
  • Hello from the banks of the Rogue River in Oregon. Started the day with a 10,000 step walk without poodles. Ate in two fun restaurants and ate food that fit my eating plan. Logged some but not all. Jake is on the phone now so I'll go outside and walk around the parking lot til I my step goal

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT
  • Total stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.12min, 17.3amph 2.9mi = 106c
    Spin- 40min, 94ar, 121aw, 11-17g, 18.5mi = 345c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.42min, 14.3amph, 1.3mi = 71c
    ride dome 2 hm- 15.52min, 10.1amph, 2.6mi = 166c
    True total cal 688
  • That joke reminded me of the old song, Beep-Beep, Beep-Beep:

    While riding in my Cadillac, what, to my surprise,
    A little Nash Rambler was following me, about one-third my size.
    The guy must have wanted it to pass me up
    As he kept on tooting his horn. Beep! Beep!
    I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn.

    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    His horn went, beep, beep, beep. (Beep! Beep!).

    I pushed my foot down to the floor to give the guy the shake,
    But the little Nash Rambler stayed right behind; he still had on his brake.
    He must have thought his car had more guts
    As he kept on tooting his horn. Beep! Beep!
    I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn.

    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    His horn went, beep, beep, beep. (Beep! Beep!).

    My car went into passing gear and we took off with dust.
    And soon we were doin' ninety, must have left him in the dust.
    When I peeked in the mirror of my car,
    I couldn't believe my eyes.
    The little Nash Rambler was right behind, you'd think that guy could fly.

    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    His horn went, beep, beep, beep. (Beep! Beep!).

    Now we're doing a hundred and ten, it certainly was a race.
    For a Rambler to pass a Caddy would be a big disgrace.
    For the guy who wanted to pass me,
    He kept on tooting his horn. Beep! Beep!
    I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn.

    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    Beep, beep. (Beep, beep.)
    His horn went, beep, beep, beep. (Beep! Beep!).

    Now we're doing a hundred and twenty, as fast as I could go.
    The Rambler pulled alongside of me as if I were going slow.
    The fellow rolled down his window and yelled for me to hear,
    Hey, buddy, how can I get this car out of second gear?


    written by Cicchetti, Carl / Claps, Donald

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Did 55 minutes of Tonya Larsen's Step Pump DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jeanette Jenkins 21 Day Total Body Challenge (is that the correct name, Lesley. I know "21 Day" is in there)

    annr - I'm not a coffee drinker, so can I sip iced tea (unsweetened, of course) or water? Good job only having those 2 pieces of pizza. If at TOPS, they want you to weigh in wearing the same clothing, what about the fact that you usually wear less clothing in summertime than in wintertime. Do they make some adjustment for this? congrats on that loss and winning the big prize. I usually avoid appetizers because most of them are deep fried or something. You did well.

    Mary from MN
    - I hate to say this, but when we sold our third house, we sold it for MORE than the asking price. I hope the same thing happens for you. On another note: *I'm* not going on vacation


    - I talked to them at the ceramics place tonight. The paint that I used on the praying mantis was a glaze, so even tho I didn't use a clear coat, they said it won't fade. Was I ever glad to hear that. Seems that the gal who talked about the "antiquing" uses mostly acrylics and these are glazes. The gal there told me that the paint she recommended for dh is the kind that gets darker in the crevices and doesn't require a coat of paint and then rubbing it off. This paint will get fired. They said that I couldn't refire the praying mantis, but I'm OK with it since it won't fade. Now the ladybug was touched up with acrylics, one guy there told me about this spray that he puts on his acrylic pieces to keep them from fading, I probably should get at least one can of it. There is NO WAY I would shop for Vince. His tastes and mine are so different. Congrats on those pants

    SSC - SNOW???? I was laying out by the pool today.

    The pool is starting (operative word) to get cleared up. Vince figures that tomorrow I'll be able to at least go in the spa. The pool temp was 79. Now the chlorine is high, but I do have a chlorine resistant bathing suit. Many times I wear it to the Y since they have so much chlorine in their pool. So I'll wear that one tomorrow and then just rinse it out. Probably put it out on the deck to dry

    Chris - I applaud your attitude. What a great mindset!

    Got the third coat on the orange and yellow parts on the snail and then had time to put two coats of light purple paint on the underside of his body. I honestly didn't think I would get that much accomplished tonight.

    pip - when's the party? Oh, guess what we saw coming home from ceramics? Made me think of you. There was this boy on a bike -- get this -- talking on his cell phone! He'll make some sort of driver one day, that's for sure

    Tina in MD
    - hope that washer and dryer work out for you

    Italy - I don't think a salmon burger for breakfast is weird. Sometimes I have soup or chicken or whatever I need to finish up

    - I'm constantly sneaking healthy food into Vince. To me, the inventor of the mini food processor deserves a Nobel prize. If Vince ever knew how often he was eating tofu, he wouldn't eat again. So I just don't tell him. Let me know some of your ways of sneaking food into dh, I can always use new ideas

    Beth - we have a chemical testing kit, so we test the water. All the tests said we didn't have any combined chlorine, but tonight the water is (while still not totally clear) getting better. Vince actually enjoys keeping the pool chemicals balanced (thank goodness)

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb wrote: »
    4 miles; mile 1=15min 38 sec; split pace=14 min 28 sec I think that might be a personal best and I'm really proud since I had taken almost 6 months off from really walking.

    I know that the above stats are penny ante to some you hardcore folks, but I am damned proud of it. It's a hilly course.

    Back to your regularly scheduled program...

    Awesome, do not ever think your stats are penny ante....

    Lillian in Snowy West Central Saskatchewan
  • My goodness - 160 posts. I don't know where I have been ....

    Congratulations to all the personal accomplishments everyone

    I will try check in ...off to Jasper on Friday and Northern Saskatchewan on Monday....

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan.......snowing again :(
  • Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, I saw on the morning news that it is “Ride your bike to school” Day. Not sure if that’s national, state or local, but I’m sure riding to work counts too. I immediately thought of you. Of course you are always in the In Crowd.

    Katla, I truly do keep that in mind when I exercise. I’m not much of an exerciser and often have to make myself do it, but I figure anything I do beats sitting and whining about it. It is only natural that you would be jealous of the MIL if she gets to see your family way more often than you do. Your DD has to make the best decision for her family and it is not about you, but we are all jealous for you. (((Hugs))) Glad you put on your big girl panties. Your upcoming trip sounds like fun.

    Joyce, I know what you mean about a trip not being relaxing if someone complains about everything. And road rage is certainly not relaxing!! That wasn’t much of a rant, but we’ll put it in the pile anyway. I never thought of tailgaters as wanting to get up close and personal. LOL So they are just flirting with you, huh? I do hope you make it to Myrtle Beach along with lots of the ladies here.

    Chris, cute rant and I was going to give you a very supportive response….Until I read that you can wear a size 8 pants!!! You can rant, whine, cry and dance but don’t expect one ounce of sympathy from this fat friend!!! I wore an 8 when I was in college. How much more weight do you want to lose? I think I’m going to start a rant! Well, never mine. You know I support you in whatever tiny little size you want to be. ((Hugs))

    Katie, gosh you sound so super busy, I think you need to go back to work so you can rest. Cute one with the chicken and possum. You enjoy your week off.

    Heather, I’m glad you got to plug your book last night. I remember getting a pan for a gourmet cook for his wedding gift and it cost more than my whole set of pots and pans. It is nice to have quality items.

    Tina, I hope you know all washers and dryers are pretty dirty and dusty behind them if they have been in place for any length of time. In fact, I think the only times I ever really clean there is when we move or replace them. Sorry the giant fancy (and expensive) ones wouldn’t fit. Happy washing.

    Italy, glad the diet change is working out for you. Yes a salmon burger for breakfast sounds la little weird, but as long as you eat it and not me, I’m fine with it.

    Terri, that’s great that your Dad enjoys the Moose. The men’s group is more social whereas the women’s is social with lots of charity work.

    Sylvia, great shopping and wowee on those sizes. Sounds like you are all set.

    Annr, a Big Congrats on being such a loser! That is terrific and came with a prize to boot. Keep up the great work.

    Michele, glad the pool is clearing up. You’ll be swimming in there in no time.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It is amazing how much the scale can affect my attitude and my day. This morning it finally hit a loss of 50 pounds. To be honest, 6 months ago I would not have thought that possible. I hope I only have 30 more to go, but will make that decision when I get there. I want to be what I consider a normal and healthy size. Needless to say, I’m excited at this milestone and looking forward to more. I just wish it wasn’t going soooo slow. I keep watching the weather and not real excited about the system out in the Bahamas. I was going to make this cruise without the seasick patches, but with that storm, decided I might need them. Four patches cost $85.00. Ouch. But I got them because I’d hate to be sick and barfing the whole cruise. I did have a wonderful day and now I'm headed to bed.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. <3

    Thought for the day:
    "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily."
    Zig Ziglar

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Hello everyone! Our realtor told the realtor of the low ball offer that he better make his best offer if he really wants our house or we won't look at it. So, he came up $15,000. Now we're playing ball. We may be under contract by Friday! Closing on July 3rd. Now I really have to get our moving sale going!

    Joyce - I really think we should all meet up with Janet in Myrtle Beach too! That would be so much fun!

    Allison - what part of the country do you live in? I have to have a fan blowing on me if it gets hot.

    Selena - congrats on the book. Your husband is so romantic! The coconut oil pulling is gross the first couple of times but we've been doing it for over a month now and do it first thing in the morning or on an empty stomach. 2tsp full of coconut oil in mouth and squish in and out between your teeth, you may drool occasionally the first couple of times. Time it for 20 minutes. It starts to disolve the plaque between and under your gums at around 15 minutes. So I use a timer. Spit out in the garbage not sink or toilet, it will solidify and clog. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Brush teeth. It has really whitened our teeth, pink tongue, no more morning or bad breath. It neutralizes your breath because it kills germs. My DH and I are so glad that we are doing it.

    Chris - get a hold of yourself girl! You can do this! Don't beat yourself up. You are probably going to even have to get a smaller dress in 3 weeks. Tighten up your ship, exercise and eat clean and at a deficit you will lose. We are here for you!

    Drkatiebug - glad you made it!

    Heather - Happy Anniversary! (First meeting )

    Lisa - pretty soon you'll be a short skinny lady and everyone will be offering you a ride!

    Cynthia - glad to hear about your mom!

    Tina - call us we'll come watch the strong young men!

    Terri - no OtterBox was delivered! I give up, I am just going to buy one. I would meet you if I was close to Chicago.

    Sylvia - congrats on the pants size!

    Annr - yea! that is an awesome loss!

    Pip - puppy party!

    MNMargaret - thanks! Have fun gardening. I will miss that.

    Beth - yeah, we had to go to the office. We told her we wouldn't do that again. We want to know over the phone what it is. They did make a better offer though!

    Lesley - who is telling you to decrease your calories? Is that part of the challenge?

    Barbie - have fun!

    Michele in NC - more than the asking price did you have a bidding war?

    Janet - congratulations on the big 50lb loss! That is a witness to the hard work and sacrifice that you did!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lisa from WTX: I love the joke. I’m a fan of kid jokes and this one is a groaner for me.

    Barbie: I’m glad you’re enjoying your trip.

    Gail: I love Beep-Beep! Thanks for the reminder. My dad had a Nash Rambler when I was a little and a Nash station wagon when I was in the fourth grade.

    Michele: My DH says to put food on the table and if he gets hungry, he’ll eat it. This is glib advice that may be true occasionally in my experience.

    NC Carol: I agree with Lilymay. Your time walking the mile is awesome!

    Janet: Congratulations on losing 50 lbs! That is a milestone worth celebrating.

    I received a facetime call from DD that was video of my grandson doing some amazing things for a guy who was born August 31. He’s pulling himself up on furniture, solving problems with getting his toys, making happy baby sounds and being totally cute. He’ll be running and talking nonstop in no time. I love technology! The other grandparents were getting this call at the same time I was.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Becca here.....ok I had the lovely appetizer for lunch...and now I am eating TUM'S... lol. I don't dine on smoked salmon with capers crostini's too often..(well never actually) and my belly is telling me. Maybe it was the beer. Tomorrow is swimming day, so I hope I will feel better....
    @exermom I suppose you can wear whatever is comfortable, some have "weighing in outfits" clothes they wear at every weigh-in. I guess their reasoning for the no swimming suit option I had tried was that most people do not wear swimming suits walking around the world. When I joined the leader had sent me an email telling me to curtail my commenting on the fact that I was a nudist in California (at an appropriate resort mind you)....sheesh. I don't shove the lifestyle down peoples throat mind you, it was just a aspect of who I was when I moved here. Live and learn I suppose. I know I have a unique perspective in that at my heaviest (265) I was attending a Clothing Optional Resort with my husband, and sons, and not really negative about my weight. The main reason I wished to lose back then is to just move through this world easier, to dance longer, to be able to play tennis, or water volleyball longer...sadly activities I don't do much of, here in Oregon.
    @DamitJanit Congrats on the 50 lb loss!!! That is so awesome! Love your Thought of the Day! (Every sentence I am typing is ending with an !) I am constantly finding phrases and thoughts to re-modivate myself and always think on the positive.
  • Allison, tell your husband that dancing in front of the AC would be fun. When we have had our AC out and it was really outside, I would put a big pan of ice right in front of a fan and put it directly in front of me. If my husband wanted to be cool, he had to get his own. Me having MS does not make a hill of beans difference to our electric company.

    Sylvia, you do have a picky husband. When I first met my husband, he wore dark blue or brown and black polyester slacks and the same in shirts. As he has gotten older I have gotten him into more stylish clothes. He really listens to his girls more than me. He even has certain shoes he has to wear with his cowboy hat for Karaoke, You can not disgrace a cowboy hat with tennis shoes! Congrats on your shopping trip!!!! Your husband is going to have quite a time keeping those men off of you.

    Selena, does your husband have some 30ish young relative that is single and lives in Indiana???? He is such a sweet man. My youngest daughter needs a man lie that. Between her father treating all of us with disrespect in his earlier years and then her marrying a man that cheated on her, she needs a good man. I was the one who asked that question. Thanks for the answer. So their life is their graduation.

    Chris in Maine, could some of that 2 pound gain be muscle??? As some other have said, as long as you like what you see in the mirror and you are changing in inches, you are making progress. Now if I can only believe it myself!

    Cynthia, that sort of behavior should not be tolerated and should be reported. That is what a nursing supervisor is for. She can report that to the person that is over the doctors who have privileges at that hospital.

    Tina, have fun on your vacation. It just seems like yesterday that we were seeing pictures of the frozen falls, We saw them back in the 1970's and didn't need a passport to go up in to Toronto to do a little sightseeing. Did you find any lost socks when you moved your washer and dryer out. No telling what I would find.

    Terri in Milwaukee, Doesn't rinsing your meat like that clog up your drain? I know you said you put it in a coffee can first, but if there is enough that you feel the need to rinse, I would think that would eventually through the years clog your drain. Can you tell that this cardiac nurse's brain still does click on sometimes!!! I had a wreck many years ago, man was unlicensed, uninsured and ran a red light. So my insurance had to pay for it. Years later, and i mean years, I received a check from the old insurance company, because hey dropped me, for a nice amount. So yes, they do 'aggresively pursue the violator.' I had 3 wrecks in a period of 9 months, all not my fault. One was when I was at work, when I came out after shift ended, found my car had been hit so bad it wasn't even in the same parking spot.

    Peach, my stove, sink and all counter tops are avocado. So you can tell how old my things are. who knows what I could find if this stove ever wears out. So far only the refrigerator and dishwasher have worn out.

    Annr, I keep my cell phone in my right front pocket of my pants. I do have an unexplained pain in my upper right hip. they have done MRI, CY and just plain xrays of area and have found nothing. With the MRI they did discover the cancer in my uterus so I'm glad they did it although the hip area still hurts.

    Lisa in West Texas, refried beans looks to much like poo, I worked with enough of that in my nursing days and just can't fathom how it would taste.

    Janet, when we went to Myrtle Beach 2 years ago we stayed in a beach front rented house in North myrtle Beach. Is it true that for all the people that actually live in touristy towns that you hate us guys??? I would be afraid to go on a cruise if there is potential for bad weather. Do you know what you are going to do to all of us here at home worrying???? Shame on you.

    So much to do tomorrow, will I get it done???? Joyce, Indiana

  • Hello everyone!

    Sylvia: so these chicken bones...is that an old wives’ tale? I’m stumped! Impressed by your clothes sizes!!

    Lisa: My guy is very slim and doesn’t have a food “problem” himself. Makes it extra special when they work with you!

    Lesley: what happened to Brian? (Since you’re mentioning someone at the pharmacy.)

    Joyce: refried beans, lol. Used to love them when I lived in the south (that and egg biscuits from Bojangles). Burritos with refried beans were my favorite.

    I was deathly tired yesterday (shaking and nauseated) after two nights of sleeping badly and a day in the city yesterday for work. Slept reasonably well last night, got tired at the end of the morning and was able to take a nap with my dog. Glad that I have some sleep under my belt.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • morning ladies~
    well I slept almost 11 hrs.. I needed it .. today is my day off, and have nothing planned...so I will be busy... first to go see DFIL, then my DB and DSIL, then my dad..
    My brother is still doing some drinking and we are all worried, there is a pill that decreases the craving for alcohol and he was on it, well our dad who is my health nut and dosnt believe in meds, told Sean it was poison(WHAT) so of course you tell an alcoholic something is bad for them they listen....
    so he has another script for them, and I am going to have a chat with my dad.. just because he has been going to Alanon for 40 yrs doesnt make him a counselor ,he can give advice but, alot of the time it is the wrong kind.
    I will mow the lawn and maybe was the cars.. take the boys for a walk. and make dinner.
    Barbie have a wonderful time!!
  • (_|_)(_\_)(_|_)(_/_)(_|_)(_\_)(_|_)(_/_)(_|_)(_\_)(_|_)(_/_)(_|_)(_\_)(_|_)(_/_)

    The above would be the happy booty dance of joy... here on a Thursday? morning...

    The book is finally out of edits to the point where I feel I can send you to Amazon to get a copy! And can even acknowledge my full name, so, Hi! I'm Lisa C Hannon. You will find that I always use the "C" because my beloved husband married two women named Lisa. No, I am not joking. :smile: Saves him some trouble. Weirds me out on occasion.

    If you're on Prime, you can pick up a copy through their lending library for free, and if you're on Select, it's also free to you. It is a murder mystery, set in East Texas, so if mysteries aren't your bag, please don’t feel any obligation.

    I'm not directly linking, because it's a violation of the terms of service of MFP, but if you want to message me directly, I'll be happy to send you the link. if you are interested, please feel free to search on Amazon, in Books, for Lisa C Hannon or This Little Pig, A Flak Anders Mystery. If you just search for This Little Pig, you will find a lot of other stuff, so the author search is easier! While it IS titled “This Little Pig,” it is NOT a children’s story! Here’s the synopsis, so you can decide if you might be interested.

    “Anita ‘Flak’ Anders, the first woman sheriff of Nacogdoches County, is called to a fire in the wee hours of a hot July night in Deep East Texas, where she finds Curtis Lee Barnes, the husband who left her four years ago. Trapped and dying in the burning building is the father-in-law he would never let her meet. Flak's fragile new relationship with the fire chief and her old feelings collide as Curt becomes a suspect in the arson murder, along with his whole family. Against the backdrop of the religious fervor of the area's Pentecostal sects, she must survive fanatics, bullets and bombs to pierce the family’s defensive walls. The chilling history of Tucker Barnes' abuse ratchets up the tension in alternating chapters, as violence explodes across the great Piney Woods of East Texas."

    Due to the prohibitions against direct advertising on myfitnesspal, again, I don’t want to put up a direct link, but you are more than welcome to go to my website, now that I’ve released my real name. My website is www.lisachannon.com, and the books page is www.lisachannon.com/books. The first link on the books page goes straight to This Little Pig, as does the last one at the bottom.

    The final print proof is in my hands by Monday/Tuesday, and should be available late next week, if all's well, which it should be. However, it will be significantly more expensive than the Kindle version. I've looked at the blinking thing 'til my eyes bleed black and white print. If you've got an e-book reader which is NOT Kindle, I'm exclusive on Kindle until... July 9, I believe, and then I'm going to expand out to Nook and the rest of the e-platforms. When I get my non-fiction book finished (fingers crossed in May!) I don't plan to be Kindle-exclusive.

    Now I get to take a break from messing with mine and go read our own Heather Eyles' book Windows, which I've had on my Kindle for days, but couldn't get to because I was finishing my edits! Her literary fiction is also on Amazon, if you didn't see her announcement. Anyone else got a book up that we need to know about?

    Lisa from West Texas
  • Hi Everyone,

    Long few days. I was way over on my calories yesterday. Was at a class all day and took 2furbabies for their doctor's appointment. I am sooooo tired. I find it much harder to stayw/in my calori count when all I want to do is sleep.

    Today a friend is coming to help me w/my quilted window shade. I had hoped to work on it before she came back but I too intimated and two swamped w/work to get it done.

    BarbiHope you have a wonderful trip✈️

    SylviaSpain I am so envious. DM and I went to Portugal in 92 for a month. I would go back in a heartbeat. Did not get to Spain as we were on an exploring our roots trip.

    Lesley Sounds like you are being vey at tentative to what you need to do. Keep going!

    Tngram2seven The church/y sounds great. Tax exempt status for religious institutions is very complicated. Glad they took a creative approach that allows a holistic ministry to flourish.

    PipGlad you're ok.

    Sorry I will con be commenting more but need to get breakfast and get dressed before my friend gets here.

    Naiomi2015 in sunny and 60F Massachusetts

  • Lisa, I love your kind of writing. Will investigate for sure.

    Going to vacuum, mop and dust this AM. House is so so dusty after all the pollen we have had!
  • Good morning! A new day to get back on track! I have no idea why I succumbed to drowning myself in sugar and carbs yesterday ... but that was yesterday.

    I bought the dining room set. Very traditional. Has some wear and tear. But got it for a really good price! It took us two hours to get it home ... multiple trips with two trucks. Fortunately it was only located a couple of miles from our house. A heavy son-of-a-gun! My son asked why I was bothering with it since we never ate in the dining room anyways ... sheesh ... know that we will be eating in the dining room this Sunday! And, I never had a lighted cabinet before, so looking forward to how my antique plate collection looks in there. Happy Mother's Day to me!

    Migraine son is under the weather today. Have appointments for him in a little bit. He's not sleeping and I suspect that's adding to his condition.

    Older son is struggling with medication changes ...

    Prayers/good thoughts for a dear friend (Laura) would be appreciated today ... she's having a double masectomy this morning. Only in her early forties.

    Have a great day!
    Beth in WNY

  • Hi All, I am back from my wonderful two days in Lincoln. Loved the cathedral and the town. Have read all posts (taken me two days!!!) but have not managed to take any notes.
    BIG huge congrats to all who are doing well, and commiserations to those who are struggling in one way or another. So happy I did not come back to a 'squashed pip'!.
    Thanks to Lisa for the recipe which I will be trying out soon.
    Now I am back at work and getting back into the grove, I will try to make more effort to keep up with everyone.

    Gilly, Suffolk, Uk

  • Have good day.Warm in IL,gonna be in the 80`s.DIL surgery is this am.Didn`t sleep much.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Sylvia: Congrats on dropping a size!

    Gail: I remember that song very well… especially the chorus, which is now stuck in my head. :smile:

    Peach: Hope the sore throat/cough is over soon, they’re so miserable.

    DamnItJanet: Congrats on 50 lbs!

    Joyce in Indiana: Refried beans are kind of an acquired taste, or actually texture. I grew up with pinto beans, so loved the taste, and the “refried” part is kind of a misnomer. The canned ones have little or no fat in them, and are simply slightly blended pinto beans.

    Rough evening yesterday food-wise, unfortunately. First true sticking episode I’ve had in easily two months, so can’t complain too much. I'm ten years post gastric bypass (for the few who haven't already heard me talk about it) and the culprit was probably a bit of inattention over a protein bar I was eating while working over my website in the afternoon. Got things settled down enough to chew on some papaya enzyme about 8 pm, finally straightened up about 9.

    And, I dropped two pounds. Don’t think it was due to the hurling, but we'll find out… official weigh-in is Sunday, so we'll see if it stays gone.

    Lisa in West Texas

    My personal website: lisachannon.com

    The picture is me, last fall, about 20 pounds heavier, standing on the 3,000 (ish) foot hill above where we live. The road that can be seen below runs past my husband's shop, and the poky little hill about 500 feet below me, to the right in the photo, obscures our house, pretty much. We live in the “Big Canyon.” They seldom got unnecessarily creative in the naming around these parts. :)
