Hoping peer pressure will help me succeed...

Hi, been using fitness pal for a while to not much avail- I'm hoping getting involved in the community, make some friends and hope it will make me be more honest and behave better. I have lost about 8stone, going from size 22 UK to size 8 UKish, so maybe I could help some others out too. I have recently put up a bit of flab due to stress associated with completing an msc and can't seem to shift it, getting super frustrating. Never reached out to others during my fitness before but am feeling like I'm bashing my head against a wall at the mo and require some inspiration. Anyone got any?!


  • Hello!
  • I have noticed that connecting with others when making a journey makes it a little easier. There are others who are where you are, have been where you are, or will be there. It's amazing how many stories of others will keep you motivated.
  • Thanks for your replies! Just trying to keep motivated, I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong, in 3 months I've only lost 6 pounds and 2% body fat, oh well just gotta stick at it and keep innovating and something will happen, I guess!