What do you do for exercise when you are sick?

I am very sick, cant breathe out of my nose, coughing, severe sinus pressure and just all around feel run down which sucks, I was doing so good, I have almost lost 20 pounds now and I actually for the first time in my life feel muscles when I move. I have been doing at least 45 mins of cardio daily along with about 10-15 mins strength training. I have a *kitten* immune system and it generally takes me a couple weeks to kick this stuff and I have to be careful about being overheated or I cough until I puke -_- I just dont want to backtrack. I am still staying under my calories and everything but i feel like a lump sitting here not exercising but I just dont have it in me, especially since I worked today.

What do you do when you are sick? Do you still exercise? I thought about taking it slow on the treadmill like maybe 2.5 so I wont get overheated or should I just rest?


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    None. *depends on the severity.

    I take care of myself before I take care of exercise.
  • Maybe walk the dog if I'm able. Otherwise nothing except work on getting better. But I don't get sick often.
  • I just got over a bad cold and fever. Honestly, I didn't exercise, just let myself rest. I've still got some residual coughing now but am going to do some yoga or something tonight to ease back into things.
  • Stay home. We don’t want you at the gym. Get healthy. You’re not going to backtrack by missing a few days. In fact, you might just come back stronger.
  • I go for a walk if I can muster.

    sometimes I make it to dance class- esp if it's important rehearsal. Otherwise- I'm resting. rest rest rest.
  • Stay home. We don’t want you at the gym. Get healthy. You’re not going to backtrack by missing a few days. In fact, you might just come back stronger.

    I exercise at home -_-
  • I just got over a bad cold and fever. Honestly, I didn't exercise, just let myself rest. I've still got some residual coughing now but am going to do some yoga or something tonight to ease back into things.

    Yeah, it is always that leftover coughing that takes forever to go away! thanks :)

  • Stay home. We don’t want you at the gym. Get healthy. You’re not going to backtrack by missing a few days. In fact, you might just come back stronger.

    I hope I do come back stronger lol
  • I'd also like to add that I wouldn't focus too much on restricting calories when I'm sick. If I'm hungry, I eat but if I'm not eating at a deficit, I'm okay with that. I just eat up to maintenance. Allow yourself to rest and let your body heal...hope you feel better soon!
  • As long as you keep your eating in check you will be fine. If it helps you to take a slow walk in the fresh air then do that, but if not, stay home and rest.
  • I rest and recover. Rest is part of your exercise regime.
  • Stay in bed and get plenty of fluids. You'll be exercising again in no time
  • I had a silent heart attack some time in Feb/March and a not so silent one on March 25th. Until that day I walked almost every day anywhere from 45-60 minutes, eating 1200 calories ( because I am going on 70 and under 5 feet tall ).
    Right now I cannot walk the way I did as before ( for speed and endurance ) and because I still need to lose weight for heart health beyond the 55 pounds I already lost, I was put by my cardiologist and his nutritionist on a 1000 calories a day diet to be able to maintain the weight loss.
    At my age and height 1000 calories is ok, but I can imagine that any amount of calories could be adjusted to maintain a deficit that allows weight loss. Our plan is to maintain 1000 calories for 90 days and hopefully by that time I can increase the amount again and make up the needed burn through extra exercise again. Right now I walk 30 minutes a day, but at a very s-l-o-w pace.....:o).
    Also, if you are just sick for a short period of time and your illness is not life threatening, I would not worry about exercise. It is much easier to deal with an extra pound or two ( or even five ) than with a long term chronic illness, which could develop by not taking care of yourself.
    Good Luck and a speedy recovery !
  • I was terribly sick last week and didn't exercise for two days. I just made sure to stay within my calories and watch my macros as best I could, and tried sleeping it off. After the third day, when I was feeling an upswing, I worked out. It was rough.
  • Ang108 wrote: »
    I had a silent heart attack some time in Feb/March and a not so silent one on March 25th. Until that day I walked almost every day anywhere from 45-60 minutes, eating 1200 calories ( because I am going on 70 and under 5 feet tall ).
    Right now I cannot walk the way I did as before ( for speed and endurance ) and because I still need to lose weight for heart health beyond the 55 pounds I already lost, I was put by my cardiologist and his nutritionist on a 1000 calories a day diet to be able to maintain the weight loss.
    At my age and height 1000 calories is ok, but I can imagine that any amount of calories could be adjusted to maintain a deficit that allows weight loss. Our plan is to maintain 1000 calories for 90 days and hopefully by that time I can increase the amount again and make up the needed burn through extra exercise again. Right now I walk 30 minutes a day, but at a very s-l-o-w pace.....:o).
    Also, if you are just sick for a short period of time and your illness is not life threatening, I would not worry about exercise. It is much easier to deal with an extra pound or two ( or even five ) than with a long term chronic illness, which could develop by not taking care of yourself.
    Good Luck and a speedy recovery !

    Oh I am so sorry! I hope all gets well with you as well <3
  • I take a couple of days to rest, your body heals better when you rest.
    If i have a sinus issue or a general cold from being run down, after resting a couple of days i push through and find that it helps clear me up.
    If its in my chest, i'll rest longer and ease back into light exercise.

    Get some probiotics, some zinc and some olive leaf tablets :) theyll help you heaps !
  • nope, i never exercise when i'm sick; that will just prolong my illness. i rest until i'm better and sleep as much as i can.
  • When I am very sick, which thankfully isn't often. I don't do any exercise at all.
  • It takes ~11 days before you start to lose conditioning. You'll be fine. You're better off resting and recovering than pushing yourself before your body is ready.
  • Yeah I stay on the couch. When I'm sick, I have a hard time making myself eat. I know I don't eat enough to fuel a good workout, even if I was physically capable of trying. Just relax and focus on getting better.