Healthier Coffee Thanks to MFP



  • PaytraB wrote: »
    That's a big difference! Well done!
    I found that I enjoyed almond milk for cereal and oatmeal. It saves a few calories. I still drink whole milk as a drink, though. Like my milk.
    Substituting spaghetti squash for pasta when having a tomato-based spaghetti sauce is a nice change and very low calorie. It's not the same as pasta but it's tasty, filling and is a satisfying meal once in awhile.

    I've been using a mix of half almond milk (for lower calories) and half Non-fat milk (for lower fat) whenever I use milk. I figure this way I save in both departments.
    I've tried whole wheat pasta but never heard of spaghetti squash...I'll have to check that out! Thanks!
    And yes some of these changes "just aren't the same" as their higher calorie/higher fat counterparts, but being healthy is worth the little bit of taste difference!!!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Who would put good coffee in their butt rather than drinking it? @___@ awful.

    LOL! IKR?!?
    That is weird, but I've also heard that it's a good way to get rid of toxins, better than a regular enema which just unclogs you (which I guess is also a way of getting rid of toxins, right?), and I heard this from others besides Dr. Oz... So there must be something to it!
    But I will just stick to putting it in my mouth!

    Don't worry, there's nothing to it. Normal enemas don't get rid of toxins, either. You liver and kidneys do that by themselves :smile:
  • Here is the good news: Your liver and kidneys get rid of all the toxins that may find their way into your body (unless you have liver and/or kidney failure.) Nothing additional is required, and certainly not the waste of coffee up the butt lol!
  • I used to put a lot of cream and sugar into my coffee but then I found a few artisan blends that I can actually drink black. They don't even have an after taste!
  • gothchiq wrote: »
    Who would put good coffee in their butt rather than drinking it? @___@ awful.

    LOL! IKR?!?
    That is weird, but I've also heard that it's a good way to get rid of toxins, better than a regular enema which just unclogs you (which I guess is also a way of getting rid of toxins, right?), and I heard this from others besides Dr. Oz... So there must be something to it!
    But I will just stick to putting it in my mouth!

    Don't worry, there's nothing to it. Normal enemas don't get rid of toxins, either.

    I have bowel issues (IBS) so I get stopped up bad sometimes. I have been told by my doctor to use an enema occasionally and believe me it does a world of wonder! I feel lighter and less sluggish and less grouchy! No joke!
    What I meant be removing toxins is...I can't imagine having so much "p**p" backing up in your bowels is good for your body.... as far as additional toxins, yeah I can't imagine it does too much.
  • I used to put a lot of cream and sugar into my coffee but then I found a few artisan blends that I can actually drink black. They don't even have an after taste!

    Black coffee? Now you're just talking crazy talk! LOL! :D
  • I never had this problem, straight coffee is just 5cal,

    I can sympathize in the way I cook my mum's favorite béchamel, cutting it down to very few calories by using milk instead of cream and using pasta water add milk evenly,
    its only too bad my family doesn't loose weight though they talk about it constantly.
  • GhostGames wrote: »
    I never had this problem, straight coffee is just 5cal,

    I can sympathize in the way I cook my mum's favorite béchamel, cutting it down to very few calories by using milk instead of cream and using pasta water add milk evenly,
    its only too bad my family doesn't loose weight though they talk about it constantly.

    Even a little change for the better is better...right?
    And yes, I hate people that complain about being overweight and don't do a thing about it.
    If you're unhappy being overweight do something... otherwise...shut up! LOL!
    Sorry if that sounds harsh but truly, don't complain and then proceed to eat awful!
  • gothchiq wrote: »
    Who would put good coffee in their butt rather than drinking it? @___@ awful.

    LOL! IKR?!?
    That is weird, but I've also heard that it's a good way to get rid of toxins, better than a regular enema which just unclogs you (which I guess is also a way of getting rid of toxins, right?), and I heard this from others besides Dr. Oz... So there must be something to it!
    But I will just stick to putting it in my mouth!

    Don't worry, there's nothing to it. Normal enemas don't get rid of toxins, either.

    I have bowel issues (IBS) so I get stopped up bad sometimes. I have been told by my doctor to use an enema occasionally and believe me it does a world of wonder! I feel lighter and less sluggish and less grouchy! No joke!
    What I meant be removing toxins is...I can't imagine having so much "p**p" backing up in your bowels is good for your body.... as far as additional toxins, yeah I can't imagine it does too much.

    As long as you don't have a tear in your intestines, you don't really have to worry about toxins from faeces sitting in your body :smile:
  • I agree in the awareness of coffee calories! Now I'm making a k-cup at home and I use one tablespoon of Natural Bliss Sweet Cream. Only 35 calories! It took me a while to get down in sweetness and I don't think I could ever go black. I like that it is all natural too. I usually have flavored coffee.

    If I go to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, I try to get nonfat milk instead of the whole cream and use less sugar. It's still more than homemade but it's a nice treat.

    Other than that, I love tea but I don't put anything in it which saves a lot of calories!
  • I went from creamer and sugar with a splash of coffee in it to straight up black coffee... it took some getting use to but its the only way I drink it now...
  • I had the same experience! I use to drink three sugars in my coffee. When I started logging on mfp, I stopped the sugar and lost 2 pounds in one week with that as the only change...

    Ditto, and lost weight just making that change (and having coffee black instead), but according to the "clique" here, that is impossible just by cutting the sugar right down!!!!

    I drink Carte Noire Instict instant coffee (2 calories per teaspoon) with half a teaspoon of Silver Spoon Half Spoon "sugar" (mixture of sugar and sweeteners) which adds another 8 calories per mug. So 10 calories per mug of Coffee (I drink on average 10-12 cups a day) instead of 40+ with milk and additional sugars. I can even drink it with no sugar so that is a massive 2 calories per cup!!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Who would put good coffee in their butt rather than drinking it? @___@ awful.

    LOL! IKR?!?
    That is weird, but I've also heard that it's a good way to get rid of toxins, better than a regular enema which just unclogs you (which I guess is also a way of getting rid of toxins, right?), and I heard this from others besides Dr. Oz... So there must be something to it!
    But I will just stick to putting it in my mouth!

    Don't worry, there's nothing to it. Normal enemas don't get rid of toxins, either.

    I have bowel issues (IBS) so I get stopped up bad sometimes. I have been told by my doctor to use an enema occasionally and believe me it does a world of wonder! I feel lighter and less sluggish and less grouchy! No joke!
    What I meant be removing toxins is...I can't imagine having so much "p**p" backing up in your bowels is good for your body.... as far as additional toxins, yeah I can't imagine it does too much.

    As long as you don't have a tear in your intestines, you don't really have to worry about toxins from faeces sitting in your body :smile:

    Okay well that's good to know! But having that extra junk in my bowels does sap my energy and make me REALLY uncomfortable. I've been living w/ IBS for 20 years (ugh) so I have become quite familiar w/ what my body needs to work at full capacity! And sometimes it is an occasional enema...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    If you do it properly, black coffee can be smooth, full, fruity and not at all bitter. The bitterness usually stems from over- or under-extraction. That in turn is the result of too much or little coffee per unit of water, or a too fine or too coarse grind. If you get the grinding and amount correctly, you're on your way too a great tasting, almost calorie free black coffee.

    The most important step is the coffee beans themselves. You can't make good wine with bad grapes, the same way you can't make good coffee with bad beans. Find some lightly to medium roasted coffee from a good roaster, preferably roasted no more than a week before you buy it. Cheap coffee is usually darkly roasted to mask its low quality. Besides, a dark roasting gives the stingy burned taste which make many shy away from black coffee.

    Grind at home right before use. That limits the beans' exposure to oxygen. Oxygen makes the aromatic oils in the bean go rancid, you don't want that. This also means that the bag you bought the beans in should be air-tight and resealable. Use a burr grinder on medium setting. A burr grinder ensures uniform granulation, which in turn ensure correct extraction.

    Use around 60g coffee per liter fresh, clean, cold water. Use a good drip coffee maker (e.g. Melitta or Moccamaster), and voilà! great tasting coffee without milk or sugar.
  • I like those Fleet glycerin suppositories when things need encouragement to move. They work in 5 minutes or less. XD
  • gothchiq wrote: »
    I like those Fleet glycerin suppositories when things need encouragement to move. They work in 5 minutes or less. XD

    Fleet is the brand I use! Love Fleet! LOL!
  • I finally started drinking my coffee black. In the past I would use a sweet creamer that was around 45 calories a tablespoon. With 2 table spoons in each cup and 4 cups a day - YIKES! I noticed that once I gave up the creamer I no longer crave coffee like I used to and now just drink one black cup a day. Glad you found a solution that works for you. I actually think this is a big victory for you not a small one.
  • I finally started drinking my coffee black. In the past I would use a sweet creamer that was around 45 calories a tablespoon. With 2 table spoons in each cup and 4 cups a day - YIKES! I noticed that once I gave up the creamer I no longer crave coffee like I used to and now just drink one black cup a day. Glad you found a solution that works for you. I actually think this is a big victory for you not a small one.

    Thanks! :)
  • There have been days in the past when I've drunk my entire calorie allowance for the day in various forms of coffee. No more...I keep it pretty simple (coffee, cream, sugar, and the occasional Irish coffee), but do still love a good hit of sugar and caffeine every now and then!!
  • There have been days in the past when I've drunk my entire calorie allowance for the day in various forms of coffee. No more...I keep it pretty simple (coffee, cream, sugar, and the occasional Irish coffee), but do still love a good hit of sugar and caffeine every now and then!!

    I gave up my daily soda for my coffee...that's when you know you're addicted to coffee! LOL!
    But I only drink 2 cups in the morning... the rest of the day it's plain water... or 0 cal diet tea, or water w/ 1/2 of those flavor packets.... but mostly just plain water!