
  • Fourth day in a row of running - decided I'll stop when my knees tell me to... they've certainly not been shy in the past. Perhaps the 15 pounds off already have been beneficial enough for them to be kind.

    Still making it an hour... but realize that when y'all think of running, you probably think of like, track and such. Think more like Tim Conway in the "oldest man in the world" sketches. I'd call it jogging, but I'm not fond of that word. I just know it's not walking because when I walk, it's different and even slower. But... I'm moving. For a solid hour. And sweating like a... well, like a short, chubby lady with weight to lose and a determined expression. The ranch hands no longer offer me a ride when they drive by. :wink:

    Realized I've almost cut bread out of my daily life - just natural progression toward higher protein, lower calories moves me away from the grains and pastas. Not missing them much so far...

    DH fixed the belt on the riding lawnmower--I've tried it with the push mower, but with the gophers and such, it's so rough that you risk a broken ankle at best. So, since I'm sweaty already, it's on with the sombrero and my long-sleeved shirt (91 and sunny outside) to lead Daisy-dog on a merry chase in circles around the yard.
  • Hello everyone!

    Thanks for the good wishes. Mom apparently doesn’t have gall bladder problems after all; they think she caught some kind of bug and couldn’t shake it. Two days of IV fluids with potassium and she should be back home today. Hope she does OK. Unfortunately her doctor yesterday was a real B. Mom was asking whether she needed more tests and if so, approximately when they’d be doing them (like, how long would she be staying in the hospital), and the doctor told her if she wasn’t happy she was welcome to sign herself out AMA!! Talking like that to a patient, much less an 84-year-old one (who’s not stupid)! Good think I wasn’t there.

    I’ve never heard of draining and rinsing ground beef, but maybe they didn’t do it back then when I ate meat (stopped when I was about 23).

    Katla: good luck. It’s not always easy to be far away from family, though it can have its advantages. Don’t feel you’re being selfish; you just love your daughter!

    Sylvia: laughed out loud at the Ferrari joke! Why are people waving chicken bones over you?

    Lisa (right?): your husband sounds just as sweet as mine. Mine lists everything he uses to make dinner on a memo sheet, including the number of grams. <3

    Jane: hugs for you and your dil.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • somebody's gonna be 6 soon

  • Lesley: You are so dedicated, thank you for being a wonderful role model!

    Lisa WTX: That supper sounds super...now if I only knew what a bella was.... :smile: Keep on sharing those recipes. I'm always looking for something new to add to my repetoire.

    Joyce Indiana: One of my favorite places to shop when I'm in the States is Ross'... I'll bet you'll love it too. Alberta had an election yesterday too, and the result has made history!

    Selena: You have a wonderful partner there! Leather jackets would be wonderful for the Menopal Gang!

    Chris MA: I'd be thrilled with a size 8 too! I like the new woman <3

    Thought for the day: When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. ~Jean Shinoda Bolen

    Carey - Edmonton
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Carey – We are going to Collingwood, Ontario for vacation. We will fly from MD to Buffalo, NY, rent a car there and drive into Canada. In Canada, we will stop at Niagara Falls for most of the day and then head to Collingwood which is about a 3 hour drive. I believe Toronto is about 2 hours away so we will make that a day trip during the week where we hope to tour the castle, Casa Loma. I do need to get a credit card that offers free international exchange rate. Need to get working on that!

    Sylvia – your trip to Spain sounds wonderful! I’ve never been to Europe. Hope you have great traveling weather and can’t wait to hear all about it.

    TNToni – the new Y sounds great. Sounds like it would be so nice getting to exercise in a building with all of those windows. We don’t have a Y around us.

    Mary from MN – good luck with selling your home. I’m sure you’ll get a much better offer than the first one soon. I think some people look at the listings and make very low offers on the new ones on the market hoping the sellers will be in a situation where they have to or want to make a quick sale.

    Vicki – congratulations on selling the trike and using the money to pay off some bills. Reducing debt can give you such peace of mind.

    Selena – Can’t wait to read your book. How sweet of DH to say how reading it makes him feel. :heart: My DH attends a 12 step recovery group called Celebrate Recovery. He has been sober for over 40 years and wants to give back and help others. He sponsors a few but mostly offers insight and support for the couple running it. He was asked to be a leader or co-lead but doesn’t feel he has the energy or the calling for it at this time. His strengths are in his ability of discernment and support. Congratulations to your DH for his continued success and bless you both for leading such an important program to so many.

    Well, washer and dryer ordered and will be delivered on Friday. DH will be gone on his fishing trip so I will work from home and handle the delivery. They have to remove the old ones and install the new ones. They are located on the second floor in a closet in the hallway so it will be interesting to see them do it. They will have to come up about 15 or so stairs. :anguished: Hope they send strong, young men! :blush::naughty:

    Joyce – I was eyeing all of the new options on the new huge washers and dryers, compared them all online, read the reviews and finally narrowed it down to two or three to show DH. Well, he had to go and spoil my fun by pointing out the difference in their size and the size of the closet. :disappointed: We measured, brainstormed, drew pictures on paper, considered cutting out the drywall in the back of the closet but still no good answer to how to fit them in there. They were just 3-4 inches too big. Almost had him convinced to build a laundry room off of the garage but decided I didn’t want to really wait that long and laundry is piling up. Anyway, finally settled on a pair that will fit, fingers-crossed, and it has some of the newer features, (stainless steel drum and no agitator in the washer), with a more reasonable cost. So will be eager and a little apprehensive on Friday to see how it all ends up. Spent last night moving the old ones into the hallway so I could vacuum behind them and pick up all of the stuff that has fallen behind them over the years. Can’t have the delivery men thinking I live like that! :blush:

    Tina in MD
  • I missed my April goal. looking forward to a better May. I want to be down at least 5 lbs by may 21 (doctors appt) and 7 lbs by end of month
  • Feeling better today. Had fish for dinner last night and I was able to sleep. Today I ate a salmon burger for breakfast! Weird I know, but I feel happily satisfied and carb cravings are over - for now. Changing up my protein was the right move and I'm so unbelievably happy that I was able to figure that out.

    Hope you all are well today
  • Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    ncCarol – Congrats on the work-time planks. I told DS this morning to come see me in the evening to remind me to do my planks. I also told him he should do them with me, but I doubt that will happen.

    TnToni – The author of “Dance of Anger” also wrote several other books on the same premise. If I remember correct, “Dance of Intimacy” , “Dance of Dating” , “Dance of Deception” and I’m sure there are more. But the whole theory (according to a therapist several years ago) is to change your reaction to a person, forcing them to change their reaction. They will try to change you back to what they find comfortable, but you don’t have to change your steps back if you want to keep with your dance. // My Dad LOVED “American Sniper”. Enjoy the movie and the amazing price. Update – glad you enjoyed the movie, even though it was numbing from the realism.

    Pip – Hugs for the accident. Glad you were not hurt. So sorry SIL got snarky.

    Mary from MN – Sorry about all your hassle with the phone. Inexcusably bad customer service. Years ago when we sold our house and business in Minnesota, the Realtor could call us to tell us the offer. Not sure if that is still the case, or if maybe it was because she was a close friend, but at least we didn’t have to try to schedule an appointment to drive to her office. Best of Luck and Hugs!

    Barbie – Enjoy your trip. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Cynthia – Hugs for your Mom.

    Janet – I introduced my Dad to the Moose Lodge in Milwaukee through another friend, and I had considered joining, then Dad beat me to it. Ours has special dinners on Saturday nights, and sometimes brunch on Sundays, which is what my Dad likes the best, because it is less that he needs to cook for himself. They also have bands that play music primarily from the 60’s or earlier, which he enjoys listening (not dancing, his back is too bad from multiple surgeries). He truly enjoys the social aspect he gets from the Moose people (and he then requires less from me, but don’t tell him I said that). Since we all live in the same house, we need to socialize outside of our family unit, too.

    Peach – I drain and rinse if DH is not looking. If he is in the kitchen with me, I separate mine from the rest and rinse just mine. He caught me adding pureed vegetables to a meal once, so he sometimes “helps” in the kitchen, to make sure I’m not sneaking anything healthy into his food.

    Lhannon – thanks for that insight. I never understood food that way, but it makes perfect sense to me. // The subject of running with weights is a bothersome one for me. It may just be me, but I work with 2 physical therapists, and my aunt is a physical therapist, and they all agree that it is a bad idea to run with anything heavier than a bottle of water in each hand for hydration. Even the personal trainer for my 14 y.o. DS would rather see him run on the treadmill “uphill” than run with weights, because it is so difficult to maintain proper form, and so easy to get injured. Please understand, this is the opinion of the people my son and I work-out with.

    Meg – enjoy the shopping. What a great way to spend non-meeting time.

    Annr - One of the patients here, who is VERY friendly, also calls hers “mentalpause”. That makes complete sense to me. Menopals is good, too !

    I am also envious of all the vacations. Ex never took me anywhere because during his drinking years there was never any money, then after treatment, he was too agoraphobic to go anywhere that was a new experience. Now, DH and DS travel so much for bowling and baseball that there is no money (or time) left for a “just vacation”.

    Joyce – don’t tailgaters just make you crazy? Like following too close behind me is going to make the person in front of me go faster !?!?! And since I have been rear-ended 4 times at red lights, I’m already paranoid about that. I just set my cruise control and pray. // I drain and rinse my hamburger with a strainer. First over an empty coffee can to collect the bulk of the grease, then in the sink with running water (not too hard to break it up and force it through the holes).

    Hey everyone – about Chicago. I will be in the Chicago Suburbs the week of July 11 – 16. We are only staying in a Hotel that Monday – Wednesday, but will still have plenty of free time when DS is not bowling. I would love to meet-up for a walk or swim or something (will likely get a Hotel with a pool, so DS doesn't drive me crazy during the down-time). Plus, go to a café that has healthy food instead of the garbage DS and DH will want to eat.

    Allison – I get “do something fun” ideas from Groupon. Unfortunately we don’t get to do enough of those things, but at least I can daydream about them.

    Sylvia – lol. My DH would also only wear black or grey if I didn’t buy him stuff in other colors, or trick him by putting them in the cart when he’s not looking. We could be on “Impractical Jokers” the way the 3 of us sometimes behave in public.

    Chris in Sunny MA – you just took the words right out of my mouth (or keyboard). It takes a LOT of willpower to get back on the wagon, and keep trying. I know today’s gain is from the ham and pickles from yesterday that was high in sodium but not calories or fat, but my brain wants to quit. I didn’t. I rode the bike for 20 minutes. Knees are sore now, but not painful, so I’m on track again, and I know you can be, too. Let’s keep doing this together ! ! !

    I found out Monday that the kid who rear-ended me lied about having Insurance. His Mom does have a policy, but it's not on him or the car he was driving. So I called the Policeman that came to the scene, and told him I want charges pressed and a ticket issued. Then my Insurance Company told me that I could pay for my own repairs, give them all the information, and they will "aggressively" pursue the violator for all the money that it costs me. Too bad I don't have $600 just laying around waiting for a use. But I have good credit at my Credit Union, and my car also needs a new motor for one of the windows (another $500), so I'll probably just take out a personal loan.

    2 of the ladies at work are getting pretty serious about this contest and their work-outs, so I need to stay focused in the evenings, and not let my weakness walk me into the kitchen. Frosted MiniWheats was my vice last night. Plus, drink extra water, so I can get rid of all the sodium from the ham and pickles I ate for supper.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • annr - chewing like a lady is over-rated :::as i munch on my cheerios with my mouth full and open::::

    damnit - nah, it was from who it came from and how it was said...just sayin :0)
  • Heather, I read that about Barcelona. I ordered a special handbag from Amazon and it arrived this morning. I think I love it! It's a cross-body design with slash-proof strap and body fabric, and it has special little hooks on the zipper closures so somebody can't open it on the sly. It also has a carabiner to use to attach it to a table or something. And it's big enough to carry two water bottles, an unbrella, a camera and anything else I need. Seems very well made too. Did I mention it's purple! Not a jarring bright purple, but somewhat subdued. Still, should be easier to spot somebody making off with a purple purse more than a black one.

    Katla, Hubby has so much going on this week that he doesn't have any time to shop. I know that I will probably return half of what I bought for him, but hopefully some of it will work.

    I had such a great time shopping! Kohls had elbow-length sleeve t-shirts in lots of pretty colors and patterns! I bought six, I think, and a pair of sandals for walking. The more athletic kind with lots of padding. Then at Penneys I bought four pair of pants in a LARGE. Not an extra large! I tried on the extra large first, and it was too bog, so I tried on the large. Even they were a little big, but I was afraid to push my luck and try a medium. I was practically floating out of there! But then, I passed a new thrift store on my way out of town and decided to stop. I found a really nice pair of blue striped capris in a 14 and picked up another pair of capris that said they were an 8-10, but they looked as big as the others so I bught them. They fit too! $3 for both pair! I'm going to have oodles of new clothes for the trip.

    Cynthia, the chicken bones were for my hip that was acting up yesterday. They must have worked because today I haven't had any trouble. I have arthritis in that hip, but have never had anything quite like that happen.

    Time to pick up the kiddies. Talk to you all later.

  • Tina ~ when our last washer bit the dust, a repairman said to buy the simplest one possible as they will last longer than those with all the fancy digital settings. I ended up buying a GE that was fairly inexpensive and am very happy with it. I hear you on fitting new appliances into spaces. When we ordered a new stove and then later another one it was a nightmare. The space that originally fitted a drop in range had to be cut out to fit in a new Jen Aire and when it died it had to be cut again to fit a slide in.

    No walking today because the cough and sore throat I have had for two weeks was worse. Drank a lot of water and hope it gets over with soon.

  • Happy 'Top of the week mountain" Wednesday to you all :-) I am happy happy today! So I went to my TOPS meeting and I lost 3.25 lbs!!!! Mentally doing cartwheels in my brain today! So I was the biggest loser (the featherweight of the week) and got my pic taken with the the basket of stuff the members put in. I think I got 5 apples, some Baby Bells, two granola bars, a yam, some oranges, and then about $7 dollars from people that put in 50 cents instead of contributing to the basket. Its a great incentive, and I was proud of myself. Then I also rec'd the "mini ho-ho" which I have not a clue why the contest is called that. Every week people put 10 cents in a container, and every week the games lady draws a members name. If they have lost weight that week, then they get what is in the container. If they gained then it is carried over to the next week. It had been carried over for a couple of weeks so when my name was drawn the total was about $9, (I took the handfuls to the bank to deposit it). All in all a fantastic day.
    So my husband took me out to lunch. I was really good and had an appetizer. It was smoked salmon and caper crostini's. There were 6 on the plate so I had 3 for lunch...and I shall have 3 for dinner. I checked the numbers on them and they only were about 140 calories...so that was nice. I did break down and have a NW Red Ale, which came out to 208 calories, but I got my ticket stamped from the Chamber of Commerce. Once I have visited all the different local breweries I can turn it back in the the Chamber of Commerce for a beer stein. There are so many breweries here, its fun to play scientist and sample. I only partake a couple of times a month, so don't get worried ladies, hahaha.
    I am jealous of the ladies that are vacationing here and there! We used to have a Winibago RV, but we turned it in. Part of the bankruptcy lets-clean-the-slate- program we were on right after my husbands transplant. It's all good, but I do miss that pretty thing...
    My husband mostly goes to the aftercare transplant doc, the blood doc was just a couple of times visits. He was a crazy man, (in my book). Waaaay too hyper, and when you travel that long to get to the darn appointment only having him in the room for about 5 minutes was plan lunacy.
    OOh another FYI...if any of you are in the habit of putting your phone in your bra, (there are many that do, you would be amazed lol) please don't. They have done studies, and found that being that cell phones are just mini microwaves you shouldn't put them directly on your body. There is an increase in breast cancer because the radiation from the cell phone can seep directly on the tissues of the breast.
    Well I have rambled on enough...
    "If its important to you, you'll find a way. If its not, you'll find an excuse. "

    "Universal laws dictate when you give nothing, you get nothing."

    "Instead of eliminating food, elimate the escape"
  • :flowerforyou:
  • Pip, happy birthday to that purty pup!
  • Cynthia: Husbands that become part of the solution are pretty amazing. The ex was about 150 pounds soaking wet, and never understood the whole issue at all, so this one makes more points daily on that score.

    Carey in Edmonton: I’m so sorry! Baby Bellas are half-grown Portabella mushrooms. Maybe not for sale so much in Canada? You could certainly use large, fresh, white mushrooms, or any that are big enough to use for stuffed mushrooms would work. Tonight we’re trying something similar, but with shredded chicken, taco seasoning, a little refried beans and sharp cheddar cheese.  Stuffed in mushrooms instead of rolled in tortillas, baked until the cheese is bubbly.

    Terri in Milwaukee: Thanks for the advice from the physical therapists… I have been having some lower back pain of late, and trying to figure out whether it’s the running, the weights, or low-grade kidney ache from the constant threat of dehydration in this country (12% humidity right now). Worth a shot to back off on the weights, see what happens. More than anything, I don’t want to sideline myself through injury. If that means backing off one step to preserve overall forward progress, it’s worth a try.

    Sylvia: My niece’s favorite joke from when she was about five: Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

    Pip: love the pup… some of the best dogs I’ve ever known, hands down, have been goldens.

    Lisa from West Texas

  • Cynthia glad they figured out what was wrong. I wish you did not have the added frustration on how it was handled.

    Mary from MN hope the house sale goes smoothly.

    I am working at getting my plants into the ground. We do not have frost forecast, so I am taking the chance. Last year I wasn't able to plant until the end of May.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Good evening ladies .... 105 posts read... And I didn't take notes.

    I am having a hard time staying on track more than 2 days in a row ... :/

    Michele ... I know a lot of people use regular bleach in their pools ... We were advised not to. Algae products (if that's actually
    the problem) and shock usually do the trick for green water. Do you get your water tested? The one time we had water that wouldn't clear it turned out to be problems with the filter. Keeping it balanced is a job, that's for certain!

    Pip ... Glad you weren't hurt ... As for the sil ... Well we all have someone like that ... Thank her for her concern! :p

    Mary ... I think I missed part of the house story ... You had to go to the realtor's office to hear an offer? Never heard of that! If they want a percentage they can call or come to us! Did you counter? We would have taken it right back to the asking price maybe a couple hundred less ... Selling and buying homes is stressful!

    Sylvia ... Yay you for the shopping fun. Hope you enjoy your trip!

    Yanniejannie ... How are you feeling these days?

    Joyce ... I'm hoping to look at a dining room set I saw on Craigslist tonight or tomorrow but have to wait until hubby can go with me. Won't go alone. Not an antique. ... Just a pretty dark cherry china cabinet, table and chairs. I currently have my mom's old mid century modern birch wood set ... It saw a lot of wear and tear before I got it 20 years ago ... Including time at my brothers fraternity house! My husband wants me to get all the things I've been talking about over the years before he retires ... But I don't see the point of spending thousands when there are great deals on furniture to be had.

    I know there is more I wanted to say but I can't remember ...

    Talk to you later.

  • Lisa West Texas: Thanks! No need for apologies...your dinner tonight sounds lovely too. We do have portabello mushrooms here, I just have never bought them. I have never seen baby ones either. :smiley:
  • Thursday morning and the 1400 calories went well yesterday. It rained hard all day so NO walk, cleaned house.
    Logged food at 1460 calories today. Will have to walk in rain this afternoon wah!
    Training shortly.
    I DO NOT have a trainer I train with Wii boxing, DVDs of Jeannette Jenkins, Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels in my bedroom. The Sports Nutritionist at pharmacy is shaking his head at NO loss, WHY I am decreasing food calories. I did go to a gym in 2006 but it is 60 Km round trup and expensive, I can motivate myself now.
    Lesley in Tasmania