can't lose my baby weight! :-(

I've been going to the gym consistantly for 2 months now and have yet to lose any weight. I don't eat horrible but I don't eat great either because I don't know how to count calories or any Of that. I'm on a 1750 diet plan. Tips would be great!!!!


  • I would love to help you out add me.
  • I would suggest eating 1500 calories a day. Maybe start out at 1700 and gradually start eat less until you get to 1500. That way you won't feel extremely hungry or deprived all of the time your body has to adjust. Also work on portion controll as well as what you you are eating and drinking, everything you put into your body needs to be recorded evens drinks. I would recommend only drinking water. My fitness pal also has a really awesome scanner feature you can scan the bar code of whatever food you are eating that really helps me. Hope this helps.
  • AmberDalum wrote: »
    I would suggest eating 1500 calories a day. Maybe start out at 1700 and gradually start eat less until you get to 1500. That way you won't feel extremely hungry or deprived all of the time your body has to adjust. Also work on portion controll as well as what you you are eating and drinking, everything you put into your body needs to be recorded evens drinks. I would recommend only drinking water. My fitness pal also has a really awesome scanner feature you can scan the bar code of whatever food you are eating that really helps me. Hope this helps.
    Do you know more about the OP's stats than what is given here? And why only drink water? It is typically more filling to eat (rather than drink) one's calories, but she can make room for whatever she wants!
    OP, what stats and goals did you enter into MFP to get the number 1750? Do you weigh, measure, and log everything you eat? You may be eating more than you think.
  • I just downloaded the app today And entered my weight and height. Im 5'3 and weigh 151lbs. I've always weighed 130 till I had my son. My goal is to lose 25 pounds. 1 lb a week. So it put me at 1750 calories a day.
  • That number sounds fine to me, and your goals sound reasonable too. I haven't seen your diary, but the first step is to get a food scale if you don't yet have one and weigh all your solid food (and measure liquids in cups/tablespoons). That way you can more precisely measure what you're truly eating. If you work out regularly, a lot of people recommend only eating back 50-75% of your exercise calories, since the burn estimates here tend to run higher than is truly accurate. Also, give it some time. Say, a month to six weeks. Measure yourself with a tape measure as well as a scale. If you're not seeing results by then, come back and reevaluate. Good luck! :)
  • You can do it. Just stick to your goal and keep login. It takes time but it will be worth it.
  • I just downloaded the app today And entered my weight and height. Im 5'3 and weigh 151lbs. I've always weighed 130 till I had my son. My goal is to lose 25 pounds. 1 lb a week. So it put me at 1750 calories a day.
    AmberDalum wrote: »
    I would suggest eating 1500 calories a day. Maybe start out at 1700 and gradually start eat less until you get to 1500. That way you won't feel extremely hungry or deprived all of the time your body has to adjust. Also work on portion controll as well as what you you are eating and drinking, everything you put into your body needs to be recorded evens drinks. I would recommend only drinking water. My fitness pal also has a really awesome scanner feature you can scan the bar code of whatever food you are eating that really helps me. Hope this helps.
    Do you know more about the OP's stats than what is given here? And why only drink water? It is typically more filling to eat (rather than drink) one's calories, but she can make room for whatever she wants!
    OP, what stats and goals did you enter into MFP to get the number 1750? Do you weigh, measure, and log everything you eat? You may be eating more than you think.
    Y eah that is true you can eat or drink whatever you want. I just don't drink much but that's me personally. The most important thing is portion sizes and measurements. You can do this.

  • Im a little confused actually. Arent you supposed to eat whatever weight yiu want x10 in cals. So if she wants to be 130 shouldn't she eat 1300/day? If she is eating 1750 but weighs 151lbs, isnt that set to gain weight?
  • Keep with it! And remember fitness is 30% in the gym 70% in the kitchen!!! As someone else mentioned measure EVERYTHING for the first few months. And be honest with yourself in your diary (did you really on have one serving or was it 2 1/2?) i know that was huge for me (i was always eating more than the serving size but guessing on my diary) Also, one of the best healthy eating tips i ever recieved is when grocery shopping, stick to the perimeter of the store. The inner aisles are where all the temptation and junk food are! The perimeter is more fresh, clean and healthy options. I hope that helps, Best of luck!!!!
  • cjeanme wrote: »
    Im a little confused actually. Arent you supposed to eat whatever weight yiu want x10 in cals. So if she wants to be 130 shouldn't she eat 1300/day? If she is eating 1750 but weighs 151lbs, isnt that set to gain weight?

    No. That calculation doesn't take any factors into the equation such as age, activity level, gender, height, lean mass, etc. Everyone that weighs 130 doesn't eat 1300 calories, me included. Calculate TDEE and subtract a percentage to lose a certain amount each week on average.
  • 90% of the time, if you aren't losing weigh it's because you're eating too much.

    You have to log your food, and log it accurately, so you know how much calories are going in.

    If you try to just wing it, you will probably be over-estimating: