Healthier Coffee Thanks to MFP



  • i just switched to non-dairy powdered creamer.......and measuring my sugar, which i am down to .5 teaspoon..... It's the little changes!! Great post :)
  • i just switched to non-dairy powdered creamer.......and measuring my sugar, which i am down to .5 teaspoon..... It's the little changes!! Great post :)

    Yay, you! :)
  • I reduced morning coffee calories by adding; vanilla bean, nutmeg and cinnamon to either silk or almond milk. A little pumpkin spice is nice too during the holidays
  • I reduced morning coffee calories by adding; vanilla bean, nutmeg and cinnamon to either silk or almond milk. A little pumpkin spice is nice too during the holidays

    You had me at Pumpkin Spice!!!! LOL!
  • lol half of this conversation is about coffee. The other half is about poop.

    Yay Tuesday!
  • I have my coffee black with no sugar so no calorie worries there! I drink far too much tea (skimmed milk already, not keen on semi or whole) which was taking up 100 calories a day so just try to limit myself to 2-3 cups a day. I used to get grumpy without regular tea so has done me good cutting down really, hehe.
  • kr1stadee wrote: »
    lol half of this conversation is about coffee. The other half is about poop.

    Yay Tuesday!

  • gothchiq wrote: »
    Who would put good coffee in their butt rather than drinking it? @___@ awful.

    LOL! IKR?!?
    That is weird, but I've also heard that it's a good way to get rid of toxins, better than a regular enema which just unclogs you (which I guess is also a way of getting rid of toxins, right?), and I heard this from others besides Dr. Oz... So there must be something to it!
    But I will just stick to putting it in my mouth!

    Don't worry, there's nothing to it. Normal enemas don't get rid of toxins, either.

    I have bowel issues (IBS) so I get stopped up bad sometimes. I have been told by my doctor to use an enema occasionally and believe me it does a world of wonder! I feel lighter and less sluggish and less grouchy! No joke!
    What I meant be removing toxins is...I can't imagine having so much "p**p" backing up in your bowels is good for your body.... as far as additional toxins, yeah I can't imagine it does too much.

    As long as you don't have a tear in your intestines, you don't really have to worry about toxins from faeces sitting in your body :smile:

    Okay well that's good to know! But having that extra junk in my bowels does sap my energy and make me REALLY uncomfortable. I've been living w/ IBS for 20 years (ugh) so I have become quite familiar w/ what my body needs to work at full capacity! And sometimes it is an occasional enema...

    That's not so much ZOMG TOXINZ as it is "IBS related constipation is miserable"....the second is actual science rather than woo.
  • I do 2 mugs (probably 3-4 actual cups) of coffee in the morning. 8 O'Clock Coffee is my new favorite brand and it comes in chocolate mint and caramel. It's tastes pretty good, so all I need is a 1/2 tbsp per mug and some almond milk and I'm set. I still do creamer from time to time, but it's 60 cals vs 140 for my morning coffee.

    Now that it's mostly warm out, if I treat myself to Starbucks I'll get an iced coffee black and add a smidge of splenda and cream. It took me ages to figure out they put a syrup in there.
  • I love my coffee black and over ice. If I get Starbucks' coffee, I will have them put two pumps of sugar-free syrup in it. Their coffee is too bitter to have it plain. The sugar-free syrup is "calorie free" and it cuts through the bitterness. I never add anything to tea.
  • JennyC123 wrote: »
    I love my coffee black and over ice. If I get Starbucks' coffee, I will have them put two pumps of sugar-free syrup in it. Their coffee is too bitter to have it plain. The sugar-free syrup is "calorie free" and it cuts through the bitterness. I never add anything to tea.

    They have sugar free syrup!?!?!?!?!? ::Mind Blown::!!!!
    Thanks for that info!