Looking for Motivators...

... or people who will force me to be accountable so that I can keep on track, maybe.

Hello! My name is Shannon and I have been using the MFP app as a food journal since February 2012. I have not missed a day logging my food. However, lately my eating habits have been out of control.

Remembering why I started...

In December of 2011 my husband had a heart attack at only 35 years old. Heart conditions run in his family on both sides, and in my family on both sides. It took something like that to happen to cause me to give my head a shake and try to change my lifestyle.

Thus, I started eating healthier foods, and learning how to eat healthy and all those things you do when you're clueless but know you've made a huge mistake.

By December of 2013 I had lost approximately 111 lbs. I was also diagnosed with MS at that time, and my life has been spiralling downhill since.

Knowing that is no excuse, I really need to get back on track but I have not been able to (admitting you have a problem is the first step, right?). I start every day with good intentions, and finish every day with regrets. Sometimes I will buy trigger food while I'm on my lunch (even though I brought lunch to work) and immediately regret the purchase, to the point where I will feel the regret as I am entering the pin for my debit card. I haven't been able to say no though. The cravings have control over me like a drug addiction.

My weaknesses is specifically AYCE sushi restaurants. My husband and I have developed quite a tendency to end up at an AYCE sushi restaurant more than once per week. It's hard because we are bad influences and enablers for each other. One of us will feel bad for denying the other something, and we will both cave and go anyway, even if the conversation starts off "We shouldn't..."

So, if there are any members out there that are willing to add me and remind me to stay on track throughout the day I would really appreciate it. I need some support to keep my mind on the right track. I don't know what happened. This used to be so easy for me.


  • The first thing (after aknowledging the problem) is to take responsability! You are your own master. You decide what you eat and what you do. Set your goals. Write them down. Tell everyone around you. Then set non-food rewards for when you reach those goals. That is the first step in taking control of your choices. Then it's making it happen by staying committed everyday and making choices that get you closer to your goals.

    No one can "force" you to stay on track. I believe in leading by example, so I log everyday and I log everything! Feel free to add me!
  • melduf wrote: »
    No one can "force" you to stay on track.

    It was bad wording, I think. If people add me and I know people are watching I think I may have a harder time 'cheating'. I hope that makes sense.

    I will add you. I log everything, too.. even the bad stuff.