looking for support friends!
Just looking for some fun people to help keep me motivated and to also keep them motivated! We can do this together! Add me as a friend if you want someone to check up with you
Busy mom's fun at home fitness!
I'm a working mom with a messy house! I sneak in my fitness while doing laundry, dishes, and cleaning up. Plus, I hate the gym...and that's OK. Join me, crank up the radio, and dance your house clean!
GRAPHIC PHOTOS of a 69 year woman in a swimsuit.
You can't say that I didn't warn you about the following 'not so glamorous' bathing beauty photographs. About one week ago, I did a blog and post about an embarrassing NSV. I had not worn my swimsuit, since October of last year, when my hubbie and I moved back to Central California. My swim suit was really a swim dress…
125 day positive challenge
I have logged into MFP for the past 125 days. Logged in, but not logged what I eat, drink, exercise except on occasion. I have also been very depressed, many changes in my life since last November. My challenge, for me, is to now log in for the next 125 days and post a positive thought, feeling, anything, as long as it is…
Looking for Motivators...
... or people who will force me to be accountable so that I can keep on track, maybe. Hello! My name is Shannon and I have been using the MFP app as a food journal since February 2012. I have not missed a day logging my food. However, lately my eating habits have been out of control. Remembering why I started... In…
Fifty plus (or so) support group
So I invite committed mature men or women to link up with me/us. Ups and downs, highs and lows, cries and prayers are all welcome. My goal is to reach a goal. Lets make reasonable expectations for the next 10 weeks. Hope you feel welcome to join.
Looking for help with quinoa.
A couple weeks ago I was introduced to quinoa. Looks and sounds fantastic in all of the recipes I checked out. But that's where it stops....I actually tried one of them....a peanut butter and cinnamon/nutmeg combo quinoa recipe. YUCK. I was so disappointed to have wasted the 20min, the peanut butter, and the spices. So can…
Find your fitness twin
I think it would be neat to have a fitness twin, someone with the same body type, hight, starting weight and goal weight. Couldn't hurt to try finding one. body type=hourglass (I think) Height=5'2" starting weight=155 pounds goal weight=110 If you are my twin please message me! If not, feel free to add your stats to find…
Hello from Maryland!
Hi! I'm "new" here, and by that I mean I've downloaded the app last year and I've rarely used it. Today it hit me that I haven't been doing anything to help me become healthier and more fit. I am gonna become more involved towards this community and that way you all and I benefit from this! :)
80days in 68 days using MFP still way to go!
Done few of these now :) but this time i have pictures lol can someone tell me how to attsch them tho i stsrted end of feb just eat less then got MFP 2nd march
Having difficulties seeing the future
I have been on MFP for about a month now and lost around 5 lbs... (167-161)Not bad but I just can't see my body at my goal size of 145... I have not been that weight for over 6 years now... And well 2 kids later... It just seems that my body will never recover. Especially since my husband ( who is probably in the best…
Where in the world?
Where are you from and what's your favorite place in the world?
Portion control
I want to learn portion control and tell my self I don't have to eat every last bite on my plate. Any suggestions?
How does blending/processing fruits/veggies remove the fibre?
Something I don't understand is, how can blending vegetables/fruit remove their fibre? I mean, we chew them until they are fine also, don't we? What's the difference then if you save yourself the chewing work and just swallow it?
What are the appropriate amount of carbs to intake daily
I was wondering if you should cycle your carb intake to let's say 30-40 for three days then eat about 80-100 on the fourth. Then obviously back down to 30 40 for the next three days? Any advice?
What's for Breakfast????
Most days I do the same old thing. Go Lean Crunch, carnation instant breakfast and an carrot or two. But I had some left over rib eye steak that needed using. So...... Steak, eggs, slice of a roll, scallions and a tomato slice. It was 671 calories, but I'm heading straight to the garden, plus today is my lifting day.
Best way to stop eating ever!
Having over eaten drastically over the past few weeks due to excessive stress in my life (moving house, death of grandma and marriage breakdown!) Ive found a way to stop eating! I now have tonsillitis and for the past 5 days have got by on way under my calorie goal! Even last night, kids offered me Cadbury Giant Buttons…
Intermittent Fasting - 8 hour feeding - looking for a partner
I am interested in partnering up with a female who is over 50 and successfully doing the daily 16/8 fasting. I have done it for a while and I lost 10 lbs but I need a bit of encouragement and suggestions and would like to find a diet partner to connect with on MFP.
Home Gym
Just wondering if anyone else here uses a home set up ? I've made some things myself but always looking for new ideas and excercises :)
Holiday weight being stubborn
Hello there! I read a lot of holiday topics on these forums. The common idea seems to be that after a week or two of overeating, any weight gain should come off within a week or so, seeing that it will be bloating, extra food and water. Fair enough. Thing is, this was not the case for me. I went on a two week holiday, and…
2400 CAL P40% C30% F30% SPLIT DIARY HELP
Hi All Im looking for a diary share. Im a really simple eater i.e chicken, eggs, tuna etc. Im currently sitting at 104kg and i am looking to cut ( hence the 2400 cals ). If anyone has a 2400 cal diary with around a 40% P, 30% C and 30 % F that they would be willing to share that would be great. Thanks All Kev
Instagram for motivation
On my weightloss journey I've lost 4 stone now I'm fighting to be a fitter me! Add!!!!! Daniellewebster91
Girls only lol
okay so I just started working out and trying to eat right about a week ago. My period was supposed to start yesterday..and I've read that exercise can throw it off a little. Has that happened to anyone? Can anyone put my mind at ease please
Changing for the Better
I'm hoping FP can help me get to where I'm happy and healthy again. I used to be active but I've recently had a string of cruddy things happen and life beating me down so I got depressed and turned to food, I gained weight and that only upset me more. I may not be able to control the other things but I can take control of…
weight loss slowing
what did you try when your weight loss slowed down, or hit a plateau?