 pushups EMOM. Be creative.
  • I do a full body workout card game while watching netflix. I pick an exercise and flip the first card over. So if it's a 9 I'll do 9 push ups, flip the next card over and it's a jack, I'll do 11 squats, etc. It helps me when theirs bad weather and you don't need any equipment.
  • Try Sworkit. Its an awesome app that links with Mfp.
  • Ok you don't need weights to start lifting. Fill bottles of water with sand and you have light weights. You can also use canned food. Your son is also a great weight. I used to bench press my daughter, she loved it we played and I got a workout.

    Other things that you can do in the house:

    Push ups
    walk in place
    If you son walks or crawls chase him around the house
    Peek - a - boo can be very active, jumping from behind a door
    Jumping Jacks

    There are lots of things you can do in the house and have fun with the kid too :) Just get creative.

    Oh and my favorite, put the music on and dance.
  • I do a full body workout card game while watching netflix. I pick an exercise and flip the first card over. So if it's a 9 I'll do 9 push ups, flip the next card over and it's a jack, I'll do 11 squats, etc. It helps me when theirs bad weather and you don't need any equipment.

    I love this idea, kind of like a surprise every time to keep it interesting!
  • There are so many videos on YouTube that you can stream for free. I like using my Chromecast and iPad to I can watch them on my TV--super easy. I just recommended this on another thread, but I really like the workouts on www.benderfitness.com. Most are only about 15 min. long, but you can repeat.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Get a raincoat. As said before there is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothes.
  • HelenWater wrote: »
    Get a raincoat. As said before there is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothes.

    This ^ ^

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    But a couple indoor ideas ...

    -- if you've got the ceiling height (maybe in the garage?) ... skip. Skipping ropes don't cost much.

    -- if you've got stairs, walk/jog the stairs.
  • Leslie Sansone walking DVDs are excellent and somewhat customizeable depending on your ability, and a set of resistance bands can be had from Amazon for not too much money.