This really works
Hi, I'm currently starting back on my fitness pal. I've been on it before and I dropped from a size 14 to a size 8 for my wedding all from eating healthy. I've had a couple of stressful times since then and ballooned to size 16-18 from comfort eating, something I've never done before. Now I'm determined to get back to a…
Personal Trainer Food
I'm on my second week of Personal Trainer food, excited to see what happens
Lost 22lbs.
This is the most weight I've ever lost on the million and one weight loss journeys I've been on. But I don't see a difference. I feel like I still look the same as I did 22lbs ago. I still have 80-100 more pounds to go to reach my goal. I'd just like to start seeing the results on more than just the scale. Since I have so…
Hoping peer pressure will help me succeed...
Hi, been using fitness pal for a while to not much avail- I'm hoping getting involved in the community, make some friends and hope it will make me be more honest and behave better. I have lost about 8stone, going from size 22 UK to size 8 UKish, so maybe I could help some others out too. I have recently put up a bit of…
daily weigh ins make me want to smash things like Hulk.
I've been on this journey since mid March and at first I was weighing in daily. You know how it goes at first, the weight just seems to fall off when you find something that works. A month or so goes by and the weight is not coming off as fast. This is to be expected but still kind of sucks. So. It's morning. I'm standing…
Bulletproof Coffee...Busted
How ‘Superfoods’ Like Bulletproof Coffee Get Popular (Hint: It’s Not Nutritional Science) I love this article. Favorite parts: 1. Dr. Ranit Mishori, a family medical doctor and professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine, has reviewed the scientific literature on juice cleanse diets. Her conclusion is that any…
So much confusion
I always though cardio was what you needed to do to lose weight. Now I'm seeing all these things saying that strength training is actually what I'm supposed to be doing. Should I do both? Alternate days? To be honest strength training scares me. I always feel like people are looking at me on the machines thinking I have no…
Medically Approved Ways to Boost Metabolism
Boosting Metabolism http://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-boost-your-metabolism Having a small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours keeps your metabolism cranking, so you burn more calories over the course of a day. Several studies have also shown that people who snack regularly eat less at mealtime.…
Dog Followed Me home, a lesson.
Saturday morning I was out for a jog when two dogs ran right up to me. My initial fear disapeared as they seem friendly, and trotted along next to me. I noticed that both appeared well groomed, but neither were wearing a collar. After about a mile I realized I might be stuck with them following me home. I took my phone off…
hey guys I've a problem
Hey, I want to put some weight/mass on me problem I been facing since I started taking chocolate whey gold standard that I get motions and stomachache. Whole day goes in embarrassment. Help would be appreciated :/
Any other Wisconsinites?
I have friends around the world, but would love to meet some more local people with the same weather problems and same time zone! Wisconsin? Midwest? Add me! I'm 29 and down 17 of the 22lb I want to lose. Currently training for a 10k and triathlon.
I didn't notice any changes until this morning...
Hello! This is my first post just to share with you a picture where I can actually see changes, it's not the best quality because I didn't take any before pics but I found one wearing the same clothes I'm wearing today and I'm so happy I look better :)
diet soft drink
I have kind of known this for a while, but have been burying my head in the sand, that diet sodas/fizzy drinks are really bad for you, and can food your body into thinking it is having sugar, so you will gain weight...Do you avoid diet fizy althogether or do you have some?? In the weekends I love my vodka, or gin with diet…
Hello my goal 25lbs!!!!!
Hi there!!
Finding it difficult to eat enough calories a day :(
Chubby in PA :)
Hi...I'm Shannon...just looking for people in PA to join teams with...I am semi new to MFP mainly cuz I lacked the motivation & fell off the wagon...but I'm hoping to meet people who are motivated, have some helpful tips, who are supportive & just like to have fun....we all know the struggle of weight loss so let's support…
I've only been waiting since Nov. 30. :/ It arrived nicely packaged, but had zero charge - although it appears that it had a little charge during shipping, as it recorded steps on its journey. The form factor is surprisingly small. It's narrower than even the Fitbit Flex, but not quite as flat. The main body is not as long…
Breast feeding moms?
Any breast feeding moms that just had a baby trying to lose weight or control there diet ?
Hiya :)
OK so first let me say I love this app and all the options it had for keeping track of your daily intake, exercises etc. Hi everyone!! I'm Andrea and using this fitness pal app to help me keep track of my daily health choices. Looking to shed a couple lbs before summer and thought that it would help actually seeing what I…
I'm a 5ft11 lad, I weigh 168pounds. What's the best way to lose weight/tone up? What cardio shall I do and also what weight training?
need friends with open diaries
I'd love to have some friends on here who have their food diaries visible! Or friends who don't, but I just want some more friends on here to be motivated with!
Anyone from Hawaii?
just trying to find some mfp users close to home. Let me know if you are from Hawaii guys!! It would be cool to hit the beach or go hiking.
a little about me
Hi I'm from California, mom of 3. Recently started beachbody program TurboFire, and loving it! I'm also doing 21 Day Fix. Before I got pregnant I was a healthy 150lbs & I gained over 50. Now I've been stuck at just below 200 lbs and ready for the change! I'm getting my sexy back one day at a time. :) So far I'm down almost…
I'm anaemic and need help finding a sustainable diet!!!
basically, I'm anaemic, (meaning I have a lack or iron in my blood), so in theory should eat lots of green leafy veg and red meat, as well as my supplements. Relatively speaking I am good at keeping up with the tablets and including these items in my diet. However I am trying to lose weight by trying a low carb diet. I…
Need help to start all over again- 20kgs to go
hi, Once upon a time I was MFP user and than I stopped couldn't see the weight come off, I did manage to loose some weight but have loads more to go. I don't want to give up this time- it's now or never... I want to look good not only for other but for myself get my self confidence back and start really living not just…