How to cook for 4 people when I am the only one that wants to be healthy.



  • I notice a lot of folks are saying it's portion control issues, I'm thinking that is most likely my problem.

    Portion control can be hard to learn. You'll need a kitchen scale for that as it will show you what a portion is.
    Once you get used to weighing everything, it's not hard and takes very little time.
    Eat a piece of meat (weigh it), add a lot of veggies and some starch. There's your meal. Your family can eat meat & potatoes, if that's what satisfies them. You won't have to cook anything different for yourself, except adding the veggies. It can be done. My husband is a true meat & potato eater. It wasn't a big deal to cook for both of our needs & wants while I was losing.
    Who knows? Maybe the family will start eating more veggies, too. :smile:
  • I have a very active husband and two little boys. They all love burgers, potatoes, macaroni and cheese etc. As do I. The difference is they metabolize it faster and dont pack on the pounds. What I do is eat light for breakfast and lunch, (usually 300 calories or less for each meal). This leaves me lots of calories left to have a family meal at the end of the day. Its easy to make my breakfast and lunch differently just with quick substitutions.
  • SezxyStef wrote: »
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    emdeesea wrote: »
    Here's how I handle that: Either eat what I make or cook for yourself. I'm not anyone's mommy and certainly not anyone's domestic servant - ESPECIALLY to someone I'm not married to.

    Agree with this.

    oh so that changes with a ring...interesting.

    Chances are with attitudes like that no ring will be forth coming...

    coming from someone's Mom and a wife...

    Honey, for your information, not that it matters to me, but I'm married and have been for more than 10 years. We BOTH work 40+ hours per week, and we BOTH do our OWN cooking. Why? Because we're adults, and I'm on a diet and he's diabetic. So things that I CAN eat he can't, and things he wants, I don't.

    As far as your asinine comment about a ring being forthcoming, one thing I've learned is that you can't buy someone's love by doing things for them. If a guy has someone who's doing his chores, doing his cooking, doing his laundry, what's his motivation for marrying her?

    She can do what she wants and that's fine if it works for them. In her situation, she's not working so it's sort of fair for her to do the cooking (for the entire household, no less) if she's okay with that. And as others have said, she can eat what she cooks, she just needs to measure it out on a scale. It's no different than anything else.

    So if domestic servitude is your thing, good for you. Wear that badge proudly. It sure as hell isn't for everyone.

  • I adjust my calorie intake for breakfast (150-200) and lunch (300-400). This leaves 600-750 for dinner. Small portions of steak, potatoes, and veggies will fit 600-750 calories! I prefer to eat the same as my family. I feel it's almost as important as sharing dinner as a family at our table.