Holiday weight being stubborn

Hello there!

I read a lot of holiday topics on these forums. The common idea seems to be that after a week or two of overeating, any weight gain should come off within a week or so, seeing that it will be bloating, extra food and water. Fair enough.

Thing is, this was not the case for me. I went on a two week holiday, and overate on about 10 of those days. I really had a good time, so I'm not sorry, but the damage does need to be undone. I appear to have eaten an extra 14k calories as I gained 2kg. Now, 10 days after eating at a 300-400 deficit every day (and only healthy foods), 1 kilo is still there and refuses to budge. What gives? Why won't it come off even though I am eating at a deficit and jogging 3-4 times a week? Could it still be water retention even though it has been 10 days ago since I overate? Or should I be more patient?

To answer questions in advance: I do weigh my food, and make most of it from scratch. I weigh myself in the morning under the same circumstances. I jog 3-4 times a week, about 7km and I do mild weight training about 3 times a week for half an hour.


  • If you're sure you're in a deficit, then patience seems like the best course.
  • I wouldn't stress about it too much. It takes two to three weeks for things to sort themselves out. Even if you did gain fat, it is only 1kg. It'll only delay you reaching your goal by about three weeks.
  • Well, you may have actually put on 2lbs, doesn't seem entirely unrealistic. And if it is fat, you've lost that 2lbs before, you can lose it again.