What do you do for exercise when you are sick?



  • I workout Six days a week and I pulled a muscle in my lower back two days ago, It's awful not working out, but I know I need to rest. And reading your post, you need to recover, and you don't want to pass it on to other's if any part of it is possible at this point. Enjoy a good book, and know you will come back even stronger as mentioned above. Get well...
  • I agree, nothing more than a walk. Rest is important when you are sick. You're not going to gain, just keep eating like you have been and get well soon!
  • Stay home, don't go to the gym... Drink lots of fluid, very light broth soups, etc. Don't worry, just count calories right now and stay at your daily requirement.
  • I usually rest as much as possible the first couple days, then ease back into things. Make sure to eat really well but otherwise don't worry about it too much. I'm notorious for doing too much too soon and winding up having to take even MORE time off (i.e. after surgery or a terrible virus). Hope you're well soon!
  • I don't work out. I know I am going to row and lift like garbage, so no reason to waste my time. Just lie on the couch and relax until it passes.
  • Love your body and it will love you back.

    In other words, give your body the rest it needs and you'll come back strong, raring to go when your body says so.
  • Take a walk if you feel up to it. Light hand weights for a few minutes if you're up to it. Stretching. SLEEP!
  • Pleeeeeze do not spread it to coworkers and other gym members. Stay home & rest, or if you have the energy, go for a walk in the fresh air. Listen to what your body tells you (not your mind), if you have no energy, sleep & rest. If you are feeling antsy, go for the walk as briskly as you feel you can handle.
  • @socialdchic Your best best is to rest, eat good healthy food when your body feels like eating. Since, you probably don't feel like eating large meals (3x a day) eat smaller ones 5-6 times a day. As for losing momentum in getting fitter, don't sweat it to much. Instead of trying to go for a walk and end up coughing a lot. Use this time to develop your flexibility. While laying in bed or on the couch you can do various stretching routines. If you feel a little better on one or two days during your recovery extend the stretching routine to the floor to extend the range of motion. Or, if you want do a light yoga routine. Neither of these options should be enough to get you coughing during your recovery and it will benefit you by extending your ideas about exercise. Now while it won't break a sweat like walking or running it will help keep your mind off of the fact that you are not doing something extremely active and it will still do your body good.