
  • gotta vent and it's not gonna b Purdy. = I basically copy/pasted what I wrote about the bike ride home on Friday on my facebook page. I have been riding again since about '96 so I kinda have been doin this for a bit. Kirby's sister writes: "another moral of the story-drive and ride defensively and if your "vehicle" is smaller than another, be ever vigilant! Sooo glad you are ok!"

    I know she meant well but I just wrote back - always have

    ARE YOU F*&$%#@ING KIDDING ME??????????!!!!!!!!!!!! what makes u think I don't ride defensively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and by the way, i'm lit up like a fricken Christmas tree because I ride at nite, I get a lot of thumbs up from people that say they can see me. but I am not new to this riding thing and I have had plenty of crashes throughout the years.

    I know I know no one here is meaning anything to piss me off or hurt my feelings but I feel safe to vent here and is better than flying to Indiana and beating the crap out of her. lololol.

    that post from his sister just put me over the edge.

    ::::::breathe::::: rant over

    I apologize in advance if I offended anyone here. it wasn't directed to anyone here
  • Pip: I'm glad you weren't hurt! Rant away ...that's what the pile is for :laugh:
  • Feeling drained these past 2 days energy wise because my sleeping hasn't been good, at all. I think sluggish describes how I feel more accurately. I am still keeping to my calorie goals but my food choices! Well let's just say I have to work on it - more protein less carbs. Steps are going well with my new Fitbit
  • Hello, my name is Michelle from beautiful Marin, Calif. I started back up with MFP about a month ago and was searching for women going thru the challenges of trying to drop weight at our age! Look forward to learning more about each of you and your weightloss journey.

    Last month, I lost 10 pounds by staying very focused on my calories, carbs and workouts via MFP. My goals for May are:

    1) Continue to log each day on MFP
    2) Lose 8-10 more pounds (I figure I need to lose another 15-20 lbs)
    3) Keep carbs low during the week so I can enjoy the weekend
    4) work out 6 days a week including at least 2 strength/weightlifting days
    5) get a mammogram (nothing to do with weightloss but I'm way overdue so I'm setting it as a goal!)
  • Cynthia - sorry to hear about your mom. When are dad was in the hospital for those symptoms it was due to medication. Congratulations on the loss!

    Katla - I understand the jealousy. She's your daughter and that would be your grandbaby as well is your other grandchildren. can you offer her the same living arrangement?

    Janet - you did an excellent job ordering your own supper. We have the Elks. It sounds like a similar organization. Now that I am retired I would probably have time to join some type of charitable organization.

    Lisa - I am glad that you did not click on that. Hopefully we will be neighbors soon. You really do a good job with your exercising.

    Carey - my hubby is really loving. I'm hoping my phone Fiasco will be over tomorrow. if not my husband is just going to buy me the other box and say be done with it. You make your whole month menu out in advance? That is really a good idea. I don't know if I could be as committed as you are.

    PIP - rant all you like!

    Michelle from CA - welcome!

    Hello everyone! The people that looked at our house on Sunday made a really low ball offer. $25,000 below. We went down only five thousand dollars with our counter offer. I'm not willing to give a stranger that big of a gift.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Carol in NC...pat yourself on the back for the bargain...a woman after my own heart. Impressive ticker. I still have to learn how to do that.
    Heather...congrats on your ticker also!
    Pip...it's good to get it out. I would be pissed too. So glad you are OK.
    Cynthia...praying for a good outcome for your Mom
    Mary...stick to your guns and wait for a better offer. Don't give your hard work away cheap.

    I should be getting home.
    Chris in MA
  • Happy Tuesday from misty Nebraska. We got rain most the day yesterday and sounds like today the same. My friend and I spent the day together yesterday and then in the afternoon another friend joinned us. So was a nice day, but I didn't get much else done, I work the next 4 days so will have to deal with things in the evenings. Weigh in this morning was not good. Up 1.7 from last week. I don't know why I am having so much trouble staying on track. I know most of it is stress eating and that has to stop. So new day, new start. Important thing I am not giving up!!
    Sunday afternoon DH sold our trike. So he is taking the motorcycle tomorrow to be fixed. I am so glad as been worried about how we were going to do it. But God came thru on his time, not mine. So yesterday I did go pay acouple bills off and that felt good.

    Carol--Proud you and the times you have. Each of us has their own pace and doing what we can is the key.

    yanniejannie--You are such a good friend.

    Heather--How exciting about having your story in the magazine. It will help lots of people I am sure.


    Cynthia--Sure good looking horses. Thanks for sharing. Sending prayers for you and your DM.

    Meg--Your May Day basket sounds so cute.

    Pipcd--So glad you were not hurt. You vent all you want. Better to vent then eat.

    Mary--What a mess!!

    Michelle--That happen to DH and I one New Year's eve. We were out eating and he ordered fish and is came with the head on. I kept thinking it was watching me. Funny now, but at the time I was alittle frecked out.

    Katla--Sending lots of HUGS. Everytime my DS talks about moving out of state I have learned to space and when he starts packing then I will panic.

    Barbie--Your vacation sounds relaxing, Have fun and we will be waiting to hear all about it.

    Peach--I have rinsed my hambuger before, depends on what I am making and how much fat I end up with.

    Michelle from CA--Welcome.
    Been a very stressful day and ready to go home. Take care and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Home from the the busy morning and movie anxious to check in with all of you -

    Our $2.00 movie theater shows movies that are just about to be released on DVD. They don't keep the bigger boxoffice movies more than a week so you have to jump on them and go or you will miss out. Now --- something like "Mall Cop" or a kids' show will stay there forever! My friend and I both agree we are a little numb after seeing "American Sniper". It was so realistic.

    Pip - I meant to tell you yesterday that I am so glad that driver did not give you your angel wings! We would really miss you, you little devil, you!

    Let me tell you about the Y we visited. It is beautiful. It is located in a huge nondenominational church just behind our subdivision. There are windows everywhere that look out on green green woods and blue sky. The church built the gym for its members and then was going to get in trouble with the IRS - said they would no longer be tax exempt. Soooooo - in comes the Y and the two formed a partnership and now everybody is happy and the church is still exempt. Not sure how it all works out but it is a win, win for members! They have cardio and weight machines and equipment, a full basketball court with an elevated walking track (Windows up high along the track), a cardio/fitness classroom that has a whole wall of windows, and last but not least, a spacious, quiet coffee area! I'll be there for at least 3 fitness classes. Just have to figure out the pool and I'll be set. Tomorrow some of us are going to another great newer Y. It is 14 miles away but mostly all interstate and we will be going opposite the incoming commuters. We'll do a regular water aerobic water class. This Y also has a deep water on T-Th so I am excited to do that some. In a way I am glad for this closing. New explorations and adventures!

  • Oh, yeah - forgot to say the church is on a big hill and the gym is on the 4th floor. This church was a smallish church when we moved here in 1981. It was the home church for the Judds. Don't know if they still contribute or not but it has always had wonderful music and worship. Full band, full choir - the whole nine yards. We attended it in the 80's and then about 10 years ago, and still go some. (Hubby is a proverbial church hopper because he was in the ministry and finds fault or gets uncomfortable with things then we move on.)
  • Wednesday and first day on 1401 cals. Chicken curry for dinner. Added ice cream to bring cals and protein up. Fibre is fine. He said "cut all fat from chicken and pork, LESS lamb and beef, train but DO NOT deduct or eat back calories, see him again in 10 days, with less FAT and weight"
    Food = C140 - 160 g, P 140 - 160 g F 31 - 36 g.
    Training: JJ Bikini boot-camp II, JJ's BR weights II.
    Raining again. Rained last night and lost electric for 2 hours, glad we had candles and wood fire and stayed cosy.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Good evening everyone! It was raining this morning, so we didn't get to pick up trash. The whole week shows rain and storms, so DGD#2 may be off the hook for a while.

    I got some computer work done this morning, then mopped the floor in the "classroom" in preparation for a birthday party on Saturday. It's a red painted floor and looked great till it dried, then it looked like I mopped it with mud. It will take several more moppings before it looks decent. The mother whose having the party for her daughter (she's my DGD #1's teacher) is coming over on Friday afternoon to decorate for the party, so I will have it cleaned up and have the tables and chairs set up.

    When I was walking this afternoon my right hip sort of felt like it popped out of joint. Hurt like heck, but popped back in almost immediately. It happened three times in about 20 minutes, so I decided to take the hint and stop walking. It still feels like it could happen again. I'm going to take it easy for a couple of days. The last thing I need is joint trouble when we are walking all over Spain. We leave on Sunday to go to the airport in Kansas City, and the plane leaves early Monday morning. So only a few days left! We have reservations for two nights in Madrid, tickets for the fast train from Madrid to Barcelona, and reservations for three nights in Barcelona. Then we go back to Madrid for the rest of the time, doing day trips. So, I really need both of my hips to be working properly.

    Well, I think I'm going to start some laundry. I hope you are all having a great evening.

  • smiley-bounce013.gif Lisa, my exercise program is primarily walking (with the dogs and with friends) and line dance classes. Every month I make a resolution to do strength training twice a week but it has been a struggle for me. I am active and want to do strength training and someday I'll actually make it a regular activity, but until then, my walking and dancing will have to suffice.

    smiley-bounce015.gif.Janet, I have logged my food using my smart phone and it's very easy. When I started on MFP in 2009 and for several years I logged every day without fail. One of the variations I've allowed myself since I've maintained for several years is to not log food or exercise from time to time. This trip will be one time that I won't log either food or exercise. I have such strong boundaries about what I'll eat and won't eat, that I should be OK. I'll keep track of steps and use the fitness center in the hotel we're staying at the longest.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif15,000 steps today--two hours of dog walking and 90 minutes on the exercise bike 194904olsgis3xqe.gif

    smiley-sleep012.gif Early to bed tonight to be up extra early in the morning to begin our trip.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
    Resolutions for May
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *act the way I want to feel
    *work in the yard 30 minutes three times a week
    *write the two letters I've been putting off for too long

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • Hi gals. Well today was pretty much a wasted day at work. Had a meeting from 9-10, 10-11, and then from 1-4:30. I hate meetings. Can’t get anything else done. Tomorrow I’m only going in for 1 meeting at 3 that I scheduled. I was approached by a publisher to revise a textbook so I’m meeting with two other colleagues about it. First though one of my friends at work and I are shopping!

    Linda: welcome to the group. iT’s so easy to fall back into old habits.

    Tina: yuck….washer illness!

    Pip: wow good thing you weren’t hurt! Rant accepted!

    Mary; no we are having rain all week. Let’s just hope it’s all out of mother natures system before next weekend!

    Barbie: have a fun trip

    Lisa: welcome. IF you like to snack in the evening, have some healthy things around. Although you could do a lot worse than popcorn!

    Michele: why so much bleach?

    Katla: DD will need lots of support for those plans! That doctorate is hard on the whole family. That does seem like a long way, but there are airplanes that go that way!

    Joyce: menapals????? That just cracked me up.. Almost as good as menopot.

    Cynthia: sending prayers for mom!

    Toni: I’m so sorry about the loss of your mom at such an early age. I had mine until just 4 years ago.

    Heather: ok you are the second person to mention popcorn…I’ll have to microwave some later! We have a halal grocery here that advertises” cigarettes, cheap phones, and goat meat”. The sign is hilarious.

    Janet: I didn’t realize faculty senate committees start in May, so that was the first thing. But then it was just the way she dumped that conference on my lap….you’ll have to get right on this and good luck…no other information, no contact information at the other 2 schools, holy cow. Well several people have offered to help me who aren’t even on the committee, so it’ll get done.

    Peach: I do not drain and rinse my hamburger because I buy 93% lean, and there is literally no grease. I do know people who do with fattier hamburger though

    Ihannon: I have no good suggestions for you! Sorry! I had just started a moderate jog on the treadmill when the cartilage in my knee went, so there goes my short-lived running career!

    Italy: hope you find a sleep solution soon

    Michelle: welcome aboard and congrats on the weight loss!

    Mary: I hear we are in a seller’s market now, so stick to your guns!

    Carol: I too had a rookie mistake today. Didn’t make enough for lunch, a turkey and cheese tortilla wrap, a whole cucumber, and an orange. An hour later I was so hungry at our meeting I had a half sandwich and popcorn (there it is again!) with M&Ms.

    Vicki: it’s been raining here too, some thunder but not severe. Glad you got some bills paid off…what a nice feeling

    Sylvia: ***waving chicken bones over your hip*** That has got to go away so you can enjoy your wonderful trip.

    Well I ordered flowers for mom’s grave for mothers day…holy cow the delivery fee is $10 and the “placement fee” (for the cemetery workers to place them) is another $10! Next time I pick up, I place, then I’ll give myself the $20!!!

    OK gotta run…still need 900 steps for my goal and ‘Deadliest catch’ is coming on soon! Time’s a-flying! Take care all, Meg from wet Omaha

  • Yesterday's joke of the day:


    QUESTION: Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Pat Buchanan: To steal a job from a decent, hard-working American.
    Machiavelli: The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The ends of crossing the road justify whatever motive there was.
    Thomas de Torquemada: Give me ten minutes with the chicken and I'll find out.
    Timothy Leary: Because that's the only kind of trip the Establishment would let it take.
    The Bible: And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the Chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
    Fox Mulder: It was a government conspiracy.
    Freud: The fact that you thought that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.
    Darwin: Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically predisposed to cross roads.
    Richard M. Nixon: The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did not cross the road.
    Oliver Stone: The question is not "Why did the chicken cross the road?" but is rather "Who was crossing the road at the same time whom we overlooked in our haste to observe the chicken crossing?"
    Jerry Seinfeld: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place anyway?"
    Martin Luther King, Jr.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.
    Dirk Gently (Holistic Detective): I'm not exactly sure why, but right now I've got a horse in my bathroom.
    Bill Gates: I have just released the new Chicken 2000, which will both cross roads AND balance your checkbook, though when it divides 3 by 2 it gets 1.4999999999.
    M.C.Escher: That depends on which plane of reality the chicken was on at the time.
    George Orwell: Because the government had fooled him into thinking that he was crossing the road of his own free will, when he was really only serving their interests.
    Colonel Sanders: I missed one?
    Plato: For the greater good.
    Aristotle: To actualize its potential.
    Karl Marx: It was a historical inevitability.
    B.F. Skinner: Because the external influences, which had pervaded its sensorium from birth, had caused it to develop in such a fashion that it would tend to cross roads, even while believing these actions to be of its own freewill.
    Jean-Paul Sartre: In order to act in good faith and be true to itself, the chicken found it necessary to cross the road.
    Albert Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
    The Sphinx: You tell me.
    Buddha: If you ask this question, you deny your own chicken nature.
    Emily Dickenson: Because it could not stop for death.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson: It didn't cross the road; it transcended it.
    Ernest Hemingway: To die. In the rain.
    Saddam Hussein: This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.
    Saddam Hussein #2: It is the Mother of all Chickens.
    Joseph Stalin: I don't care. Catch it. I need its eggs to make my omelet.
    Dr. Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes the chicken crossed the road, but why he crossed, I've not been told!
    O.J.: It didn't. I was playing golf with it at the time.

  • Katla, one of my DDs moved halfway around the world to be with an Internet boyfriend. Have not see her in a year and a half and some days I feel like I will never see her again. At least yours will be in the same country. And you have an end date! I completely understand the jealousy part and hope you can find some peace with it. One of the reasons I started MFP was to have something in my life I could control somewhat, because there is very little else I can control. It has been a long haul coming to grips with the emotional pain, and I just know if this situation continues as is part of me will be broken forever. But I have to take care of myself as best as I can and
    try not to give up hoping. I know from others' posts that many of us are dealing with situations we never would have thought possible when we were younger and my heart goes out to all of you!!! Mini goal for May is to not give in to despair!

    Sylvia, have a wonderful trip!
  • This is the little "wisdom" that comes along with the joke. I thought this one is worth posting:

  • This was today's joke:


    This guy wins the lottery and decides to buy the nicest car he could find. He buys a Ferrari.

    It went 320 mph, had a V-12 engine, and went from 0-60 in 3 seconds. He thought nobody would be able to pass him.

    He decided to show his car off around town. He approaches a stoplight and at that stoplight came an old guy on a moped.

    The old guy says, "Nice car you have there can I take a look inside." The man says, "Sure look around all you want."

    When the old guy came out he said the car was all right. The guy who owned the Ferrari was pissed. His car was more than all right.

    So he decides to show the old man what his car could do. When the light turned green the man accelerated to 140 mph.

    Just as the guy thought he had lost the old man he saw a black dot in his rear view mirror and it was gaining on him. IT WAS THE OLD GUY ON THE MOPED.

    The moped passed the Ferrari. The guy in the Ferrari was like "No way." He then sped up to 240 mph and dusted the moped.

    But just as the guy in the Ferrari thought he had it made he saw a black dot in his rear view mirror and it was gaining on him. IT WAS THE OLD GUY ON THE MOPED.

    The moped passed him again. The guy in the Ferrari was getting mad, how could a moped do this. The guy then said, "That’s it" and floored it.

    He blazed past the old man going 320 mph. The guy in the Ferrari said "There’s no way he can pass me now." But just as he said that he saw a black dot in his rear view mirror and it was gaining on him. IT WAS THE OLD GUY ON THE MOPED.

    There was nothing the guy in the Ferrari could do. He was going as fast as he could. But this time the guy on the moped didn't pass him; it hit the back of his car.

    The guy in the Ferrari stopped immediately and ran to the old man. Amazingly the old man was still alive. The guy asked the old man if there was anything he could do. The old man replied, "Unhook my suspenders off of your mirror."

  • Did Sharon Twombly's Zero to Sixty DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Tonya Larsen's Step Pump DVD

    - you must be very proud of your daughter having the initiative to go back to school. I totally understand your jealousy. don't you wish you could see into the future? Who knows? DD might not like the Chicago area. I'm convinced that once Denise graduates, I won't see any more of her. We're not going to pay all her bills. Well, I keep trying to tell myself that if Petey gets transferred, it'll be on the coast most likely and she'll have to get a job, only an Associates degree won't help a whole lot. Well, to me, his mother made it so that they didn't have to do anything, what'll happen when she's no longer there to bail them out all the time? They won't have the coping skills needed. But then again, not my worry. Yes, I think about what will happen if and when there are grandchildren, I'll never see them. Just like I'll never see Bryan's children should he have any. Heck, the way I'm being treated, I'll probably never even know of their existence. So I totally understand how you feel. I'm feeling sorry for myself right now and so afraid that I'll turn to comfort (junk) food. The thought keeps crossing my mind. Well, right now I'm having some of the tofu/cocoa mixture and then I'll probably watch some TV

    - sounds like you made fantastic choices at lunch. So so sorry about Charlie getting worse

    CynthiaT - congrats on the pound gone! I do hope you get answers about your mom

    - way to put a damper on the day!!!! I keep looking at this skin and wishing it away, and it won't happen???? You know, even tho a car might have their turn signal on, I don't assume that they're going to turn until I see the wheels turning. Good for you ordering your food at the Moose early! If you buy those chlorine tablets to shock the pool, it's much more expensive than just using bleach, and bleach does the same thing. Vince put another bottle of bleach into the pool today. The chlorine was down a bit today so we just added a bit more bleach. The Y where I used to live originally had a bromine pool, but I think it got too expensive because they went to chlorine.

    Just washed and waxed and vacumed my car. Now I want to go put this stuff for the leather on it.

    - wow, running for 60 minutes. I don't think I could even do 5

    Carol in NC - way to go on that purse!

    - I sometimes prefer the search for items on my android. It will not only give you the item, it'll also give you how much (1 cup, say) AND the calories. I hope that the water turns blue soon, too. Today it was 81. If the water was blue, I'd be in the pool. I'll even go in to clean the sides of the pool (any excuse to go in the pool)

    - have another ceramics question for you. There is a type of paint that's an antiquing paint. As you know, when you paint it gets darker in the crevices. Anyway, my mother-in-law years ago made an alligator. Now I know how she got the color darker in the crevices. Anyway, someone else told me that this technique isn't good for items that will be outside. Now the alligator she made was in the hot Florida sun year round and it isn't showing signs of wear and tear. This person did say that items that'll be outdoors probably should be glazed since they'll be in the direct sunlight. I should probably glaze the praying mantis. I certainly don't want it to start to fade. What are your thoughts about the antiquing being outside, and what about glazing. You were so wise to discontinue walking. Have a great time in Spain, sounds like you will

    pip - you know that Kirby's sister's heart was in the right place, her words certainly weren't. Just keep remembering that. Just another thing added to the pile

    Michelle from CA
    - you've come to a great place. Welcome, put up your feet, read some posts while drinking water.

    We were going to go to Mexican Train dominoes, but to get to the lady's house you go on this one road and there was an accident. We understand that the road would be closed for 1 to 1-1/2 hours, and we didn't know any other way to get to her house. We looked at the map on the GPS, but couldn't find any other way. So we came home. When we got home I called to say that we wouldn't be there, evidentally a few months ago there was a road built that we could have taken. Oh well...its not like it was a life or death matter. I'll put the turkey meatballs I made in the freezer and take them maybe next month.

    Right now I'm frying up these ground chicken breast patties. Sometimes I like to have them for breakfast, especially if I need to save calories (like I will Thursday when we go out to lunch with the Newcomers)

    Mary from MN
    - wait it out, a better offer will come along

    - that Y sounds fantastic! I know you'll get a lot at the other Y. You're so right, the closing brought lots of good things

    - shopping makes things go down much better. We bought the bleach to put in the pool. It's green. According to all our chemical analyses, there wasn't any algae in the water. So we were treating it like it was a metal stain. Where the metal was coming from, that we had no idea. However, Vince is convinced that it is algae. Now you can either buy those bleach tablets that cost a lot and shock the pool, or else you can just buy bleach which is what we've done. We bought 24 bottles and so far we've added something like 8 bottles

    Michele in NC
  • Chris in MA - Thanks! We do want to sell but not that badly. I wish I could get a ticker on my post. For some reason I am unable to and MFP has been unable to help me.

    Vicki - sorry to hear about your gain! You can do it! Tomorrow is a new day.

    TNToni - you are having quite the adventure. It sounds like you have good friends to hang out with while you get fit together. Have fun at the pool!

    Sylvia - have you had trouble with your hip before? I wonder if compression shorts would help. It sounds like you have a very exciting trip planned. Loved the jokes and the wisdom!

    Barbie - thanks for being such a good role model. Have fun on your trip.

    Lesley - you are very diligent in your diet and exercise. You are going to do well with the challenge. Is it easier having a trainer to work with?

    Meg - speaking of M&Ms, I got the ad from Costco and they were staring me in the face...at a cheap price. I am so glad that they are an hour drive away!

    Michele in NC - great exercise! The more we think about the offer the more we wish we didn't counter.Wcounte.r. We did call our realtor and told her we wouldn't even look at an offer like that again.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • stats for the day:
    ride home 2 gym- 11.18min, 15.5amph, 2.9mi = 81c
    jog- 40min, 8.20ap - 1mi @ 6.8speed, 1mi @ 7.0spd, 1mi @ 7.2spd, 1mi @ 7.6sp, .4mi @ 8.0sp, .4mi @ 8.5sp = 4.8mi = 416c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.19min, 11.8amph, 1.4mi = 84c
    ride dome 2 tan- 17.31min, 10.1amph, 2.9mi = 173c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.38min, 11.1amphm 1mi = 70c
    total cal 824