Saturday morning I was out for a jog when two dogs ran right up to me. My initial fear disapeared as they seem friendly, and trotted along next to me. I noticed that both appeared well groomed, but neither were wearing a collar.
After about a mile I realized I might be stuck with them following me home.
I took my phone off my arm and struggled to jog and snap pictures at the same time.

As I turned into my complex they continued to follow / lead me.

While making my extra lap around the property the black dog stopped following me, and the brown one stayed with me.
As I looped back around the black dog was gone.
Brown dog was right on my tail.

My wife took her to the vet, scanned her chip and called the owners to come get her.

And now I'm kicking myself for not, stopping and taking the dogs back to my place, the moment I realized they were following me.
If I had gone straight home, the owners would have both their dogs back instead of just one.
I can always jog more miles next week, but I can't have the opportunity to rescue the dog again.
I've learned my lesson :-/