KNArzoian wrote: » I always though cardio was what you needed to do to lose weight. Now I'm seeing all these things saying that strength training is actually what I'm supposed to be doing.
KNArzoian wrote: » Should I do both? Alternate days? To be honest strength training scares me. I always feel like people are looking at me on the machines thinking I have no idea what I'm doing. Which they're mostly right. The gym I go to has a circuit room. Should I start there three days a week, then once I get comfortable branch out?
KNArzoian wrote: » Thanks everyone. I guess I wasn't being clear. I understand the deficit concept and am changing my eating habits. Since this is in the fitness forum, I was really just focused on the cardio v. strength. And which is best to help lose weight in addition to watching what I eat.
KNArzoian wrote: » I always though cardio was what you needed to do to lose weight. ...
standenvernet wrote: » KNArzoian wrote: » I always though cardio was what you needed to do to lose weight. ... I really try to stay outta these things, but just to add to your thoughts: I cleared out my first 30lbs (about 11% from my starting weight) without any exercise; not even walking. Just working with my eating, and taking in less energy (food calories) than my body was burning each day -- Since eating was what got me into this useless-fatty mess, it seemed most appropriate to gain a little control on that part of my problem before looking to add complication into my days... (just thought I'd drop that here) -- Good luck; it can be done.