

  • morning peepheads -
    did anyone have issues w/posting or editing your exercises yesterday? I couldn't remove one so it was adding the double calories for that same exercise and I couldn't remove it. oh well.. thought that was me but it wasn't.


    my baby is 6 today, just yesterday we brought him home when he was a little toadhead. Floyd Kirby Schlotterback Jr, you are a handsome young man and we love you.

    annr - congrats on your loss and prize, way to go!!

    damnit- contracts on the lighter you! and just so you know, May is National Bike Month

    May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.
  • National Bike to Work Week 2015 will be held on May 11-15.
  • Hi to every one. I'm judith from Scarborough north Yorkshire England. Retired. Just skipping through the forums and found this site. Haven't got to read all quotes. But. Would like to join in with the chit chat.
  • Good Morning, ladies

    Peach – glad to hear you like your GE as that is what we bought! Mine has the settings you set manually with a knob and not the digital display that sets everything for you. I don’t mind turning a knob in the least. My DH always says the more electronic things are the more can go wrong with them. Sorry to hear about your sore throat. When I get one, I make a hole in a Vitamin E capsule and suck on them. Helps to sooth and heal the throat. I had one for a few days last week followed by a cold. Seems my throat stops hurting just as the cold begins so I use that as a warning of things to come.

    Becca – congratulations on those pounds lost and being the winner of the basket and the money! Wow…now I can say I know a nudest. Always heard of the places but never knew anyone that went.

    Pip – what a handsome pup! Happy Birthday, Floyd!

    MNMargaret – love the time of year to plant. Hope you don’t get any unexpected frost this year. I think our frost date is May 10th. Looking at the extended forecast, I think I’m good to start this weekend.

    Janet – WooHoo!! 50 pounds is wonderful! Hope the storm doesn’t impact your cruise.

    Mary from MN – glad they decided to make a decent offer. Guess they were trying to find out how desperate you were to sell. So, sounds like you accepted the offer and things are moving forward to finalize. Congratulations! Any idea yet if you may be heading South?

    Joyce – no, didn’t find any socks but did find a quarter, a dime, a pen and a door stop along with several clothespins behind the washer.

    Cynthia – glad you’re feeling better after getting some sleep. I’ve been that way on occasion and know how bad that feels.

    Grandmallie – so sorry to hear your brother is still drinking. I hope he is willing to get help before he ends up back in the hospital. If I did half the things you do in a day, you’d find me face down in the floor somewhere.

    Lisa from West Texas – congratulations on getting the book on Amazon. Sounds so interesting. I will be downloading it tonight once I get home from work. With DH gone fishing, I’ll have all evening to read! Glad you’re feeling better after your episode last night. Beautiful picture. So wide open. The clouds look so low you could reach up and touch them.

    Beth – congratulations on your dining room set and enjoy your meal on it on Sunday. Great Mother’s Day gift to yourself. Sorry to hear about your friend, Laura. Will keep her in prayer. Did she have cancer in both or doing both as a precaution? Will also keep you and your sons in prayer as they continue with their struggles.

    Jane – saying a prayer for your DIL’s surgery this morning. Hope you get some rest.

    Tina in MD
  • Hi Judith! I'm living in Hampshire UK at the moment. Spent most of my life in London. Welcome!

    Janet - Fantastic news on the 50 pounds! You must feel a new woman - I know I do. :p

    Lisa - I will be putting your book on my kindle. Just in time for my holiday!

    We have a General Election over here so we went and voted this afternoon. Didn't realise it was also a county election, but did that as well. Then I fiddled about trying to print out some publicity cards and flyers for my book. Didn't manage to accomplish much, but I've got a few to take with me to Wales

    Can't get excited about my holiday and we're going on Saturday! ;) Haven't packed clothes or food yet. The garden will need some attention as well. I'm often like this before I go away and always have a lovely time, so I guess it's just that. The company that rents out the cottage sent a whole lot of bumpf today and I had to print it out. My printer decided it didn't want to cooperate and my computer froze. Waaaarrrggghhh Sorted it in the end, but it was a real hassle.

    Over ate yesterday, so I am sticking to the rules today. Butternut squash, spinach and lamb curry tonight, with cucumber raita. No rice for me. o:) It smells heavenly!

    Much love to all. Heather UK xxxxx
  • Oh. My. Gosh! When will I ever learn?! All my comments gone, in a puff of smoke!! And if I try to recreate them this minute I won't have time to exercise (which would pretty much defeat the purpose of being here in the first place). Poo! I can't believe I did that! Curses!!

    Just a quick thought then... I had a good day yesterday, until I started to feel anxious and overwhelmed and found myself cruising the kitchen and inhaling whatever was in my path. It occurred to me later that I need to take the advice of my DH to people in recovery. When I am feeling strong and 'sane', I need to make a game plan for those moments that will inevitably come. I think I will make a list of all the things I can do in response to my stress and anxiety and turn to that instead of trying to 'stuff the stress' as though that will make the anxiety disappear. Man, I'm going to have to live to be 300 years old before I get this whole 'journey through life' thing figured out.

    Wishing you all a productive and successful day!

    Hugs for anyone in need and high-fives all around... we're here and we haven't given up yet!
  • Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Today I got to work early enough to do my planks, but not to ride the bike. So, I held all 3 planks for 20 seconds each (DS was gone most of the evening, so he didn’t remind me last night). So, I have graduated from the counter to the table and now to the floor since my back pain caused by the fender-bender. Today I am taking lunch the same time as our new employee, and she plans on using the Elliptical for 30 minutes, so hopefully I can make it 20 minutes on the bike again today. I wish walking didn’t cause so much pain today, because we are supposed to see 80 degrees here, so it would be nice to walk around outside. But the RA is flaring in right foot and ankle and left knee (and most of both hands, but that is just me whining and doesn’t affect my walking ).

    Gail – I always did, and still love that song. Thanks for the memory !!!

    Annr (Becca) – congrats on the win! Also congrats on being comfortable in your skin. I could never go to a clothing optional location, but I admire anyone who can.

    Michele – I just look for anything healthy that is the same or similar color. Cauliflower in anything that has gravy or white sauce, tomato or carrot or V-8 juice in spaghetti sauce (I know that tomato is already in there, but I puree and add more). I haven’t tried sneaking in any tofu, but I’m willing to try, and also open for suggestions. // Have you ever tried the seasick bracelets? Mine are blue elastic, with a white bead that you place on a spot on your wrist, and it reduces nausea. I used them throughout my second pregnancy, and loaned them to people for chemotherapy and car sickness. I think they cost me about $15 back when I first bought them. Probably don’t work as well as the patches, and would leave a tan line on your arm.

    Joyce – I rinse the meat in a slow stream of hot water, and that sink has a disposal in it, so it hasn’t clogged yet, but you never know. We are such a busy family that we rarely cook at home, like maybe twice a week, and mostly it is just DS and me, and I usually use the Foreman grill for us.

    Beth – Prayers for Laura!

    Allison – congrats on all the sleep. I am envious.

    One of my new phone cases arrived today. It has a huge purple rose on it, and many other sparkly beads. Another is like a wallet with a wristlet, so that will NEVER go in my bra-ket.

    Today DS is upset with me because I’m “forcing” him to go to the bowling alley to help sell the candy bars for the Little League Fundraiser. I say it is his responsibility to help, since we are paying for him to play baseball. I will win this one!

    Lisa - Thanks for sharing the beautiful picture.

    Welcome to everyone new!

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • afternoon ladies,
    today has been bad eating day for me, I guess at almost 55 i have figured out i am a stress eater
    and eating nothing but trail mix and dark chocolate covered fruit, went to see DFIL, they had to sedate him last night but saw that coming, stopped to see DB , then went to visit my dd for a bit, then came home and put 2 loads of laundry in the wash.. then went out and mowed the lawn, riding mower and push, then washed the car and dried it.. came in and parked it for about 5 minutes with Homer barking at me to play..
    checked facebook to find out a dear neighbor from down in florida died, he had been on dyalisis many year.. and he was a dear..
  • Janet: 50 lbs! Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo!!! That is fantabulous!

    Tina MD: Callingwood, Ont...I've never been there. I went to Ontario about 5 years ago on a genealogical field trip. I went to St. Catherines, Hamilton and Niagra Falls...it was beautiful!

    Cynthia: Hope that you get some sleep soon. Wishing you pleasant dreams :smile:

    Beth: Prayers for your friend!

    Pip: Love the pic of your baby... he's so cute and still is!

    Grandmallie: I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Went to Tai Chi today, the instructor (new to me) said that you should be doing 400 Donyu's each and EVERY day. He also said that if you do them properly you won't get tired...apparently I'm not doing them properly because I think I need a nap!

    Thought for the day: “I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles.”― Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls

    Carey - Edmonton
  • Hi all-
    I think summer has come to visit in middle Tennessee! We are expecting near record temps the next 3 days. Now on Memorial Day weekend it will probably be in the 50's.

    Becca - Congrats on the 3+ pound loss. I am a TOPS member, too, and the leader of our group. We do a pot of dimes for the biggest loser of the week and then draw a name for 3 play dollars. In June we have an auction of new and gently used things using our play dollars. We have a rule that you have to have attended the previous week's meeting to win either of the prizes. I could not do this without a support group. Now I have 2 TOPS and my Menopals!

    Joyce - Gatlinburg is my idea of purgatory! Nothing but traffic, people, junky food, and overpriced touristy stuff! I love the mountains. My husband is originally from north Georgia. When we have vacationed in the mountains we go there and to North Carolina. Haven't been there in many years now that his mom is gone.

    Sylvia - Your trip sounds wonderful! I know you are glad you can enjoy this without the fluffy self you used to be. So proud of what you have accomplished!

    Lisa - I love mysteries! I'll investigate yours and Heather's books. The picture of your ranch is beautiful!

    Selena - love to hear you talk about the hummers!

    Chris - how great to find 3 possible dresses for that wedding event!

    Dr.Katie - what a thoughtful gesture sending cards to all of those in your Bible study. Glad the teaching experience was rewarding and is winding down.

    Beth from near Buffalo - I was just wondering where you were. Have been missing your regular posts. The dining set sounds so nice.

    Some of you mentioned Ross' stores. I enjoy getting a "find" at ours from time to time. I really need pants for the summer! all my capris are so big they look bad. Make me look frummpier than when I was at my fluffiest. I don't want to have to go aunatural like Becca!

    Well - I want to say more but I am off to working. Doing 2 extra shifts this week and next. Th - F - Sat - Sun - T -W. Then on Friday the 15th we are having a farewell cookout for members and staff at 12:30. and I will help with that!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Toni in TN - wish it WAS ours... well, sometimes. We live here, and my husband works here. One of the perks of his job of keeping a hundred or so vehicles running all year is that all the four-wheelers and brush buggies have each be used a couple of times between December and October to keep the engines tested and in good running shape over the nine months between hunting seasons. So guess what we get to do on the weekends? Yep, explore a lot of backcountry. We always take two vehicles, 'cause the chances of having both break down is slim. Daisy Dog loves it... but always agonizes over which one to ride with. :wink:

    Summer has arrived here in West Texas... I keep two thermometers, one in the sun, one in the shade. The shady one says 96F, the sunny one says 101. The calendar may say spring, but even if you average them out, the thermometers know better. But the mowing is done for a couple weeks!

    My funny for today--MFP thinks the riding lawnmower burns over 300 calories an hour. Pretty sure it doesn't... The push mower might, maybe, but not the faithful steed.

    Thanks all for the response on the book. For those who do decide to dip a toe in it, please do add a review when you get a moment. Cannot even begin to tell you how much both the reads and the reviews are appreciated.

    Time to go stand under a cool shower...
  • Beth ~ congrats on scoring the new/old dining set. I recently thought about what furniture we have purchased over the years and realize it is less than a dozen pieces (mostly sofas and recliners). We were so lucky to have pieces of furniture passed down through the family.

    Janet ~ losing 50 pounds is such an accomplishment. Kudos to you for all the hard work.

    Pip ~ lovely pup.

    Lisa ~ I feel dizzy looking at that photo of you on top of the hill/mountain.

  • DIL did well with surgery,on her way home.now for the long recovery,could be a couple months.thanks for ur prayers and well wishes
    hugs jane
  • Hello ladies :-) Prayers to your families, and to friends and family hurting, or dealing with alot.

    @tgram2seven That is great that you are a leader of your TOPS group. We currently have about 38 members and about 7 of them are KOPS. I love all the games and prizes. One of our games when I was in the Northern CA group was a mountaineer game. I made a poster of a mountain...like an alps, with different huts here and there. I put string connecting each hut making it snake up to the top of the mountain. I had measured it out and was like 20 marks between each hut. I then made climbers using clothes pins and a pic of a cute nordic looking climber with their names on them. They had to do specific things, call or email someone, journal, lose weight, exercise for 30 min a day, to get points...and each point was a mark on the string. Sometimes there were pile ups so I just clipped them hanging on to each other clothes pin wise lol. Whoever got to the huts first won prizes. I had gone out to the community and gotten free stuff like a months free membership at a gym, free pedicure etc. Sometimes the hut prizes were a basket. It was a fun contest! You are welcome to use it at yours:-)

    One hint I have started to do is keep a pile of index cards and cool pens by the computer. I get nice thoughts, mantras from you all, and from TOPS, and other random places, and I write them on index cards...every other day I find myself thumbing thru them. I think of it as re-programing my brain, or getting out of a funk I sometimes get myself in. I have quite a stack. One thing that is really important for me to do, is to do my homework. I tell my son to do his, so I have to do mine. So I am continuely going thru my pantry, and keeping my "plan of attack" in this journey, this mission I am on. (That is the Navy Retired Chief's Wife in me....yep it is all caps"...I sometimes put my food in a different area of the kitchen when I am really OCD about it all. It is a form of control that I can control you see. I have come to realize that my weight is a self induced disease I have done to myself. Yes, outside influences happened, and for many years I just "settled" and never put myself first. Is it a Navy wife thing? Or just a woman...we are the nurturers of the world thing? But I got myself into this state, no one else. It is up to me to get myself out. (I see to be having a serious talk with myself eh?)

    For the couple of you that commented on me being a nudist, I have to admit I have not always been one. I grew up in a conservative Lutheran household. My mother, and her mother had self esteem issues. I remember my mother taking me to a Weight Loss Center when I was a freshman in high school because I whined I was fat. I was about 130 lbs. Why on earth my mother didn't just sit me down and say I was fine, is beyond me. So I remember eating 800 calories a day, and peeing in a cup at the facility, and I was humiliated. She did the best she could think of at the time. She was going thru a divorce and probably didn't have the best coping skills.
    So now, when I attended the resort, walking in the sun, with complete acceptance from others...was such a self esteem boost. The interesting part of a resort is the non-sexual aspect of it. They sat my sons down and talked to them, saying this is a safe place for you, if you ever feel weird about someone or anything, tell us at the office and your parents. So as a mom that was wonderful. To raise children in that environment was a blessing. My youngest son would be chatting in the hot tub to ladies that had underwent mastectomy's etc, and it didn't matter. Its total acceptance. As a large woman, to teach my sons that women don't have air brushes in their back pockets etc, was important. As a result I never found playboy mags under their bed that was for sure hahaha. The most important fact I taught them was that nudity didn't equate sex, the two don't always go together. I am hoping that all three of my sons took from their experience growing up vacationing there, was that outer shells of people do not define them.

    ok ok...enough ranting....maybe I need to call my therapist and start again...naaaa.

  • Hi, all - just a quick note. I write for the local paper, but don't charge them. I will be publishing a "best of" my columns book later on. This is this week's article in the local paper. They seldom put them up on the Web, they must have got a gung-ho intern again... :p This one's all in fun, titled Facing Fears and Flying Monkeys. Enjoy! And now I swear I'm going to go get in the shower.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Janet...LOL. I know size 8 sounds small but I'm not very tall, than 5'4" (probably less now that I've aged). I am still 11 lbs, from my goal and 20 lbs. from a healthy BMI, so I do have a ways to go. I love that you have no sympathy for me, I always wanted to be in that position. I started at a size 14.
    Chris in MA
    PS, my BFF wanted to lose 5 lbs. (which she did) and is now a size 2 petite (4'11"), so I feel huge next to her.
    Many congrats on the 50 lbs. lost, that is an admirable accomplishment!
  • Last evening we had some strong storms. A town about 30 miles away was hit with a tornado and did alot of damage. There was one spotted outside of town and they put the alarms off. It is raining here again today. DH and friend took our motorcycle to be fixed. The guy said that it could be a recall part that is broke. If so that will save us alot of money. So keeping my fingers crossed. Last evening it rainned most the night. Good sleeping weather, but I woke up and was getting my shower to get ready for work and DH asked why I was up so early. It was 345 and I didn't need to be up till 5. Going to be a long day and then this evening we have pre-school gradution for our DGS. I am so looking forward to Saturday.

    Heather--proud of you for getting up there and talking about your book. I know I enjoyed it and been trying to figure out how to post a review. I do think I will have DH help me as they keep asking for my password. He does the ordering and I have never had to use it.

    Cynthia--I would not be happy if the doctor talked to my mom that way. Some of them need lessons on manners.

    Teri--Sorry hear the young man did not have insurance. Our county offices has a recornd of insurance so we do not have to bring card when we get tags. I just wounder why they can not list who has let insurance cancelled.

    Sylvia--your bag sounds like just what you need and I love the color purple. Yesterday I got a new band for my fitbit. It is purple with light purple flowers. I love it. A lady here at work has been ordering different ones and selling them for $4. Sounds like you got some good buys on things for your trip. I keep thinking I should check out the thirf shops. Since I am down to XL I am thinking I could find something.

    Peach--Hope you feel better soon.

    Annr--Congrates on winning at TOPs. Sounds like you had a great week.

    Gail--I do remember that song, Thanks for the smile.

    Mary--Glad to hear they got serious about a decent offer.

    Lisa--I am going to have DH order that for my kindle. Thanks for sharing. WOW! you live out there. Looks beautiful.

    pipcd--So cute.

    Beth--Sending prayers and hugs for you, both DS and friend. Sounds like you got just what you wanted for mom's day. Enjoy!

    Welcome Judith. Come often and get to know us and us you. This is a great group.

    Allison--Sorry to hear about your friend, sending hugs.

    Have a good night and One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Good afternoon! We got back from the funeral just in time for me to pick up the kids from school. Tonight is their school carnival, so I'm going back at 5:30 to take them to that. It'll give me some time to spend with them before we go on our trip.

    This funeral was for a friend/colleague of hubby's, and it has really given us a chance to think about what we want in the end. All the way home from the visitation last night (it's a 90 minute drive) we discussed it. Hubby has never really said before, but last night he told me that he wants to be cremated, and he wants me to make him an urn. I thought that was so sweet I almost cried, until he added, do you know how much they charge for urns? :D That's my sweetie! Thrifty to the end.

    Something very strange happened too. Both at the funeral home last night and at the church today, hubby put his hand on my back. Gentle, sweet strokes that lasted a minute or so. Now, that doesn't sound like much, but he has NEVER touched me in public before. He is not demonstrative in any way. His whole family is like that. I think he was feeling his own mortality a little bit. I hate to think it's because he was ashamed of me before and he's not now, so I just won't go there.

    Oh, and my hubby was best man at their wedding 21 years ago. The bride picked out purple paisley ties for the men in the wedding party, and today my husband wore that tie to the funeral. She was very touched.

    So he's coming home in a few minutes so we can walk the dogs before I go get the kids.

    I hope you are all having a great evening!
