"Flu" symptoms after a heavy session

Howdy folks and sorry if this is
a) a bit too random to understand and answer
b) so common you've all answered it twice

After a particularly heavy training session, I tend to wake up the next day feeling awful. I mean awful.
My throat hurts, I ache all over ( not muscular stiffness but actual flu style aches ), I feel weak, my nose alternates between being blocked and streaming.
I know - Sexy.

Has anyone else ever encountered this or could anyone suggest why this happens?
It's not specific to any particular type of training, time of year or location.
It just seems that if I have a particularly heavy day or 2, I really suffer.
Obviously everyone is different so to give you an idea of what I mean I recently had these 2 days

6am - 50 mins of strength training, pretty intense, working at about 80% of my 1 rep max.
Breakfast then into work.
1pm - 3 mile run. Took me 28 minutes.
Lunch at my desk after
7pm - Cardio Circuit style session for 40 mins ( for anyone who knows it, it was Insanity the Asylum - Vertical Plyo )

6am - 45 mins strength training, again about 80%
8:30pm - 1hour of futsal. VERY fast pace

I woke up today with chills, shivers, sweating, aches, sore throat etc etc.
If his was a one off, I'd just put it down to a bug or a bad cold, but this seems to happen every time I really push myself, then I'm fine 2 days later and ready to train again.

I'm 5'8'', 217lb and definitely not a solid 217lb, but I'd say I'm fairly fit.
Do a 10k in about 56mins, usually score upwards of 90 shuttles on the bleep test etc. Not massive scores, but enough I think to illustrate that I'm not going from couch potato to hard training.


  • I went out for a hike yesterday (2.3 miles each way, with 2100ft of elevation gain), the uphill took me about 1:10hrs, and the downhill about fifty minutes. I was pretty sore on the way down, but a day later I am feeling like I have the flu. Wrists, arms, calves, and thighs and quads are plastered. Head hurts and I feel lightheaded. It's obvious I overdid it, but why the flu symptoms.Not sure if i should be icing my legs. Any thought or help would be appreciated.