What nobody tells you about losing weight



  • My skin is soft and clear, but I have to pee ALL the freaking time. Keeping hydrated wasn't something
    I cared about before.
  • DaneanP wrote: »
    So is anyone else having food dreams? I guess I would've thought that back in the day when I was eating whatever and whenever I would have dreamt about food more. But now because I need to plan more (a good thing) I find myself dreaming about food! Occasionally I wake up with a panicky feeling that I just ate something that blew my calories out for the week!! WTH?

    I just think it is strange. I feel more IN control now but my dreams feel more out of control.
    Yes! I posted to my mfp friends a few weeks ago because i had a dream where i ate like 5 huge things. And weird things lol. And in my dream i actually was trying to add up and count the calories to try to fit it onto my goal! I woke up with the same panic you described!

    I had a dream I was at a cupcake tasting party and I ate a bunch of them. I also woke up in a panic. It took me a minute to realize it was a dream

    I have had so many of those dreams. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

    A negative: a few coworkers have made comments about my "new" body and it seems they no longer care to associate with me. Before I lost 20 or so pounds (that's all! 20!) they were very friendly with me. I know, I know...not my problem but it's still the strangest thing.
  • AngeBee18 wrote: »
    I struggle with an irrational fear that if I miss a workout if I'm too tired or had to work late or something like that it will completely undo all the progress I have made and I will slip back into bad habits. the rational part of my brain knows it's nonsense and that sometimes you need an extra rest day, but it's still something that is lurking in the back of my mind and makes me anxious...I'm terrified to fail and go back to where I was...

    ^^^^^THIS!!! I thought I was the only one who felt like this. Of course I was starting to think I was being too obsessive.
  • BioQueen wrote: »
    That some people (friends/family) will start to ask you if you are sick, starving yourself, and/or are too skinny. This has been one of the hardest things, and it has only been happening recently. Right now I am in the middle of my healthy BMI (range 111-150 and I'm at 132) and I'm definitely not "too skinny". People had been very supportive when I was starting, but very quickly they have pulled a 180. Then when I say I want to lose just ~10 more (still within my healthy BMI, and I have a small frame) they tell me not to. It's unfortunate that people won't mention anything if you are too big but as soon as you start to be healthy they will start talking about it. I'm going to do what I want anyway lol.

    Overall there are lots of good things too!
    * Shopping is WAY more fun, and things look better on me
    * I feel more comfortable sitting (jeans used to cut in to my stomach)
    * No more chaffing!
    * I feel less full, which was always so uncomfortable when I overate
    * My skin is super clear
    * I don't run away from pictures

    My BMI range is the same. I also want to head for 120 (although I have more to go), I totally understand what you are going through! When I talk about getting to my goal weight, people always freak out... its in my health range and I will stop when I think it's enough.
    I completely support your decision! Its your body and you will know when to stop. Keep going, you're extremely close!

    Yes! Doesn't that just piss you off when people who actually DO notice your progress say things like that? I set my goal weight strictly based on the BMI that puts me under the "overweight" category (just to have something to shoot for), and before I'm even get there, people say things to imply that I'm too skinny and don't need to lose anymore weight. But then you have to consider the source. Usually it's someone who is not happy with their OWN weight and are probably trying to make themselves feel better, rather than actually doing something about it.
  • I live in Caribbean, summer all year long & I'm cold all the time in the evenings. It's redicilous! I have only one long sleeve hoodie, stole it from my sister when I was in Europe but I think I need real jacket for the movies. I wish I can just go to the movies with a blanket but that would look so wrong
  • I don't miss having to break in that same pair of jeans again after coming back from the wash.

  • I've stopped telling people that I want to lose more weight. When I tell them I have 40 pounds to go they say "from where" I can see it. The perception of a "healthy weight" is so skewed.
  • That getting used to and even liking eating less calories and organic food didn't take that long. For me, at most, it takes about a week if I've fallen off the wagon. How bad my body feels when my eyes remember something being tastier than it turns out being.
    That I would use my miserly skills towards calorie counting. Some stuff is just too expensive, even if it's 50 cents...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Virkati wrote: »
    I didn't hate me anymore.Turns out...once I got past all the layers of "self-protection" and just chose the things I like...I'm a girl!! Like, the kind of girl who WANTS to wear a pretty, feminine, swirly, flowy type of dress. Omg, nobody told me that I might find myself. And that I would love me.

    That's beautiful. I can totally relate. Thanks for posting that. It really resounded with me. :smiley:
  • Kelll12123 wrote: »

    - Sitting (particularly in baths) and laying (particularly in beds) will become ever increasingly uncomfortable.

    hahaha this... My back is bruised from doing workouts on the floor because my shoulder blades stick out so much now.

    No one told me how annoying buying clothes could be. It's great when they fit, but I keep going down sizes and needing to buy more and then not having a purpose for the larger sizes.

    On a more positive note, I get hit on a lot more. Three different guys asked me out for Valentine's Day this year :)

  • AngeBee18 wrote: »
    "I struggle with an irrational fear that if I miss a workout if I'm too tired or had to work late or something like that it will completely undo all the progress I have made and I will slip back into bad habits. the rational part of my brain knows it's nonsense and that sometimes you need an extra rest day, but it's still something that is lurking in the back of my mind and makes me anxious...I'm terrified to fail and go back to where I was..."

    I thought I was the only one who felt like this way also. It has been the reason I have failed so many times before this journey. I would set out all the plans for working out and eating and then something or someone would derail them and POOF I would stumble. I know I was being too obsessive. This time I am much more relaxed about the whole thing. I am doing this for myself and have let go completely of the ocdness I once had.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Oh Good Lord--- to Kelll12123--- I did not mean to copy your whole post as mine. I don't know what the hell I'm doing with all this!! Haha. I just wanted to make a comment on yours.... I don't see a downside to buying smaller clothes.......ever!!
  • Even without the gym membership and the personal trainer, it ended up being more expensive than I planned...buying new bras and underwear along got expensive. Bras was a double whammy since I had to buy regular bras and sports bras with the new found love of fitness.
  • csofled wrote: »
    AngeBee18 wrote: »
    "I struggle with an irrational fear that if I miss a workout if I'm too tired or had to work late or something like that it will completely undo all the progress I have made and I will slip back into bad habits. the rational part of my brain knows it's nonsense and that sometimes you need an extra rest day, but it's still something that is lurking in the back of my mind and makes me anxious...I'm terrified to fail and go back to where I was..."

    I thought I was the only one who felt like this way also. It has been the reason I have failed so many times before this journey. I would set out all the plans for working out and eating and then something or someone would derail them and POOF I would stumble. I know I was being too obsessive. This time I am much more relaxed about the whole thing. I am doing this for myself and have let go completely of the ocdness I once had.

    I'm glad you have got past it! It's still a struggle for me. This week is a rest week in my training plan, so I'm still working out but at a lower intensity. I'm finding it hard to do that! Its good to hear other people are dealing with these feelings too - and winning!
  • AngeBee18 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    AngeBee18 wrote: »
    "I struggle with an irrational fear that if I miss a workout if I'm too tired or had to work late or something like that it will completely undo all the progress I have made and I will slip back into bad habits. the rational part of my brain knows it's nonsense and that sometimes you need an extra rest day, but it's still something that is lurking in the back of my mind and makes me anxious...I'm terrified to fail and go back to where I was..."

    I thought I was the only one who felt like this way also. It has been the reason I have failed so many times before this journey. I would set out all the plans for working out and eating and then something or someone would derail them and POOF I would stumble. I know I was being too obsessive. This time I am much more relaxed about the whole thing. I am doing this for myself and have let go completely of the ocdness I once had.

    I'm glad you have got past it! It's still a struggle for me. This week is a rest week in my training plan, so I'm still working out but at a lower intensity. I'm finding it hard to do that! Its good to hear other people are dealing with these feelings too - and winning!

    I've been at this for over 5 years and still feel guilty when I don't workout for a couple days in a row and I am always terrified that I won't go back. I had hip surgery several years ago and could not work out for 6 weeks. I was not afraid to have the surgery, I was more afraid that I would never go back to working out.

  • I've only lost 15# and I'm terrified I'll go back to where I was!! Once you get fed up, I think that (most of the time) good kind of fear sets in!
  • LacednLace wrote: »
    Call it selfish, but I've been working hard for almost 2 months lost around 9 lbs so far. I got really frustrated (actually ticked off) when my partner jogged for one week and began skipping happily around the house bragging about his 8lb loss in 3 days and even more over a week. I love him and I'm happy hes happy/succeeding but it makes me a little bitter when he does this.

    I'm the heaviest person in my family by far. Everyone else is losing weight without enen trying just because of what I am doing. Even the ones who are grown and don't live at home! It is so frustrating!

    But...my secret, evil desire is to be thinner and healthier than all of them (bwahaha)!!!!

    Just yesterday my son said "Wow Mom, you weigh less than me!

    I didn't let the fact that he is 6'7" tall spoil my fun. 1 down 5 to go!
  • I noticed the veins in my hands are more prominent. It must be the strength training. I also notice that I have the "weight lifters walk" after I strength train. I used to think it was an arrogant type walk but now I know it's how your body actually moves after lifting, because everything is sore!
  • (down 111 lbs)

    Having spring in my step!
    Wearing jeans with zippers and not elastics
    tying my shoes/doing my own toenail polish
    having a social life
    no more old lady panties
    getting my neck back
    great improvement in my skin
    sex life skyrocketing
    being able to wear a hat because my face isnt so round anymore
    not being terrified to park far at the store and having to walk