80days in 68 days using MFP still way to go!

Done few of these now :) but this time i have pictures lol can someone tell me how to attsch them tho i stsrted end of feb just eat less then got MFP 2nd march


  • Ive went from 242lbs 17st 4 to 218lbs 15st 8 ish stil long way to go tho i dont know my bodyfat as i dont measure it as there is know accurate way so i just use the mirror.my goal is to be lean by the end of august still have 4 month to go all i do is eat in a deficit count and weigh everything i eat i dont drink calories i just use water my diet is not all so called ( clean foods) which is a silly term your body dosnt know what it consuming other than fats carbs protiens so i do have so called junk if i have cals left over :) any questions are welcome

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  • Click on this icon when replying to add a photo.

    cheers mate :)

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    finally got the pictures up march one was 18th.The april one was 30th nd may one was today :)
    still long way to go but mind is focused will keep pictures coming until i reach my goal of 13 st end of august hopefully will be lean by then for my holiday in september my over all goal is just to be healthy fit and ripped :) lol
  • Great job!
  • duch3ss wrote: »
    Great job!