
  • Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Sylvia, I did the same thing looking for a laptop case. I was surprised that no store in town had a decent selection. Love the one I got from Amazon and the price was great.

    Becca, how wonderful that your hubby was able to get a new liver. I hope all is going well with that. You are so right that you can’t lose weight and keep it off if you have a lot of negativity in your life. We wish you well with this journey. LOL I heard “May the Forth be with you” so many times this am on Good Morning America.

    Sylvia, are you on the new laptop??? I don’t see anything different. And my star is still here.

    Jane, thought and prayers with you both. Hang in there.

    Cynthia, the horses are beautiful. I can’t believe how big the little guy has gotten.

    Tina, how exciting! I hope you are looking forward to June 3rd and every day thereafter. Congrats!!!

    Chris, you have done great so I think you should be able to enjoy the wedding. Sometimes those social events get to be our nemesis no matter how much we enjoy them.

    Carol, don’t get mad, get even. You know you can do this and then you may enjoy shopping more. We are with you so don’t give up.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have a Moose meeting tonight and might just stay away from the food table. That seems to work best for me as my willpower weakens once I even think about eating “a little”. I’m supposed to take something and totally forgot about it, so I may stop at Subway and get a couple of sandwiches to cut up.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. <3

    Words I remember:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Happy Monday ! ! !

    It is almost the end of my day, and time to head back to the baseball field, and I'm still not caught-up on reading, so I apologize to anyone I forget or didn't get to yet.

    Kim N. Cali – It is rare that we find Hotel deals cheaper than on Hotwire. Although they won’t tell you the name of the Hotel, you tell them the date, location, and how many guests, and they give you options. Enjoy the Vacation!

    Pip – nice job on the fundraiser. It feels nice to be blessed and able to give. o:)

    Sylvia – You are SO-O-O funny about your DH and his graduation costume. Please post a picture.

    Jane – Hugs for DIL with broken wrist. I had to re-learn how to dress myself when I broke mine last year, and DH had to dry me and apply deodorant after shower. Glad you enjoyed all the Grandkids !

    Roberta – Congrats on the strength. It is always nice to show the teens something outside of videogames.

    Sheila In Chicago – Welcome. I keep my exercise goals to short bursts also. If I can walk, ride bike, or use hand bike for 10 minutes I feel like it is a win. I have been doing it that way for awhile, so I now aim for 3 times per day. Take baby steps, and keep trying to move upward and onward. I’m proud of you (as I’m sure we all are) !!! B)

    Mary – Hugs and thanks for the Scam Warning! I’m glad you know someone who could help, so you didn’t fall victim to losing hundreds or thousands of dollars, as I’ve heard happened to some people.

    Naiomi – My son is a Freshman in High School. These pictures are from the Junior level of Little League, so the kids are 13 – 15 y.o., which is a huge age range when it comes to boys and their growth spurts.

    Mary K from Texas – I also wish Dairy Queen was my friend. However, I do find joy in ordering a small light Julius Smoothy while DS has his blizzard. I do deserve that treat when I log my food, exercise, and make room for it in my day. Then I don’t feel denied of anything, and I’m less likely to binge on even worse food later. There are others here that follow “never” foods, but I’m not there yet. I hope to be soon. I hope you can find what works for you.

    Selena & Janet – lol about the sagging skin. My worst is my lower abdomen. I keep rubbing firming cream on it, hoping it will be less obvious, but I don’t like this waiting, and I still have about 50 pounds left to lose. I want perfection and I want it now. :D

    Lisa from West Texas – Congrats on the NSV ! ! ! What a nice hubby.

    Nc Carol – Congrats on the work-out.

    Toni – congrats on your loss.

    Joyce – OMG the rolls at Texas Roadhouse. :p And that cinnamon butter? The absolute hardest things to NOT eat when we go there. I try to eat 1 handful of the peanuts in the shell, and remove them as slowly as possible, so I don’t keep going back for more of those, too. My DH doesn’t purposely sabotage, but it is in his nature to over-eat, and not care about quality. I see it every Holiday with his entire family, so I know it’s not his fault. Some men are just so set in their ways, that they can’t see any other way to do things, like food. The only fruits I have ever seen my DH eat are melons and oranges. I hope you find the strength where I still struggle. I understand ! ! !

    Allison – I offer you kudos and support for your home-life challenges. If you feel your hubby is worth-while, and you feel safe, I hope you and he find the peace and happiness you both deserve.

    A book that comes to mind, that I have read multiple times in different situations, is “The Dance of Anger”. The theory holds true for many relationships and feelings. Reacting differently in a situation that seems to have a pattern tends to throw the other person off-guard, and can then create a different result.

    So far so good on food and exercise, even though I haven't had time to log any of it yet, and probably won't until after baseball (about 8:30pm, then off to bed by 9:00pm).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • naiomi2015 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,
    Today is suppose to get to 80F :smiley:

    Kala49 Perhaps he will file this one under lessons learned. My husband talks about getting a bigger boat. (We have two now - a 14ft. canoe and a 9ft. rowboat.) I respond that I am fine as long as it has a potty! We are thinking of getting a composting toilet for our cottage. What makes the ones you were hoping to avoid unsuitable?

    Naiomi2015 from 69F and sunny Massachusetts

    The composting toilets out at the island were installed a year ago. They are pit toilets, and vented well enough that they don't stink. There are no regular attendants that take care of them. One was grossly dirty due to piggy citizens and the other was okay. You use the facility, then drop a handful of cedar shavings down the potty and close the lid. There are no hand-washing options at all. I'm enough of a girly-girl to want to wash my hands.
  • Annr: We visit Your part of the state regularly. Fort Stevens State Park is a favorite destination when we head to the coast. You've landed in a beautiful spot, in my opinion. I hope you'll be happy there.

    Sylvia: I'm not fond of change either. I'm not experiencing any changes here on MFP. The star is still at the top of my screen. Boxes? Smilies? I wonder why we're seeing such different things. Can you set your computer up to do things the way you like? I am in agreement about ignoring the ads. I don't plan to upgrade in the foreseeable future.

    Mother's Day is coming up and DH asked how I'd like to celebrate. I told him I want to take my mom flowers in the cemetery and go out for breakfast. Seeing my kids is not likely because they're both far away but I hope I hear from them.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • Hi Menopals -

    Down another pound at TOPS! Yeah! Tomorrow and Wednesday some of my Y friends and I are going to new Y's to try out their workouts. I hope to make a really smooth transition when my branch closes on the 15th. Sylvia - I don't like change either but it is the only certainty in life. It always happens. We can count on it. (This is a self pep talk so that I don't stay in a pout about my Y)

    Terri - The book Dance of Anger sounds interesting just based on the title. I find that I have never learned to deal with anger very well. Many of my excess pounds are the result of that!

    NCCarol - I will be praying for your daughter about the interview. You do sound more cheerful. (happy hug)

    GACarol (Peach) - I have to work on letting go of the me I used to be, and look forward to what I will become. Kind of self acceptance with a twist. I know I will be better than ever!

    Cynthia - beautiful little colt! Thanks!

    Tina - I am originally from Kansas. In what part of the state does your step daughter live?

    Sylvia - I can just picture those cookies flying into your mouth like frisbees. I think 4 is not bad at all. Past is past. I'm so sorry about your husband's colleague.

    Cary - Loved the quote today! It really suits this group of beautiful people!

    Love ya'll......

    No eating after dinner! (Use a pre-logging strategy to help with this)
    Walk 6,000+ steps each day
    BP and BS every day
    Log every bite and swallow
    “Let go and let God”

  • Tuesday here. Food = 1613 cals. Training: Jillian's kick-boxing, Jillians BR weights II and walking
    Shopping shortly
    The higher protein is going great but could be better today. Not to worry will sort out.
    Washing towels, washed clothes and they are drying in lounge room as raining REALL hard.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • MNMary: Thanks for the tips on the 5 X 5

    Sylvia: If you are using the new laptop maybe you are using Internet Explorer and not Google Chrome (not pre-installed with Windows). When there are pics with Internet Explorer you would have to scroll horizontally to see the star.
  • Hi friends. It was cool and rainy here and I’m still hitting the garden centers trying to fill all my pots! Today was nothing but meetings at work, which I hate. I also agreed to chair a faculty senate committee not realizing that job starts today and now I have to organize a conference with 2 other colleges that is scheduled for August 10 which is the day we get back from summer! The outgoing chair just dumped this in my lap as she was leaving for the day. OMG

    Sylvia: those hoods don’t sound like ours. Ours are worn on the outside on top of the gown. But we too are funny looking as we try to get each other’s hoods to look right and show their colors correctly! Your microwave corn sounds great! Why wouldn’t anyone come see the pottery because the weather was good? Next time we get down that way I’d like to stop in and see your studio!

    Janet: I fall asleep here a lot too!

    Roberta: great pics!

    Sheila: welcome aboard!

    Mary: I had the same virus alert too when I logged on here earlier and I couldn’t get rid of it, couldn’t even turn the computer off.

    Katla: opening day….that sounds lovely!

    TNToni; our neightbor girls gave us a homemade May day basket….including a napkin and candy cane! It was hilarious. They are about 4.

    Joyce: Georgetown college sounds like a great place to be a student! That’s a shame about your husband sabotaging you . That is not what a partner is for.

    Cynthia: great news on the weight loss

    Roberta: keep up the good work!

    Sylvia: I swear if I didn’t have DH I would NOT have a computer. Way too much trouble

    Alison get some rest and take care of YOU

    Kim: I love cupcake wine

    Vicki: enjoy your visit!

    Heather: all you accomplishments are amazing!

    maryK : you can enter the correct values for food and I’d add a little something to the name so you can find it next time, like ritz corrected maryk

    Rori so nice to see you!

    Fastforlife: welcome and just jump right in! We are a chatty group

    Well ladies, dinner is ready and waiting and I must get going. So sorry I am missing some! See you tomorrow; it’s supposed to rain again here. Pray for NO rain on the 16th; Alena has her graduation party here and it’s outside. So keep your fingers crossed. Take care, Meg from wet Omaha

  • Hi,

    I am looking for support and motivation, so I'm hoping I can join in here.

    Nine years ago, after loosing about 20 lbs on my own, I started the 6WBM and lost another 50 lbs. I felt the best I had in years. My success and new confidence lead me to make other changes in my life. Unfortunately, they also led me back in to situations where I found myself falling back into old habits ... forgetting that I needed to do what was best for me and not let others influence my choices. Today, I sit here back where I started and ready to take my life back once again ... this time for good.

    I've used MyFitnessPal on and off for the last few years, but never joined into the discussions. I have realized that part of what helped me succeed in the past had been the motivational support on the 6WBM forums. Those forums have fizzled out. So I'm glad to find a group here that appears to be quite active and supportive.

    Linda from Virginia

  • stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.31min, 14amph (est. strava didn't record), 2.9mi= 90c
    spin- 37min, 79ar, 125aw, 13-18g, 14.5mi= 290c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.16min, 13.6amph, 1.4mi= 57c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.31min, 9.3amph, 2.7mi WINDY! = 165c
    total cal 602
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    TNToni - My step daughter and her family live in Wichita, KS. Her husband is military and they have been stationed there for about 3 years. Before that they were stationed in Wichita Falls, TX.

    My DH is going on a fishing trip Thursday-Friday and I was trying to do some laundry. Found out the spin cycle is officially gone. :cry: Have a washer full of wet, heavy jeans. We will be going out tomorrow to hopefully purchase a new washer and dryer. They were in the house when we bought it almost 11 years ago and were 3 years old then so I guess it is their time. The dryer is still working but have noticed that most things don't get dry the first cycle so I have to run it twice so it's only a matter of time for that too.

    Linda - Welcome. What part of Virginia are you from?

    Tina in MD
  • oh, i forgot to share what happened on my ride home on friday. i was at a 4way intersection on 37th street. i was behind a car and he slowed down, almost to a stop. there was a guy on the opposite side,. the guy that i was behind had his signal on like he was going to turn left after the car on the opposite side passed. well, after the car passed i was starting to ride on the side of the car that i was behind since he was turning left. guess what, the guy turned right, he wasn't seeing me at all. his front bumper hit my back tire and made me skid but i was able to keep me and my bike from falling and he stopped and i made a u-turn so i can confront him. he asked if i was ok, i told him yes and i made him aware that he had his signals on to turn the opposite direction. he didn't realize that and apologize.

    it could have been alot worse and i had kirby chk my bike for any damage (there wasn't anyS) moral of the story? if you are driving use your signals but turn that direction! as i told the guy, you have to be careful, we are out there, we as in bicyclists.
  • Carol in NC - I hope your shoulder gets better so you can do whatever exercises you want to. I hope your daughter is successful in getting the librarian job. we will keep her in our prayers.

    Cynthia - cute picture! .Baby animals are always so cute.

    Janet - I know you mentioned before that you had a moose meeting. what exactly does that organization do?

    Terri - interesting book. Even if you aren't in that situation you never know when you might be. Thanks for the info.

    Katla - what a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day.

    TNToni - congrats on the loss! Good plan for the transition to a different Y. Plus you get to enjoy doing it with friends.

    Meg - did it just go away? I will be praying for a good day on the 16th!

    Linda from VA - welcome to this site. You will get a lot of support and motivation here!

    Tina - I'm sorry to hear about your machines. I always hate to spend money on appliances.

    Phone update...NO PHONE! She never sent the order. we didn't trust her to do it because of her attitude and her saying that they didn't have any iPhone 6 plus otter boxes and then all of a sudden saying that they did. the first lady I talked to this morning was already to process my order in her computer froze. she said she would call me back but never did. At 4:30 I decided to call back and got another lady. she processed my order and all of the sudden I got disconnected from another her and another lady was on the phone saying hello... So supposedly my OtterBox is ordered and will be here Wednesday morning lol.

    Pip - I am glad you are okay!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-happy110.gif Getting ready for a trip is a lot of work especially when real life keeps getting in the way. Fortunately eating and exercise have stayed on track and I didn't let the other stuff derail me in any way.

    smiley-cool05.gif I read all the posts for the last few days and realized again how much all of you mean to me. We are taking our smart phones with us but no laptop, but I think the phone has everything I need (except a real keyboard) so I'll be able to keep in touch. I won't be logging food and exercise for over a week and that will be a big change for me. I'll be keeping track of steps and using hotel fitness centers and choosing wisely at restaurants, but expect life to be a bit different.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif25,000 steps today--two hours of dog walking and a 90 minute walk with a friend194904olsgis3xqe.gif

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington, soon to be heading south for beautiful Western Oregon and NW California
  • I'm not too sure how to join onto this group, but I'll try posting... my weigh scale currently says about 167 (but my recollection from the past is that it errs on the light side by quite a bit). I'd like to lose at least 35 lbs. I've been trying food logging for about a week, and am measuring but not yet weighing. I've been off the wagon binging a bit in the evenings though, like a ginormous bowl of homemade popcorn tonight.

    I'm 49, and in Vancouver BC, close to Sunset Beach.
  • Barbie - it sounds like you are well prepared! I usually use my app on my phone. Have a fun vacation!

    Lisa in Vancouver - welcome! You've come to the right place. Just join in and come often. Sign your name as to what you want to be called and where you are from.We have another Lisa and that will distinguish between you two.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Did 10 minutes of pilates today, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec and then did 1 hr of Kathy Kaehler's Basics DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Sharon Twombly's Zero to 60 DVD. This is a new one for me so I need to check it out.

    Mary from MN - I'm assuming that you have to do this 5x5 at a gym, I know that I don't have the weights at home. How did you know what weight to start at? Correct me if I'm wrong - when you do the squats I'm assuming you have a barbell across your shoulders, you are lying down when doing the bench press, do you use both arms when you do the barbell row? Are you seated at a machine when you do them? How long does it typically take you to do them?

    - welcome, you're more than welcome to make a pile in the corner!

    Joyce - I'll never forget one time when we went to this German place. They had fish on the menu so I ordered it. Well...it came THE WHOLE FISH, EYE AND ALL. We had to cut the head off, put it across the table, and put a napkin over it. I sure hope that doesn't happen to you. Yea, most German things are deep fried. I admit, their food is good, only so much is deep fried.

    Cynthia - Newcomers is a mostly social group but we do some community service, too. It's primarily for people who are new to the area, but we have members who have been here for a long long time. In a way, that's good because you can ask a question and an old-timer will most likely know who is a good contact to use.

    Let me add to the pile -- that green water in the pool.

    Went to the store this a.m. and bought -- yes, this many -- 24 bottles of bleach. So far we've added 3 to the pool. After senior bowling Vince'll check the water and we'll probably wind up adding more. While we were at Aldi getting the bleach this lady stopped to ask how to get to Krispy Kreme. I gave her a coupon that I had -- BOGO.

    pip - you never cease to make me smile

    - so sorry about your mom

    Sylvia - this ceramics place is run by the city at their rec center. See how much I know? I really look to you for the best advice. I'm thinking that the people running it are probably competent, but they have to deal with budget constraints, at least that's my guess. I'm so sorry your pottery show didn't go well. so sorry for your hubby

    Mary from MN
    - every time I log into my homepage, up pops an ad for the Premium service.

    Cynthia - thanks for posting the pics. So sorry about your mom

    Carol in NC - your daughter sure keeps you on your toes! Hope she gets the job

    Toni - congrats on being down another pound

    Linda - welcome. You've come to a great place for suppport. What is 6WBM?

    Tina - I hate when that happens with the washer

    pip - that's so scrary about the driver. Glad he apologized, a lot of them wouldn't

    Went to ceramics tonight and then mahjongg.

    Michele in NC
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Michele - I bought the squat rack with weights and the 45 lb Olympic barbell. I started with a empty 12.5 lb barbell then added the 5 lbs each time. When I got to 45 lbs I switched to the Olympic barbell.go online to
    He explains everything and there are videos to watch.

    I now only ad 1lb to 2 lbs at a time. I use my wrist and ankle weights to do this. Friend me if you want to do this and we can be weight lifting buddies. Sassy is doing it to. She has done it before so she is a good one for info.

    You described each exercise exactly as I do them. I didn't know exactly what weight to start at. But I did not want to start at the 45 lb like the men do. It was too heavy for me. His wife started with dumbbells in each hand and added weight until she worked up to the barbell.

    This takes 60 minutes now because I am at max weights and rest 3 minutes between sets. He suggests no cardio. I only do cardio because of my joint problem from a deer tick.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • TNToni: Menopals? It is witty...::;):

    Linda from VA: This is a wonderful group of women. Welcome!

    Pip: I’m glad you’re safe. Holy-moly, that could have been bad.

    Barbie: I’ll wave to you as you go through Beautiful Western Oregon, and I hope you have a great trip. Are you planning to take I-5 or drive down the coast?

    LisaMighton from Vancouver BC: Welcome!

    I had a lengthy text chat with DD this evening. She wants to go back to graduate school for her doctorate. I wonder if she’ll be happy doing that. I know that she has her hands full as a working mom, but I wonder if being a fulltime student will be any easier. It will be interesting to see what happens.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Sorry fellow menapals, I am not responding now for two days in a row. I am just so tired that is gives me a ginormous headache. I have some spare muscle relaxers I will be taking in just a few moments and heading to bed about 2 hours early.

    I was wondering about Lisa's 6WBM also. Way back in my early days of nursing we were very anal about charting about our patients BMs. So 6 WBM would be 6 watery BM's that shift!!! My lunch out was great. I chose a grilled chicken sandwich without the bread or any dressing, just the breast. They marinated all of them so I had no choice in not getting something that was marinated. For the side I ordered a fruit dish. And I had my usual water. When we left, 2 girls went one way down the street and then three others, me included went another way to our cars. We must have stood outside in the heat (84 today) yakking and talking, talking and yakking. My legs were exhausted, hard to get a leg into the car, and had headache. We are going to meet next month at this girls house. She and her daughter raise goats. They take them to national competitions and she usually wins grand champion. Of course that means that the goats don't come home with her. they go to the slaughter house. I really don't know what goat meat is used for. But she regularly sells the goat milk and they make their own cheese on the farm. We were going to be able to spend the afternoon seeing the farm, how they make the cheese and everything but when I got home and checked my calender my husband has a 3:30 appointment with his neurologist. He hasn't seen him in about 6 months now and his Parkinson's has gotten worse so I really need to go. The poor guy, he has 5 doctors now. This is the 3rd year in a row he has added a new diagnosis. His Dad had cancer and gave up and died quickly. Charlie says that it would be easy for him to do that. But he said he knows I still depend on him for a lot and he loves his grand kids.

    Finally hounded my eldest daughter enough that she actually measured the space that this china cabinet will go into. Both cabinets are to big!!!!!! So I will box up the dishes she wants and she will store them under shelves in her pantry.

    OK, good night girls, Joyce, Indiana. Primaries are tomorrow here in Indiana. If you have them in your state, get out and vote!!!!