125 day positive challenge

I have logged into MFP for the past 125 days. Logged in, but not logged what I eat, drink, exercise except on occasion. I have also been very depressed, many changes in my life since last November. My challenge, for me, is to now log in for the next 125 days and post a positive thought, feeling, anything, as long as it is positive. This may be the most difficult challenge for me, but I have to do this. I may post at various times during the day/night who knows. If you would like to join me, that would be wonderful.

Day 1 ~ starting this challenge


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    181 - for some reason I'm exhausted tonight and can't think straight. Goodnight, Peace.
  • Mental training teaches you to think clearly and use your mind effectively. Just the way you learn not to swing at bad pitches, you must learn to not to chase bad thoughts. Learn to turn your negative critic into a positive coach. ~ Gary Mack, Mind Gym

    While I believe it is good to prepare for bad things to happen, I think I will focus on positive outcomes for my life choices to allow them to come into my life.
  • I look forward to reading positive thoughts to start my day!
  • 182 - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
  • Be grateful for every moment of your life :-)
  • Don't sacrifice what you want for what you want right now.
  • Day 69 - Grateful for my good mood today.
  • oy9sj6n3b5tc.jpg

    183 - Be joyful always
  • Don't look back and say why, look ahead and say why not!
  • Day 70 - Grateful I got a good workout in today.