How important are cheat meals or cheat days?



  • Before MFP, I was BIG on cheat meals. I would eat WHATEVER I wanted and never counted it (I was on WW before). After doing some searching and looking back over my weight loss history......I stopped "cheating" and started counting. I still have a decent super yummy meal about once a week, and I generally let myself have whatever I want, but I work it into my calories and still count it. The reason I do, is because when I see what that meal is really costing me, I usually eat a little less or change a few ingredients to bring the calories down in the recipe. This has worked really well for me because now I still feel in control, but I still get that indulgence once a week.

    Also, I have been there and done that with the cutting out of sugar, pasta, bread, etc. And after starting and crashing, starting and crashing and starting and crashing again, I finally realized it is just not necessary unless there is a medical reason. I am still losing steadily and I eat white bread, white pasta and sugar. The more restrictions you place on your diet, the harder it is going to be to stick with it for the long haul.
  • ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - have you upped your calories to what MFP is giving you yet???? I believe that number was 1900???

    I reevaluated my MFP and now it's telling me to eat 1530. Since that change, I've definitely gotten at least 1200, but closer to my new goal! Thanks for checking in on me!
  • I'm just going to say this. I am currently happy with my diet. I LOVE the shakeology meal replacement shakes. I have tried others from walmart and I'm not going to force myself to eat something I don't like or have to hold my nose while drinking just because it's cheaper. So if I spend some money on a meal replacement shake, that I would've spent on fast food crap anyways, then that's ok with me.

    I am now making sure I get the calories in I need. So that's a plus. My clothes are very loose and that's good too. Lol.

    I do very much appreciate everyone's input, however, I do have some suggestions for some of you. Try not to be so hateful when trying to teach things. Encouragement goes a long way. My journey and lifestyle change are just that. Mine. And it's working for me. Let's all try to be encouragers instead of bashers.

    Peace and love to all!

  • I plan cheat days all the time in my mind but I have never followed through. Too afraid of gaining back what I have worked hard to lose.