Food Choices

A co-worker of mine recently told me that a doctor told her that actually eating oatmeal and yogurts were not "the best" for weight loss, that sticking to more proteins was better. Thoughts? Advice? Oatmeal and greek yogurt are lower calories than eggs so that's why I have been choosing those foods. Of course I do eat protein throughout the day but my example was for breakfast foods.


  • A lot of it will depend on the type of oatmeal and yogurt. If you're using instant oatmeal full of sugar and flavored yogurts full of sugars then those might not be the best option. A serving of plain oatmeal with some egg whites would be a great option. I also like to use Fage Total 0 Greek yogurt.
  • I'm no expert and certainly not a doctor but he was probably steering her to eating low carbs. More lean proteins, low carbs. For me, I eat high fiber foods for my high cholesterol. I tried low carbs once, I was miserably weak. Personally, I feel like people have to figure out what works for them and go with it. Everyone is different. I do find that if I mix proteins with higher fiber foods that I stay full longer.
  • Doctors are not dietitians. Unless she is severely overweight and drastically reducing calories, moderate protein is fine. High protein is only necessary under very specific circumstances. Yogurt and oatmeal are both perfectly healthy.
  • aside from any medical conditions....
    Overall calories in your day is what is important.....if you are trying to lose weight

    Not saying one food is good while another is bad....and should be avoided.
  • I usually eat plain oatmeal and I do use the Fage Total 0 Greek yogurt with some splenda and fresh fruit added and sometimes add some walnuts! Thanks for the input!
  • Protein can keep you fuller longer. I had eggs AND Greek yogurt (which only came in a gram lower in protein than my two eggs did) for breakfast today.
  • Most yogurt has protein so I don't know what they're smoking lol. Maybe they were advising against the high sugar ones?
  • your friends doctor is an idiot.

    all that is needed for weight loss is a calorie deficit. So if those foods put you in a surplus, then yes they are not good for weight loss; however, if you are eating in a calorie deficit then there is nothing wrong with them.
  • slaite1 wrote: »
    Doctors are not dietitians. Unless she is severely overweight and drastically reducing calories, moderate protein is fine. High protein is only necessary under very specific circumstances. Yogurt and oatmeal are both perfectly healthy.

    So true. Doctors specialize for a reason. Just as I wouldn't complain to my optometrist about a toothache, I wouldn't talk to my GP about diet and nutrition.