
It's a brand new month for all of us who are committed to making healthy eating and exercise a way of life.

The name of the thread is Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome to be part of this supportive and encouraging community.

If you had goals for April, how did you do?

What goals have you set for May?

This thread has been around for a long time and there are many of us who have changed our lives as the result of reading and being part of this community.

Please sign your post with your name or alias and your geographic location so we can get to know each other better.

1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

April Resolutions(with end of the month comments)
*15,000 steps a day--fewer than before so I can spend more time with strength training and garden puttering)---successful....my average was higher but on the days when my steps were just over 15,000, it was a relief to not have to push to reach a higher goal
* strength training twice a week- smiley-sport017.gif--better than last month but not twice a week
*finish sorting the slides--finished---I'll make a plan for turning them into digital files next fall or winter
*don't take things personally--this saved my sanity on a regular basis

Resolutions for May
*walk at least 15,000 steps a day
*strength training twice a week
*act the way I want to feel
*work in the yard 30 minutes three times a week
*write the two letters I've been putting off for too long


  • OK...I go away for a day and come back to 97 posts. Good grief we're sure a prolific bunch :wink: I read the posts but didn't make any notes.

    Janet: Fun this weekend consisted of driving a quad around the farm and bouncing all over the place!

    I think I'm going to start like Kim and do 1 fun thing a week seems like a good place to start.

    MaryMN: I did some research on Stronglift 5 X 5. Just scared the begebees out of me! The results your are getting are absolutely amazing! Right now doing wrist curls with a soup can is about all I can handle. :smile:

    Spent the weekend planting and weeding trees. Put on my smart watch on Sunday and made 9062 steps. That's about 8000 more than I usually get! Menu planning here I come.

    Thought for the day: “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

    Have a wonderful day, beautiful ladies!

    Carey - Edmonton
  • ns78kya7bt2g.jpg

    Love it!
  • pipcd34 wrote: »
    :::lifting up my leg and marking my spot::::

  • Janet - you are a very lucky woman! You have a great husband!

    Katla - My brother went over there when he was gone told her that she was coming with him, threw her clothes in a bag and took her to her friends house then she lived with my sister for 3 years and then has been in her own apartment for 20+ . She is now 86.

    Carey -you can start at any weight. You can use the soup cans to do those 5 exercises and slowly increase the weight each time if you can do 5 reps and 5 sets of each. you don't have to use a barbell and heavy weights. You can use the philosophy and start out really light and add light weight to that and eventually you would be surprised what you will be able to do. Watch the videos of the exercises that he does and just do them with your soup cans. Then you can use water bottle and add sand to increase weight. the idea is to slowly increase weight each time. if you get to a point where you can't then you do what is called a deload an take some weight off and start to build back up again hoping to get past your highest weight amount.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Yep...Mom is in the hospital with dehydration. Good thing she can't hear me muttering "I told you so!". :|
  • Hi Everyone,
    Today is suppose to get to 80F :smiley:

    I have a lunch meeting and then interviewing 2 people for an administrative assistant's position. Finishing the day w/ a steering committee meeting. The evening meting is in one of our coastal towns. I am seriously considering packing a sandwich and eating dinner at the lighthouse. We'll see.

    Today's goals will be to get back on track an be under my calorie goal for the day. Clean the house before folks get here and if the weather(Perhaps we will conduct the interviews there.) projection is correct open the screen house.

    Kala49 Perhaps he will file this one under lessons learned. My husband talks about getting a bigger boat. (We have two now - a 14ft. canoe and a 9ft. rowboat.) I respond that I am fine as long as it has a potty! We are thinking of getting a composting toilet for our cottage. What makes the ones you were hoping to avoid unsuitable?

    DamitJanitYour husband sounds like a fun guy. Mine has a silly streak too and I love it.

    KimI used airbnb when I went to Oakland. It was a very good experience. It was also nice to have use of a kitchen and great prices.

    Naiomi2015 from 69F and sunny Massachusetts
  • Michele, I'm having serious doubts about the compentency of those running that ceramics place. If you don't put a glaze on it, it will get grubby, especially outside. Sort of like flat paint next to a light switch. You just can't clean it. And it will continue to chip off. Plus, it sounds like they are using underglazes on bisqueware. That can be fine in small amounts, but not for big overall coverage. Underglazes are sort of like a liquid clay mixed with colorants. That stuff is made to shrink along with the clay that it's applied to. Most clay shrinks about 12-14%, and only part of that is done at the bisque stage. So if you apply the underglaze to bisque and then fire it to it's final temperature, the clay will shrink maybe 6% and the underglaze will shrink the full 12-14%, so it will crack off because it's suddenly smaller than the thing it's applied to. Especially without any top glaze to hold it in place. No wonder it shivers. That is a flaw in the process. It is not the fault of the customer. They should refund your money, in my opinion, and change their process. I'm going to have to visit one of those places and see what's going on. Now I'm really curious.

    Our last day of the pottery show was just as bad as the rest. I sold a total of THREE pieces, and one of those was to one of my friends. I bought one piece from another potter, so my profit is in negative numbers, after the gas to get there and the goodies for the refreshment table.

    Speaking of the refreshment table, I was a very bad girl over the weekend. I thought I would take cookies because it was something I would not be tempted to eat. I was wrong. I decided to have just one cookie, and it was like the floodgates opened! Cookies were streaming into my mouth all weekend. Well, not quite that bad, but I did have four over the three days. I had forgotten how much I loved cookies.

    But it was fun hanging out with my clay friends, so it was worthwhile. Now to focus on getting ready for the trip to Spain.

    One of hubby's co-workers died yesterday though, so that was sad. He was out riding his bicycle and had a heart attack or something. He was 70 and their daughter just had their first grandchild the week before. He only got to hold the baby once. The funeral is going to be Thursday, I think, so we will go to that.

    The kids and I walked to school this morning. It was 62 degrees and PERFECT. When we got there we found trash all over the grassy area in front of the school, so I had the kids help me pick it up. Then, when we put it in the trash can in front of the doors I told them to go wash their hands. The 8 year old cried because I told her to wash her hands! She said it was my fault, because her hands were clean and I made her pick up trash and now she has to wash her hands! Poor baby. What that taught me was that tomorrow, Jillian has to pick up ALL the trash. >:)

    Well, I wasted three hours looking for a laptop case for hubby's new laptop. Nothing at WalMart or the local computer store, so I looked at Amazon. We signed up for the Amazon Prime 30 day free trial, so I'm making good use of it. I ordered a laptop case and an anti-theft cross-body purse for me to carry on the trip. It has steel in the strap and anti-slash fabric for the body of the purse. Heck, if they are getting that close and slashing things, what keeps them from slashing ME?! Anyway, it's purple. It's supposed to be here on Wednesday.

    Did you check into the MFP Premium thing? I thought well, I might go for it if it was $10, but it's $49.95 for a year!!!! I can ignore a lot of ads for that price. Not gonna do it!

    I'd better get busy. Lots to do today. Take care and have a great day!

  • Thanks for the welcome ladies! I am in the Northern tip of the Oregon coast in Hammond. I can walk 5 minutes and see Youngs Bay with Astoria in the distance... Moved here with husband and son on 12-12-12 :smile: from Northern California.... I am an Oregonian by birth though, growing up near Boring (yep Boring) Oregon! I just married a sailor and he took me all hell and gone...well 30 yrs ago... eons really....lol
    So returning to the fold so to speak, plus my husband rec'd a new liver at OHSU in Portland (that was last May woot!) I mentally pile up lots of stuff here and there. Presently I have a journal and unload in there. It was a big transition to go from caregiver back to wife again. I am proud of my husband for enduring it all, and have realized that I am a survivor as well.
    Always nice to have friends (like you all) that can relate to the struggles of a weight loss journey. In a nutshell I used to be 265 back in 2007. Then Jenny Craig'ed it down to 179 during 2010..... BUT then didn't lose it in my brain. The stress of spending 400 bucks a month not losing isn't fun either! By 2012 I was back up to 250 and that is where I have stayed during the pre-transplant years....BUT at least I am still sane, drug and alcohol free...(there is two bars down the street for the local fishermen) so I am proud of myself in that regard!

    favorite phrase..... Losing weight is not the key to happiness.....Happiness is the key to losing weight :smile:

    Today is a swim date at the local community aquatic center so its 20 minutes of lap swimming. My after treat is a dip in the hot tub! Seize the day people!
  • oops I almost forgot...my nerdy Navy son reminded me.....May the Fourth Be With You.....Star Wars rules.... :-)
  • Hello all ladies:
    Kim - I have tried airbnb x1 and it worked great and my son rents out his flat in Chicago too and swears by it.
    Gin - What an incredible difference in your face! You look great!

    Wrapping up to join my daughter and maybe a son for a birthday luncheon, hopefully thai, yum. Did a 10K trail event yesterday and found my blood glucose stayed LOW for the rest of the day, so need to punch up the activity. Have been getting used to green drinks w/protein powder and it is helping yah yah.
    linda in calif
  • Thought I was holding my place, but those darn quotes were still there! Anyway, finally had a beautiful weekend weather-wise. Going to set another mini-goal and try to get back in the saddle on exercise -- have missed 3 days and it feels like 2 weeks. Have a great day!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I just refreshed my page and everything looks different! I'm typing in a courier type face all of a sudden! There are boxes and smilies where there were not any before! Where did the star go at the top of the screen?! EEK!

    I hate change.
  • Waiting got hear what they are going to do with DIL wrist.Praying for no surgery.
    Trying to clean up a little for them.
    have a great day!!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Jane - sorry to hear about your dil wrist. hope everything goes well.

    Sylvia - I cracked up when I read what you said about the cookies! You are such a good grandma. I didn't know that there was in MFP Premium. does that show up on the site? with my site I do not get the ticker like you do and others do at the bottom. Maybe if I got the premium I would be able to get a ticker! not sure if it would be worth it though.

    Becca - nice to have you aboard! My husband donated one of his kidneys to a lady at his work. it's changed her life dramatically. I'm glad you are here with us. there are a lot of ladies that will be able to give you help and support. I go swimming and hot tubbing tomorrow with my sister in law and a friend. fun and exercise yay!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Sylvia: sorry about the pottery show. Hope you enjoyed it anyway.

    For the "horsey" people: I'd promised some new photos of the colt, now 6 weeks old. (No, it's not my colt.) They're both looking at my dog in the first picture.

    Aaaaand...Mom's in the hospital with (seems like) gallbladder disease.


  • Hello ladies,

    Welcome to the new ladies that have joined since I've last posted. I do read everyday but try to sneak it in at work so can't spend a block of time on the site. Thanks for all of the good wishes to get over the cold and the virtual chicken soup!

    Janet - love Myrtle Beach. I have a girlfriend that has a condo on the beach that they rent out to family and close friends. We've stayed there once and it was lovely. October would be a beautiful time there as the crowds have gone but usually still warm. I have two friends that have move there since they have retired. My DH and I try to take a trip each fall and spent last October at Hilton Head, SC. It is beautiful and we talk about if we have to move after I retire, SC is at the top of the list.

    Cynthia - sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. Hopefully they will get her hydrated again quickly.

    Mary from MN - your success from lifting weights is so inspiring. I've been thinking I would like to get a trainer for a month or so to learn the proper form and start lifting. I have to be careful of my back and left shoulder so will have to do it slow and steady.

    Getting things in place for my retirement! Paperwork all turned in so just winding things down, discarding lots of papers and books, and clearing out my desk. My boss is retiring on May 29 and my date is June 3 so we both have what they call "short-timers syndrome". People are still trying to schedule meetings with us and setting up medium and long range schedules. I just listen and agree to the meeting time knowing full well I will not be around to attend. The main boss is acting like neither of us is leaving so no replacements for us to transfer our knowledge. Oh well. Not my monkey, not my circus!! :smile:

    My DH's youngest daughter and family will be coming from Kansas to visit on June 13 for a week. They have 4 young girls so that will keep us busy. We have vacation plans to go to Canada on June 20. Going to be a busy month.

    Tina in MD

  • Hi Ladies!
    I was all caught up Thursday while my cheesecakes were baking and even took copious notes so I could respond. The timer on the oven rang and that all she wrote, I've been too busy to post until now. It took me all morning to catch up!! This group is growing (but not in the waist) by leaps and bounds!!

    I love "No Small Victory" for NSV...I think it applies because there are no small victories on this trip.

    Lisa in TX...thank you so much for the insight on those who have gone through weight loss surgery. I had never considered the emotional and psychological impact the surgery probably had on my friend. It makes perfect sense to me and I am better equipped to try to help her.

    Gin..you look at least 10 years younger and very happy. You are rocking the glasses and hair!

    Sylvia...I was getting this mental picture of all those learned PHD's trying to figure out how to put on their gowns for graduation and helping each other. I had a hearty laugh. So sorry to hear about your husbands' loss of his colleague. It's always so heartbreaking when it's so sudden like that.

    Hosted the book club Friday evening and my son & daughter in law took the leftover cheesecakes to a friends' house where they watched the fight. I was grateful that they are out of the house and couldn't tempt me.
    On Saturday evening I went out to dinner with 9 friends and had a blast. I did go over on my calories which was unavoidable because I CAN ONLY HAVE 1200/DAY!! but I've been increasing my exercise the past couple of weeks. I have many social engagements this month and it will be unavoidable for me to remain within 1200 unless I wire my mouth shut. I am not inhaling food as I have done in the past but I will not deny myself something special in moderation. Many of the friends I saw this weekend have not seen me in a couple of months and it was gratifying to hear them tell me how good I looked. I was very proud of myself and had more self confidence than I've had in years.
    My town has begun offering free fitness classes on the town common on Saturdays and Sundays this month. My yoga teacher taught a class yesterday morning and it was glorious. It was the first nice day of the year and I very much enjoyed practicing yoga on the green grass under the flowering trees. The rest of the day was spent working in the yard and getting the patio furniture out of the basement and onto the deck. I think winter is finally over her in Massachusetts!!!
    Getting my first pedicure of the season this evening and so looking foward to it.
    My goal for May is to not gain any weight. As I said earlier, this month is full of social events and I will have to exercise every spare minute in order to not gain. The big event for the month is a wedding Memorial Day Weekend and if I don't lose any weight by then it's OK because I am so happy with what I have accomplished so far which has exceeded my expectations when I began.

    Gotta run...
    Chris in MA

  • Happy Monday!

    Went shopping with DH to buy a suit. Since he has gained so much weight after quitting smoking, we had no idea what size. Luckily found a helpful clerk at K&G Clothing who found him one that fits except for needing the trousers to be sized. I got a dress and blouse to try on and will take both back. I really hate the way I look in any clothes lately. Feeling like the Pillsbury dough boy. I wish I could just accept my body shape for what it is...inherited I think from my grandmother. But, when I know how thin I was until I hit my 40's it is very difficult. I am not feeling sorry for myself. Just disgusted.

    Carol ~ GA
  • Tina -I also have a bad back and neck and it is very important to take it easy and slow when you start any new routine. a personal trainer is a good idea to help with correct form. we don't have any of where I live. I watch the videos on stronglift 5x5 and started really slow.1 month to go before you retire is very exciting. The time will go by really fast.

    Chris in MA - it sounds like you have planned out this month very carefully. Good luck to you.

    Carol in GA - you are going to be very successful that is why you are here. We are here for you!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Good afternoon!

    Mary - I have to admit I am very envious of your weight lifting success. That is something I want to do and had things all lined up to begin "serious" weight lifting when my shoulder conked out. Congratulations!

    Speaking of shoulder...I had three PT appointments lined up beginning next week. I got a call today that they were scheduled at the wrong location (their fault, not mine) and I have to have them at the hospital or my "free" care won't work. I would have to pay $35 per visit instead of no more than $20 per month. I can't afford the higher fee so now my first appointment is scheduled for June 19. :angry: :cry: By then, I will have had the follow up appointment with the NP and he is not going to be happy. Oh well! It is what it is.

    Sylvia - I'm afraid many more than four cookies would have made their way into my mouth if they were sitting there taunting me for three days. I'm sorry you didn't have more traffic, but I'm glad you had fun with your friends.

    My daughter has an interview appointment for the library position on Thursday!!!! Woohoo!!! All fingers and toes crossed that she gets it. I think I mentioned that she is volunteering at the Red Cross while she is unemployed. She got her first disaster call around 1:30 a.m. on Sunday. When I asked how it went, she said it went really well--until the gunfire started! An idiot leading a sheriff's deputy on a high speed chase through town began firing a gun at the pursuing car then proceeded to crash into a K-9 unit that just happened to be on patrol. The guy was driving a flatbed ton truck!! The deputy was treated and released with minor injuries, but the poor canine deputy is still in undetermined condition. This all occurred about 1/2 block from where my daughter was standing doing her work with the victims of the house fire. Yikes!!!

    I guess because I exercised harder than usual yesterday, I am extra hungry today. I need to figure out what low calorie item I have with me to snack on so that I can make it through my walk after work.

    Cynthia - The colt is adorable! The last four-legged baby I saw was a baby mule/jack at my parents' back at Christmas.

    Oh my! I had so much more in my head that I wanted to say to folks, but it's all gone the way of the Dodo bird. *sigh* I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

    Carol in NC