Looking for help with quinoa.

A couple weeks ago I was introduced to quinoa. Looks and sounds fantastic in all of the recipes I checked out. But that's where it stops....I actually tried one of them....a peanut butter and cinnamon/nutmeg combo quinoa recipe. YUCK. I was so disappointed to have wasted the 20min, the peanut butter, and the spices. So can anyone enlighten me? Anyone else tried quinoa and just didn't have a taste for it and then found a recipe that was worthwhile (tasty but still healthy)?

For info purposes I have traditional quinoa. Suggestions appreciated. I figured maybe give it a few more tries with different things before handing it over to my trainer (shes apparently addicted to the stuff....I want to see why but so far its a no-go for me)


  • I quite like the taste. I use it as rice replacement... but.. you could also just not eat quinoa.. ? don't go overboard on food hypes, just don't eat too much processed, salty or sugary foods and watch your macros's.. you could easily just east pasta or rice... :)
  • Rnej wrote: »
    I quite like the taste. I use it as rice replacement... but.. you could also just not eat quinoa.. ? don't go overboard on food hypes, just don't eat too much processed, salty or sugary foods and watch your macros's.. you could easily just east pasta or rice... :)

    Thanks, I don't want to eat it for the hype. Its not worth the waste of calories to eat anything I hate. I just don't want the money going to waste If I can find something simple that taste good by utilizing it.
  • If you don't like it don't eat it. That being said, I can imagine if mixed with peanut butter it would end up a stodgy mess. Try Googling quinoa salad - there are loads of great recipes, eg


  • Quinoa and PB? Intriguing!

    I really like quinoa, especially in salads, where it can take on the flavour of the dressing (just don't overcook it). As as standalone grain, it's good to make it with stock instead of plain water. I also whizz it up with cooked cauliflower to use as a pie crust - works really well for quiche, for example.

    I hope you find a way of using it that you enjoy... and if you don't, there are plenty of other foods, right? :)
  • Quinoa has a subtle, almost nutty flavor. If you don't like its flavor then I don't think any recipes will hide it.

    Its really important not to overcook it. 1 1/2 parts liquid (water or stock) to one part quinoa, and a very gentle simmer. I turn the heat off before its all fully absorbed (maybe about 12 minutes) and then let it finish cooking in the residual heat. I like it light and fluffy (not mushy), but add more water if needed. Also I fluff it through with a fork (not spoon) once its cooked.
    You can use it in place of rice.

    I like to mix fresh lemon juice through it and then add it to a Greek salad.
    or here's a recipe (slightly different):
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    i followed a recipe for Quinoa porridge once, it scared me off it forever !!! :s
  • Help with Quinoa: don't eat Quinoa
  • Just to reiterate.....I understand if I don't like something not to eat it. Thanks. :wink:
    I just happened to try a breakfast style recipe and it didn't workout so well hence the reason for the board post. I also know that often times one recipe or another may not taste good while other variations will.

    That being said, thank you guys for the feed back with the salad/salad dressing and quiche tips, I'll have to check that out. And i'll have to tamper with the cooking style. The one I made used very little fluid and was cooked instead of simmered so the texture was rough. Maybe switching it to the simmer method will be a good fix for me. I don't mind the bold nutty flavor.
  • AJ_G wrote: »
    Help with Quinoa: don't eat Quinoa

    Oh holy cow.....genius. Yet again the post was for suggestions for recipes or variations that may make quinoa worthwhile. Not smart alec comments. Obviously since I didn't care for that recipe I wouldn't be making it again.
  • i followed a recipe for Quinoa porridge once, it scared me off it forever !!! :s

    :worried: That's pretty bad. I'm sorry that happened.
  • Not a smart aleck* comment, trying to help. There is no magical food you need to eat to be healthy and be in good shape. People think they need to eat "super foods". That's a load of bull. Yes you should get your micronutrients in, eat enough protein, eat enough dietary fiber, and eat enough dietary fat, but there is no added benefit to overconsuming micronutrients. It's not as if the more you eat the healthier you are, once you've consumed adequate micronutrients for the day, they you're fine. You can continue to eat foods you don't truly enjoy chasing some false nutritional ideal that you picked up from online articles and Dr. Oz, or you can eat healthy by fitting foods that you enjoy as well, but since your immediate response to my first post was to take an attitude about it, I doubt you'll listen anyway. Good luck
  • AJ_G wrote: »
    Not a smart aleck* comment, trying to help. There is no magical food you need to eat to be healthy and be in good shape. People think they need to eat "super foods". That's a load of bull. Yes you should get your micronutrients in, eat enough protein, eat enough dietary fiber, and eat enough dietary fat, but there is no added benefit to overconsuming micronutrients. It's not as if the more you eat the healthier you are, once you've consumed adequate micronutrients for the day, they you're fine. You can continue to eat foods you don't truly enjoy chasing some false nutritional ideal that you picked up from online articles and Dr. Oz, or you can eat healthy by fitting foods that you enjoy as well, but since your immediate response to my first post was to take an attitude about it, I doubt you'll listen anyway. Good luck

    I never once said quinoa is a magical food. I said I wanted variations so I'm not wasting it. So I can give it a shot as being something to keep. And there's nothing wrong with wanting an arsenal of options in the pantry or ask if anyone has experienced the same and found a variation that worked for them. Like it or not your comment was a smart "*aleck*" comment. And regardless of your assumptions I actually do listen to solid advice/reasoning. I know I don't have to over consume micros or eat 100% health foods. Btw, Dr Oz is full of crap. But thanks for passing that judgement as well.
  • LadednLace, I liked a quinoa broccoli egg quiche I often made. Not sure if it healthy now that I started this "pal" site. Look into that recipe; I found it online. I also make an awesome tasting cake using quinoa. I am half asleep right now & not sure how to share recipes here anywhere. But if it is healthy enough, I will make again. Perhaps our paths will cross & I can share later. Don't give up. I was skeptic with it at first, but do enjoy quinoa. take care.
  • LadednLace, I liked a quinoa broccoli egg quiche I often made. Not sure if it healthy now that I started this "pal" site. Look into that recipe; I found it online. I also make an awesome tasting cake using quinoa. I am half asleep right now & not sure how to share recipes here anywhere. But if it is healthy enough, I will make again. Perhaps our paths will cross & I can share later. Don't give up. I was skeptic with it at first, but do enjoy quinoa. take care.

    Thanks! Quiche sounds good. The cake seems interesting. Welcome to MFP. I hope you love it here and reach all your goals.
  • be aware that quinoa flour and puffed quinoa need to be roasted beforehand, or they'll taste like moldy grass.
    i like quinoa mixed in with salads, or as an alternative to couscous.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I think your approach is why we see so many of those stupid "I hate veggies! HELP!" threads... try something once, don't like it, abandon it completely because it obviously sucks. God I hate those threads, I for one am happy to see a proactive thread relating to trying new foods.

    Things taste different when cooked different ways. OP was looking for opinions on what to do with it so that it's not wasted (and who knows, maybe she might just like it after all!)

    I like to make salads with mine. My favourite is with pumpkin/squash roasted with middle eastern spices, mixed with quinoa, pomegranate and chopped fresh mint. Mix it all up in a big bowl, I add a little oil to stop it clumping. My kids love it too. Don't be put off by the PB concoction...
  • @MonsoonStorm You ma'am are wonderful. Thank you for the positive response and reasoning. Your concoction sounds interesting. I may have to try that at some point.
  • I need recipes too. I'll eat Quinoa plain, and it's a taste you have to get used to, but I'd prefer it mixed with something else.
  • In addition to some of the suggestions here I have stumbled across these two recipes one is a breakfast version and the other is a chili. Either way I hope they help others as well


  • I love quinoa. I substitute it for rice and pasta..not all the time. I substitute burghal with it in tabouli salad...can't taste the difference. It helps to wash it to get rid of bitterness before cooking. I do a big batch of it and freeze in portions. Then I can add to whatever.

    For porridge, which is mostly how I eat it, I ended up buying the flakes. Add milk and sultanas, dried apricots and microwave - sometimes I soak overnight and have cold.. I add seeds etc too. Delicious. I react to some foods and oats is one. It's not a bad source of protein.