5'3 & 5'4 ladies what's your GOAL WEIGHT??



  • I am 27, 5'4 and at goal weight. My range of happiness is 115 (lowest I go) and 125 (highest I go) I have a small frame. My highest weight while not pregnant was 175.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    SW 179
    CW 158
    GW about 125
  • Hey!!
    So i'm 5'3"
    CW: Unfortunately... 275 pounds
    GW: 170 :)

    Looking for all the motivation i can get, so add me. Plus.. I have an open diary to be pounded upon lol!
  • I'm 5'3ish", 37, and I'm in it for the long haul!
    SW (on MFP): 208
    CW: 201
    GW: 139
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm 5'2. SW was 159. CW is 130. STGW is 120. Would like to maintain at 115-118. Also feel like it's worth mentioning, I don't know if I believe in frame sizes but my wrists are extremely small and I look miniature next to other people.
  • I'm 5'3 and my CW is 127. I'm aiming for 120-122. I weighed 117 for the longest and felt I was too skinny and wanted to gain a little weight. ILuckily the majority of my weight gain is due to muscle, but my problem area is my belly :( I actually wouldn't mind my CW if it wasn't for needing to flatten my belly....which means I'll have to lose weight all over to reach this goal.
  • 5'4"
    CW 149
    goal 133
  • I am 5'4", 43 yrs young, and have 6 kids! I am stuck @ ~126 and would like to be @ 120. I am very short waist-ed so I look a lot heavier than 126.
  • I'm Five foot two inches and my goal weight is 157 lb. I feel that once I am at that weight, I will have the option to reassess my goals.
  • 5'3 -goal 125- but will adjust as I lose more weight. I don't want to lose all my curves.
  • 5'3.5" 42yrs old, 2 kids (17 & 19 yrs) SW 166lbs CW 146lbs GW 135lbs.
  • peleroja wrote: »
    I'm 5'4", 28 (no kids) and small framed, and while I don't lift heavy I do work out moderately. I've maintained around 118 pounds for a couple years, which I know is lighter than a lot of similar height women but accounts for my build. My highest weight was about 145 and I looked visibly overweight then.
    Just as an FYI, at that height you are not overweight at 145 :) That's in the normal BMI range.
  • 35y
    SW 187
    CW 146.2
    GW 120

    Used to be 120 in 2007, and it looks good on my frame. I am aiming for being more toned though than I was back then.
  • 64 years old (but look and act a lot younger!). 5'4" with a small frame. Married but we never had kids. I weighed 110 at our wedding.

    Highest weight was 146. I'm now at 120. I'm OK with that if I can get more strength and definition in my arms, legs and torso. And get rid of that stubborn belly!
  • 5'4 and i'm currently at 130lbs however, i don't go by weight; i go by inches. i've been 130lbs (give or take 1-2lbs for the last 6 months); i do a lot of muay thai and weight lifting so although i'm hovering at 130lbs, i'm shrinking in inches everywhere else and i'm happy with that :)
  • 5'3" goal is 125. At 135 right now.
  • SW: 252 CW: 236 GW: 150 and then re evaluate
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Arliah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I'm 5'4", 28 (no kids) and small framed, and while I don't lift heavy I do work out moderately. I've maintained around 118 pounds for a couple years, which I know is lighter than a lot of similar height women but accounts for my build. My highest weight was about 145 and I looked visibly overweight then.
    Just as an FYI, at that height you are not overweight at 145 :) That's in the normal BMI range.

    I said I looked overweight. Due to my small frame, the top end of "healthy" BMI looks decidedly UNhealthy on me. All those people who say that BMI is crap because is doesn't account for muscle and you can be over the healthy weight and still look and feel good are right but it also works in the opposite direction for slighter people.

    Me at just under 140 on the left:

    Me at about 118:

    See what I mean? In the first two pics I think most people would consider me a bit chunky for sure.
  • I'm 5'3 33 and currently 162. I have no clue how much I want to weigh anymore. I have not lost weight in the past year. My health issues have gotten in the way. I am comfortable right now, and just focusing on health. If I could just get into the 150's I'll be happy. Between 150-155 maybe. I guess.
  • 5'4
    SW 272
    CW 229
    GW 140-145