
  • saw the Sports Nutritionist and need to CUT calories again. 1400 to 1600. Cut out protein shake in morning and afternoon snack. Need to rework spreadsheet. BAH!
  • Morning everyone,

    Another pound gone! Hope this really is the beginning of a turnaround for me.

    Pip: My PT told me he had ordered a wristband from RoadID. I just ordered one as well. Might be an idea for you and your husband. Glad you're OK.

    Barbie: hope you have a great vacation!

    Mom (84) was admitted yesterday with dehydration and loss of potassium. The real question is WHY she's having all the GI symptoms. They seem to have found some kind of gall bladder problem. Hope to hear more when I call her again today.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • hidee ho ladies,
    hows things? not going to see DFIL this morning as I have alot to go to work at 9:30 until 6 so made DH dinner and lunch for tomorrow and have a load of laundry in the dryer..
    will hop in the shower in a bit and then take the dogs for a walk
  • Good morning -

    Katla - I'm a copycat. One of the other ladies came up with "Menopals". Was it you, Selena?

    Cynthia - I am so sorry about your mother. You are both in my prayers.

    With Mother's Day approaching, I am thinking of my own mom (with rather mixed feelings). She passed away when I was 29.

    I'm off to the gym for a strength class, the water aerobics, followed by Bible study and a trip to one of the new gyms to see their facilities. Then I hope to see "American Sniper" at the $2.00 movie.

    Catch ya later

  • :) Thanks to Google, I think 6WBM means 6 week body makeover

    smiley-bounce015.gif.Katla, we're taking US 101 from the Olympic Peninsula to Olympia, I-5 from Olympia to Grants Pass, highway 199 from Grants Pass to Crescent City and US 101 to Eureka. On the way back we'll go up US 101 along the coast and stay one night in Coos Bay and the next in Tillamook (yes, we'll go to the cheese factory).

    :'( It's raining this morning and the dogs didn't want to be out long before breakfast. I hope they'll feel more like walking in a few minutes when we go out again. They'll go to boarding later in the morning so we won't have our usual afternoon walk.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • Lestan48 wrote: »
    saw the Sports Nutritionist and need to CUT calories again. 1400 to 1600. Cut out protein shake in morning and afternoon snack. Need to rework spreadsheet. BAH!

    i love your dedication.
  • Hi ladies! Back from food shopping with DH. All good stuff. One bar of plain chocolate with hazlenuts for DH and I like a square. :laugh:

    Woke up at 4.45 this morning. :'( I think I was worrying about the possible reactions of a couple of yoga friends to my book. But - they hadn't read it yet! ! ! ! :laugh: What was that about FEAR = Fantasy Expectations Appearing Real? :ohwell:

    It's the W I tonight. AGM. We are debating a resolution about care of the elderly that I helped draft so I feel I ought to go. I will take a copy of my book along and see if there is time to say something. The magazine has been in touch and says they may get back to me. I've done my best.

    Cynthia - so worrying for you about your mum. Hugs (((((×))))) Major congratulations on the pounds lost! :flowerforyou:

    Carol - I agree with the others - there seems to be a spring in your step these days! ! ! !

    Barbie - Bon voyage! Have a wonderful trip. :flowerforyou: I think that West Coast must join the East Coast on my bucket list! And now I've got so many friends in the middle I'll be going there too!

    Katla - hope your DH comes out of his grump. Has he something on his mind? We have to drag it out of them. :laugh:

    A year late, but DS#2 has at last got the Premium Bonds for DGD's christening present. :noway: I have transferred the money to their account. It's a government lottery where you keep your stake. I bought DGS some as a christening gift, but by the time DGD was christened they wanted more proof of identity, which DS TWICE failed to provide. Grrrrr! ! ! So - AT LAST! :drinker:

    Now to have some microvave popcorn. Salty, but tasty and only 91 cals. :D

    Heather in very windy Hampshire UK

  • Lesley: You can handle the calorie change as competently as you handle everything else. I admire your dedication to you health.

    Cynthia: Congratulations on the lost pound! WTG! I’m sorry your mom is having health issues. Keep us in the loop. I had my gallbladder removed in my forties due to an enormous gallstone. I haven’t missed it as far as I can tell. I hope your mom’s situation can be resolved as easily.

    Barbie: Your travel itinerary sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoy every day your trip.

    DD & I had a text conversation last night that left me feeling tangled up and a little selfish. She wants to go back to college to get her PHD AND also to have another baby. Her MIL offered to house the entire family and babysit while she does this. It will likely take 6 years. MIL lives in the Chicago area, and there are several schools that DD is interested in. DD is planning to spend this year getting her house in order so she can rent it out, and researching and applying to graduate schools. My problems start with jealousy. Chicago is a LONG way from Beautiful NW Oregon. I’ll deal with the jealousy as best I can. None of this will happen quickly.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • Katla - at least you won't have the altitude problem if you fly there!

    Heather <3
  • Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Terri, I’m with you. Let’s revolt for Perfection and Now!!!! *In our dreams.* I hate to tell you but my dermatologist told me that all this extra skin will probably not go away. Not what I wanted to hear. If it gets much worse, once I have reached my goal I might actually consider skin surgery. Doubt I would ever do it but might consider it anyway.

    Toni, "At A Girl" on another pound. About change, just take going to a different Y as an opportunity for a little adventure. Who knows what wonderful things await you there. I do hope you are pleasantly surprised by how much you like it.

    Lesley, you are just doing so great with your training, eating and exercise. I think you deserve a gold star!

    Meg, how nice of you to volunteer for a committee that you obviously have to work on during your break. Sounds like the old Chair just wanted it off their agenda. Fingers crossed for no rain on the 16th.

    Linda, welcome. This is a very supportive group of ladies and also full of all kinds of interesting information. Join right in and good luck on your journey.

    Tina, bummer about the washer, but it’s always fun to buy something new like that. It just normally comes at a time that we least need the expense or inconvenience. Good luck.

    Pip, so glad you weren’t hurt and it wasn’t worse than it was. The actual moral to the story for bikers and/or drivers is that you can never trust another driver to do what they should do. Always, always, always drive defensively. (Yes, that is what I have told my DD a few thousand times.)

    Mary, the Moose is a fraternal organization that does lots of charity work. Their main two charities are Moose Heart (a children’s home) and Moose Haven (a retirement home) but we do lots of local charities also. I actually belong to The Women of the Moose. Each Moose Lodge has activities and events and also a bar that serves food. Many members eat and/or drink there often just to socialize. The food and drinks are a very reasonable price. So I have meeting there twice a month and once a month we bring food to share. Last night I ordered from the bar so it would be ready when the meeting was over and the ladies were eating all the fattening treats. I had my usual grilled chicken on salad. (what a good girl I am) For those that don’t have enough friends (new to area or whatever), it is a great way to make new friends and do something good at the same time. Mary, before it’s over you are going to have enough to write your own book, a Drama on getting a f*^%$ng phone. Lol So sorry for all your problems.

    Barbie, I’m not surprised that you didn’t let real life derail you from your eating and exercise. You are so good about that. I hope you enjoy your trip, but wondering why you won’t log your food on the smartphone? It certainly isn’t as easy for me, but I have done it once or twice. Yes, life will be different but sometimes that a good thing. You have a ball!!!

    Lisa, welcome. You did just join by posting because that’s all it takes. You will find this a very supportive group of ladies that are also full of information. If you don’t have a food scale, I got mine on Ebay for around $10 as I recall. Do get a digital as I first got one that wasn’t and it wasn’t worth a darn. Come often and keep us informed as to your progress. This really works if you are ready to eat healthy for the rest of your life.

    Michele, I can’t remember ever adding Clorox to our pool, but it’s been years ago. Do you not shock it with Chlorine? We did switch to Bromine and loved it, although it was a bit expensive. I hope you can get rid of the green water soon.

    Katla, will keep fingers crossed for your DD, whatever she decides on her schooling.

    Joyce, it’s too bad that the china cabinets won’t fit at your DD’s house. What will you do with them now? Do you have room to keep them all? I hope the doctors can find something to help your DH. And it’s too bad you won’t get to go to the goat farm. I’d love to see how they make the cheese. I know in Mexico, goat is eaten but not so sure here in the States.

    Lesley, sorry you have to cut calories again. Before long he will have you down to what the rest of us eat. Lol

    Cynthia, I really hope they can find a quick and easy fix for your Mom’s problems.

    Toni, a $2 Movie, wow. We had one in previous cities, but don’t have one here. Even the matinée with a Senior discount is $6 here. I’m wondering if I would be a “PostMenopal”? Or maybe just a “MentalPal”?

    Barbie, I’m glad you Googled it, because 6 Week Body Makeover sounds better than 6 Watery Bowel Movements. Lol As you pass through Medford on the way to Grants Pass, you can wave to my DD. She is living in Shady Grove just north of there. I haven’t been up there yet but she says it’s beautiful.
    Heather, I still don’t know why you fret so over what people think about your book. If it had nothing in it but vanilla on vanilla, you wouldn’t get anyone to read it. Lol Try to relax, my friend. Who cares if they all think you are some kind of sexual deviant? (Just put that in there to try to drum up a little business for ya.) ((Hugs))

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day.

    Thought for the day:

    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch"

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Do any of you drain and rinse your hamburger meat after you cook it? Just wondering!

    Walked the Pom a mile this AM so proud of that.

    Baby sitting the two grands this evening while mom goes to a meet and greet for the upcoming kindergarten.

    Pip, glad you weren't injured in the bike ride incident. We've had several severe bike injuries around here and a lot of hit and run ones.

    Katla, I know how you must be feeling about having your daughter move so far away. My own DIL's mother moved up to where they are living and sometimes I feel jealous that she gets to see them a lot more than I do.

    Sylvia, sounds like your plans for travel to Spain are coming together.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Missed a day, so a little catch-up:

    Cynthia – Congrats on the pound, but sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. Hope the news is better today. My gallbladder was an easy removal as well, and honestly, the quickest recovery of any surgery ever. Cuts felt like paper cuts, and I was running around like nothing had happened inside five days.

    Tina in MD – Congrats on retirement!

    Carol in GA – kinda went through that spasm myself. Thus the measurements before and recently. And handing my scale to my husband. It’s why we’re here.

    Becca – Welcome! I love this place…

    Jane – Hope DIL is better.

    Mary - Thanks for the scam alert! Kept me from clicking on it.

    Linda from VA – Welcome, been here just a little while, but amazing support with everyone here.

    Pip - Glad you're okay, I’ve seen so many near accidents with bicycles…

    Lisa in Vancouver BC – Welcome from another Lisa! It’s a great group, you've pretty much joined… :)

    Katla – hope the DD makes the decision that’s best for her. I remember having that kind of energy…

    Joyce in Indiana – hope the new day comes in without the headache…

    Barbie (and Katla) – My husband and I lived in Coos Bay, OR, from 2010-2013, went up to escape the Texas heat, but missed the sunshine… we explored all of 101, and all of I5, for that matter. Loved Oregon, glad to be back home in Texas, just came back November of 2013, in fact. Got to explore a lot of NW Washington, too. It’s such beautiful country!

    Chris in MA – I hope you can help your friend. Here’s the way I’ve tried to explain it to people, and if you can use it, with your friend or anyone else, feel free:

    I hate the term “food addiction.” It’s not useful. However, I do believe we're addicted to the way that overindulgence in food makes us feel. The pleasurable rush we get from excessive amounts of carbs/bread/cookies/cake/chips, or whatever your particular weakness happens to be, is quite real. It’s also soothing, and emotional--it damps down anger and adds to joy. We celebrate with food, we mourn with it, we commune over it.

    The comfort we keep going back to get also happens to be the only addiction where you must indulge in at least minimal amounts of your drug nearly every day or you die. Alcoholics can completely quit and survive, drug addicts can stop (with difficulty), cigarette smokers never have to smoke again and they're okay. But humans must eat.

    The equivalent to our journey, in some ways, is telling an alcoholic: "You cannot drink. Oh, except to stay healthy, you have to take a shot of tequila every day at breakfast, lunch and dinner. And by the way, that shot you throw back at breakfast time? That's crucial. But don't overindulge!"

    It's a hard road, but it's navigable. The way we relate to food has to change, and our relationships with others can do much to replace the support we've always used to navigate our lives--our relationship with food.

    I personally believe forums like these, with people who understand, and friendships like yours, Chris, are the key.

    And... for the last three days, ran for 60 minutes! One of the things my pedometer is showing me is that, as I'm grooving into this run, I'm starting to take longer strides. It's not hard for me to take longer strides--my six-foot husband's relaxed walking stride is about my running stride (or it was, anyway). I know I am, because, over the same distance Sunday and Monday, I took less time and almost 800 fewer steps (yay, me!). So I had to add more distance to get to an hour. This is a good thing, it means I'm no longer running like a turtle through peanut butter, but like a turtle through Jell-O. :)

    Then it rained this morning. When caliche (the soil here) gets wet, it gets sticky. As I was running, I was getting TALLER, and my feet were getting HEAVY. Had to stop every few minutes and scrape an inch or so of caliche mud off my shoes in the brush. #42 on the list of hazards of running on the ranch. Less distance, more annoyance, and something I'm just going to call resistance work. :) Might as well laugh!

    On the goals side - I can NOT get myself to do my flex/weight work prior to running - those three hours prior to my run time are my most creative and productive of the day writing-wise and I just can't get myself to give them up to exercise. Then, after my run, there's just nothing left of me that's interested in further exercise. And I'm running six days a week.

    Is running with hand weights (3.5 pounds per hand now... bumping to 5.5 in June) enough to suffice for fitness for now? I have seldom loved exercise in my chubby little life, and I genuinely love this.


    Finally cooled down - time to hit the showers. Later, ladies...
  • Goat meat? I like it though it's not always easy to find. I buy it at farmer's markets and make a goat and sweetcorn curry. <3

    Janet - Aaawwww! I wish you were here to hug me! I'll be sure to call on you for a hug when I tick off my bucket list tour. :flowerforyou:
    Tonight I'm going to take some photos of my book cover that I printed off as wallet size to the AGM. I've just cut them out. That's because people always say they've forgotten my name, or the book's name or whatever and keep asking me. :laugh: Mind you, my memory is just as bad! ! ! ! >:)

    Love again. I've got to recopy my ticker as it disappeared when I rebooted my tablet. :sad:

    Heather UK
  • damnit = yeah, with all the riding, I go with the thought that the cars don't see me rather than assuming they do. I have been in a lot of bike accidents over the years, even with all the lights on, you have to pretend drivers don't see you
  • cityjane - had lots of goats meat and milk (grew up on a farm) it is an acquired taste for some
  • Thank you so much Lisa for the insight, I think it will be very helpful for me and my friend.
    Perhaps your handweights can be some sort of scrapers to scrape off the mud?!!

    Chris in MA
  • Pip - Just had to chime in on the bike wreck...My best male friend was in an accident two years ago this month. He was chugging hard up a hill and neglected to look up when he should have and ran into the back of a car. A police car. He was extremely lucky and ended up "only" tearing his rotator cuff--not even road rash. My son has been involved in one road accident and came incredibly close to a second. Both times, cars turned left in front of him. During the near miss, he was going approx. 35 mph and had made eye contact with the oncoming driver. The actual accident occurred at night (he swears he was fully lit up) but at a much lower rate of speed. I was really angry at him for not calling the police when it totaled his bike and the vehicle driver's insurance should have covered it. He brought his new bike home last week but I am forbidden to ride it; 1) because "I said you couldn't" and 2) because he got an extra large frame to fit his 6'3" body and he says it's too big for me. *stomps foot and puts out lower lip* I am so glad you were not hurt and your bike was okay. Oh! And, his new bike has one of those really thin hard seats like yours.

    Carol - I drain my hamburger meat, but I don't bother draining it. I buy the lowest fat that I can find and go with it.

    I made a rookie mistake yesterday and got too hungry and then ate chocolate until I felt full. At least I didn't eat as much as I would have two years ago! Still came in under goal. Just makes me mad at myself.

    I went shopping after work yesterday. I wanted/needed a new crossbody bag to take to Dallas with me. It is so much easier navigating airports and other places without a shoulder bag falling off. I have one I took to Canada a few years ago, but I was wearing regular glasses then. That purse doesn't have a handy place to store my reading glasses so that I can yank them out in a hurry, hence the shopping trip. Since I have had a JC Penney gift card burning a hole in my pocket for 18 months, I went there first. Picked out a bag on clearance that turned out to be another 50% off! I paid $12.99 for an $80 bag. Go me! I also picked up a shirt there and another shirt at Ross. Got good deals on both.

    My son comes home from school today. I am looking forward to seeing him but I am pretty used to living by myself now so I don't know how well I am going to do until he goes off to work in a few weeks.

    Thanks for all of the kind comments, everyone! I'm sure the sunshine, along with losing a few pounds, eating properly (for the most part), and exercising, has helped my disposition. In general, I feel much happier.

    I finally set an alarm on my phone to remind me to get up from my desk at 9 a.m. and do a plank and some squats. Typically, I am by myself at that time. I'm sure I looked a sight this morning in my maxi length peasant skirt...

    Sylvia - How did the trash pick up go this morning?

    Meg - It's good to see you posting more regularly!

    I have more to say, but I really have to get my lunch eaten and some more work done before I switch jobs. Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • Hope I've got it back!

    Yeah! :drinker:
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Heather - You made me want to see mine!


    I miss it showing up automatically. :disappointed:
  • Mary from Minnesota: I just read that your husband donated a kidney to a lady at work. What a generous, loving hubby you have! I'd be going to a new phone provider! I would not have your patience.

    Tina in MD: Vacation plans for Canada eh... where abouts?

    Chris in MA: You should be proud, it's no small thing to have people recognize all the effort! Keep up the great work!

    Carol in NC: Everything's crossed for the interview. What a deal on the bag! I love shopping at Ross' when I get to the States...haven't been for a couple of years now.

    Katla: I carry a package of wet-naps in my purse just for that purpose especially in the summer. They don't take up a lot of room. In the summer there are a lot of outdoor events that have chemical facilities here, although some now have sinks as well.

    TNToni: Congrats on the lb! I think you have a great plan for transitioning to a new Y.

    Barbie: Have a great trip! I actually find that logging food on my android device is easier than on my laptop because it searches differently and makes things easier to find.

    LisaMighton: Just a quick word of advice... if you're sure the weigh scale is off buy a new one before you start because there is nothing more discouraging than buying one after you've lost weight and finding out that you weigh more than when you started. (Do you hear the voice of experience talking? :laugh:)

    Michele in NC: Hope that green water turns blue soon. :smile:

    Cynthia: Hope all is okay with your mom. You're in my thoughts.

    Heather: I've never heard that expression FEAR = Fantasy Expectations Appearing Real. That is going on my fridge so that I remember it!

    I just finished my first draft of my May menu. I just need to look at the balance of carbs each day to make sure that I don't have too many. I'm trying to get better at eating carbs earlier in the day since the dang scale still isn't moving!! I need to make my shopping list for this week so that I can take advantage of 10% Tuesday today...nothing like leaving it until the last minute!

    Thought for the day: It is not our abilities that show what we truly are…it is our choices. ~ Dumbledore

    Carey - Edmonton