Long story Short. I have recently be diagnosed with Pcos. I am now currently taking Metformin. Been looking it up and have realized it works best while low carbing to increase your chancing of pregnancy. Well my meals always have a carb in it. Especially my lunches because I usually go to the gym after work and with out a carb in my lunch I won't be able to get through my workout with being tired and sluggish.
Right now my typical day is:
B: cereal with a banana coffee sometimes waffles w/fruit or oatmeal w/fruit
L: Sandwich w fruit/salad
S: if I have one, Yogurt/fruit/cheese and crackers

Meat/1 or 2 veggies/ carb of some sort weather it be pasta/potato's/rice
How could I lower my Carbs without taking them completely away. They help me fuel for the day.