100 pounds to drop

Hi guys. I'm a 37 year old mother of four who has 100 pounds to drop. I had gained some weight when I hit my 30s, but I decided to have one more baby (my other kids were teenagers) three years ago. Well, this time the weight didn't fall off and I've gained some on top of that. Normally I stayed around 160lbs, when I hit my 30s I started hovering around 200, now I have hit 260. I'm not a happy camper.
My blood pressure has gone up. My feet are hurting, it kills me to tie my shoes sometimes. Not to mention the the thought of buying clothes. Anyway.... I visited a weight loss clinic yesterday. I talked to a nutritionist. Have a packet of papers with foods and portion sizes that I need to follow and what I need to avoid. Have been put on a 1200 calorie restriction and been given a bottle of phentermine. Which I am starting with a half a pill a day.
I would like to hear anyone's thoughts and suggestions and would love some company too.


  • Me too!! 100+ to lose, adding you as a friend! I need as much support as I can get
  • I am chiming in here because a little over 3 years ago I was a 300 pound couch potato. I now weigh 185 and ran my first race last Sunday. This is possible. I had to find my motivation.

    The first step is to realize weight loss is possible. Then you have to know it will not happen overnight.

    This is a link to a thread that is not active right now, but I read a page or two almost every day. It really does help me to bring a couple of these sayings with me every day.


    My goal is still about 40 pouds away. I am working toward my goals. Maybe not every minute but in general I am moving forward.

    Best of luck to all of you. B)
  • Thanks
  • At 30 I was 270 lbs. Within 6 months (I have a crazy good metabolism so it's a real crime that I got as large as I did) I made it down to 180 lbs. I'm back up to 195 and trying to slim up a bit but I play 3-5 soccer games a week and am running the Super Spartan race this weekend, things I couldn't even DREAM of 5 years ago. I couldn't even make it from the parking lot to the supermarket without being out of breath some days.

    Feeling hungry is fine, SO LONG AS YOU MEET YOUR MINIMUM CALORIES. If you don't meet those then you'll stall out as your body thinks you're starving and will start holding on to every gram of fat it can to keep you alive. What I did was change my mindset. I wanted more than anything to lose weight and that empty feeling in my stomach was a reminder that that was exactly what I was doing. How did I know it was working? Because my belly told me so!

    It's not easy but it is simple. Let me say again though, do not go under you minimum calories. It's severely detrimental to both your health and to losing weight.

    I'm told you can also find foods that are naturally low cal but can still make you feel full. I just ate the same d**n thing every meal, every day, for 6 months... but I'm crazy.
  • Thank you :)