5'3 & 5'4 ladies what's your GOAL WEIGHT??



  • 5'4
    Sw 191
    Cw 184
    Gw 135
  • 5'3
    Cw is 117
    GW is 110-112
    I have a very small build and it seems like every pound i gain instantly shows up in my belly :(

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    5'3, CW 150.4, GW 119 (8 and a half stone) though I may drop it to 8 stone depending on how I feel - I have a tiny frame.
  • 5'4", 43 yrs young and my goal is also 140. So nice to see similar goals above! I got to 130 in 2009, but it was hell to maintain (obviously). Lol

    SW: 170
    CW: 161
    GW: 140

    Let's do this shorties!
  • I'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 126lbs. I'm currently at 139.
  • 5'3.5"
    SW 156
    CW 154
    GW 126

    feels like its been a long time since I was there (lowest I ever got was 124)
  • I'm 5'3.5 and 27 years old. My happy weight is 120lb, where I'd maintained for 2 years after going down from 150lb (currently back up to 130lb after "Christmas" (yeah I know it's May...))
  • SJCooksley wrote: »
    SW 246
    CW 246 (started today)
    GW 140 (will be happy to just get below 200)

    Exactly the same numbers here! :smile: :wink:
    Feel free to add me for support, anyone
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm 5'3", 33 years old, medium frame (pear shaped) current weight 130.5, trying to get down to 110 -112. I started at 134 which was heavy for me
  • 5'3", 40 years old, 6 kids, large frame and my goal is 145, but I would be happy at 150. A few years ago I got down to 140 and it was too small for me.
  • I am 5'3.5" and my personal ideal weight would be 160/165 lbs, i did get down to 144 lbs about 8 years ago but i didn't feel right that low as it was a little bit too thin for me and i was quite unhappy.

  • 5'3" Medium Frame 56 yo post-menopausal

    SW 198.2
    CW 189
    GW 145-140
  • Juuuuust under 5'4'' here. 30, no kids, small frame.

    SW (Jan 2014): 160/170 - estimate. Was too scared to weigh myself. Looked visibly overweight.
    CW: 120
    LW: 118
    GW: 115

    It's interesting to read the variety at our height point. I know a lot of women with bigger frames (I'm not TINY but I have no hips, fairly small wrists/lower arms, etc) who are my height and look great in the 130s/140s, but it seems like high teens/low 20s is the best point for me. I haven't really lost in a few months, but I've also been increasing my strength training, so even though the scale isn't moving, I do see differences in how my body looks, clothes fit, etc. I really do want to see that 115 on the scale at least once, just because I thought I could never do it, but I think I'll be happy with maintaining in my current 118-121 range.
  • I'm 5'3, 33 years old and have 1 child. CW is 128, GW is 125. I got down to 121 last year and I liked myself at that weight but I heard from a lot of people I was too skinny. So when I get to 125 I'll see how I feel.
  • Just under 5'4" (162cm).
    SW: 189 (Jan 2015)
    CW: 163
    GW: 140

    When I get to 140 I'll be in a healthy BMI range which is my main aim for now. I know I will look fine at that weight, but for years (pre-children) I was 130 and that was a good weight for me, so when I get to 140 I will see how I feel and potentially move slowly towards 130.
  • Goal weight is 120. I got down to 117 a few years ago and really I should have just stopped at 8st8.
  • I am 5'4" and 45 after 2 kids, I will be happy with 145, but whatever I weigh that I feel like I look good. I started out at 218 and currently at 208.
  • little over 5/4, 50yy,3 kids, apple shape.
    sw 150
    cw 127
    gw 120-125
    I would like to hold a ten pound range (120-130) so I can enjoy certain food days.. never had weight trouble till I hit 40's and menop. and didn't want it to get out of control.
  • Starting weight 143, current weight 135 - Would like to get down to 120 but don't want to beat myself up to do it, going to aim for 126 and go slowly from there
  • I'm 5'4... my first goal is 180. I haven't been under 200 since before I was a teen so once I get to 180, I plan on re-assessing things and going from there. I suspect 150-160ish will be where I'll set my final goal.