Lourdesong wrote: » What was her argument for her position? Make her argue it and defend her assertions.
Lourdesong wrote: » What was her argument for her position? Make her regurgitate whatever the latest buzzwords/fads/diets areand defend her assertions.
K_saine wrote: » Lourdesong wrote: » What was her argument for her position? Make her argue it and defend her assertions. She didn't give me her argument because she was too busy looking disapprovingly at me when my younger sister (who also uses my fitness pal and know how awful my sister can get) stepped in and changed the conversation and it was dropped (at least for now).
canadjineh wrote: » Results are the best answer, lol. When she asks you to eat something off your planned intake, just smile & say, "No thanks, I don't feel like any right now." What can she say to that? Then change the subject, don't feed into her approval/disapproval mentality.
UltimateRBF wrote: » She's your sister, tell her she can piss off. You don't need her approval and it sounds like you're on the right track anyway
LyndseyLovesToLift wrote: » Uh, tell her to go *kitten* herself? Seriously, she's your sister, why the hell does it matter what she thinks?