Cathe Fans Part 5


  • Hi Ladies! I missed you all last week but had a fantastic trip to Phoenix. My mom is doing really well given everything (her cancer returning and spreading), and we had such a good time together. Even the 100 degree temperatures didn't bother us! So glad I made this trip.

    I also was able to workout on my non-travel days. I kind of kept my east coast time, so I was up with the sun working out. Wednesday was Travel Fit and Tabatacise. Thursday was Lean Legs and Abs and Rockout Knockout. And Friday was Travel Fit (again) and Cross Fire. I flew back home on Saturday, and yesterday I started my new XT/RWH rotation. I did Hard Strikes followed by the lower body premix of High Reps. Today I started with Cathe's Max Intensity Strength, then did X10 Cardio Blast right into RWH Upper Body Circuit. Feels good to be back with Cathe!!

    Tami, great workouts last week! That InsaneX workout sounds like it was brutal! Glad you were enjoying some more nice weather!

    Thelma, I hope your workout floor is done......and you didn't lose too much room! I hope your foot is continuing to get better too! Sounds like it is still swelling up quite a bit. I hope that improves soon. You are nearly 60 days post-surgery aren't you? Again, your patience and perseverance with your workouts amazes me!

    Laurie, so sorry to hear about your ankle. Hopefully taking some of the impact out of your routine will help. Is it the Achilles? I hope not because that is so painful. I am also so sorry to hear about your MIL! Is she in the hospital? That sounds like a very dangerous--and painful--injury. I hope she is okay and they can come up with a better situation for them. That is very scary.

    Off to catch up on some things. See you tomorrow!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies & Happy Monday! Weekend went by really fast for me, but good one. Weather was AMAZING! So Friday night was the group dinner with friends and it was fantastic. Then Saturday DH had invited people over in the afternoon for a BBQ and to watch the big boxing match. So I had met my friends for a walk that a.m. and then came home and cleaned and prepped for company. That was my day :o Yesterday I decided to do KCM Circuit Burn for my workout and it felt so good! Then later in the day I took the kids for a quick walk . . . . Emma cannot go very far and she is really tired and panting, poor girl. I'm hoping it is a combo of out of shape and her elderly body and not just the latter that is making her tuckered out so quick. Bernie was sucking air pretty good too, but he a little "large and in charge" right now . . . . . . They love to go and want to keep going, but when we turn down our street they are both very tired. :( The neighbors must think I am dragging them by their leashes. Today's workout is going to be High Reps, which I am doing after work because DH will be out of the house. This week has High Reps and also STS Total Body thrown into the rotation, love that!

    Laurel: Welcome Back! Sounds like your trip to AZ was all that you had hoped for and then some! 100 degrees?!?! YOWSA. Awesome work getting in your workouts while you were gone too. I know you will love the XT/RWH rotation but I am sure you will be adding on lot of other things in there too! Yes, last week's workout for Insanity was brutal. Not sure if it is that hard concrete plus the sun or just flat BRUTAL but, yowsa!

    Laurie: Sounds like a very active weekend for you! All that yard work and the workouts! Way to go. I am sorry your ankle is still bothering you. I wonder if you get one of those braces for it, start with that for just a little extra support. Good idea laying off the intensity for a while until you know but a little support might help as well?!? I'm all about "how can I keep moving despite this injury" so I get what you are saying about not staying still! :)

    Thelma: Hope you had a great weekend and the foot is feeling better?!?! Did you hire the pet sitter you interviewed?

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow . . . have a great evening!!
  • Morning Ladies,

    Yesterdays workout was KCM's 30MTF Weights Workout 2 (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders)

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you had a good trip to visit your Mom. WTG on the workouts, sounds like you got in some really good ones. Have a great time with your new rotation. Thankfully it isn't the achilles, it is right in the joint and only hurts when I am moving in a certain direction. Unfortunately most of the high impact moves bothered it. It is getting better, just annoying. My MIL is very unstable, she was walking from their condo to her mailbox and must have tripped on a crack in the road. She shuffles, so I can see why it happened. She landed on her butt, so it is in her lower back. At 89 years old her body really can't take all this falling that she has done in the last year. She was insisting on going home, but my DH has had enough. I know she isn't falling on purpose, but I think that she really enjoys the attention that she is getting from her sons.

    Tami, Sounds like a fun weekend. The fight didn't sound exciting, but at least you got to enjoy it with friends around. Great job on the workouts, and of course those two tb workouts you have this week should be a lot of fun. I think that because the ankle doesn't hurt all the time I think that I can do more than I should. Keeping with weight workouts seems to help. I'm looking at TaeBo also, some of those workouts are low impact, but really work the body good.

    Thelma, Hope everything is going well with you.

    Have a great day!
  • Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with XT Legs, and I did the 80 minute premix. For cardio, I did the Ultra Cardio premix from Drill Max, which is such a good workout!

    Tami, sounds like a busy weekend. Like Laurie, I heard the fight wasn't quite worth it, which is unfortunate. But I hope you enjoyed your time with friends. Sorry to hear about your pup tuckering out during the walk. I hope she is okay and just needs to get used to it again.

    Laurie, I am glad your issues aren't with your Achilles. My ankle healed up pretty quickly (3-4 weeks) by eliminating the impact, so it sounds like you are doing the right thing. Must be frustrating to not know what caused it though! I am sorry to hear about your MIL. I am glad your DH has indicated he has had enough. It just isn't safe for her. My mom and I talked a bit when I was with her because she has a friend (88 yo) who keeps falling. And my mom knows that is a sign that some form of assisted living is needed! I am so thankful she recognizes that.

    Thelma, hope you are well!

    Until tomorrow.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ High Reps was accomplished last night, just as planned!! I really enjoyed it, I haven't done that workout in so long and it was great. This a.m. was RWH Low Impact HiiT #1 & #2, which is a great combo. Tonight I will head to Insanity after work. Hopefully it's inside tonight.

    Laurie: Great Job with KCM weight workout, I bet it felt great and your ankle thanked you as well. TaeBo would be another great one, no impact and yet you get that HR up! I'm sorry to hear about your MIL, I hope she gets some more care or agrees to more care to come in and help a little. I'm sure it is frustrating for all of you.

    Laurel: Another amazing combo! Way to go. Yes, I did enjoy the time with friends. A few I haven't seen for a while; they are mostly DH's buddies but they did bring their wives. :) Thanks for the thoughts on Emma, I hope so too. Poor girl, it's hard because I know exercise is good for her but when she looks miserable it makes me sad. DH says, just go around the block until she looks like that is easy and then go further. lol

    Hi Thelma

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon ~ Talk to you tomorrow,
  • Hi Ladies, great job with those workouts! Just want to give you update. My town is having 3 days worth of town meeting where very important things get voted on so I've been there the last two nights and we'll go back tomorrow. They're trying to build a nature trail right behind my house so I'm very interested. Needless to say I've not had much time for a workout. On Saturday I did Squeeze and walked on the treadmill, Sunday I did gardening and food for the week so I couldn't workout. My foot was killing me. Today my Bella had a dental cleaning so I had to go pick her up and watch her once I brought her home so I couldn't workout.
    My floor right now is just a sub-floor and I've already lost 3 inches. I am walking better. My limping is less pronounced but once the foot swells up the limping comes back and today I drove 45 mins each way(same time to work) to get Bella and my foot swelled up. I felt that pain that I think are the screws pocking me and at that point I have to put the boot on. I hadn't used the boot in the last 4 days but then again I had been home.
    I go back to the office on Monday and I'm going to take an ice pack to keep in the fridge at work. I'll also take a crutch and my boot which I'll leave in the car just in case.
    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your "me Friday". Glad you may have another one this Friday! I'm sorry about your MIL! Poor thing! Your DH and his brother must be all stressed out about this.

    Laurel, welcome back! I'm so glad you had a great time with your mom! I'm sorry her cancer is spreading.

    Tami, you had a busy weekend! Sorry about Emma! I hope she gets better. Have you taken her to the vet?
    We are going to hire the new petsitter. She really was great in her approach of letting the cats get to know her.
    Good night ladies!
  • Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, it was dance class day. Only a couple more weeks of dance class left.

    DH has to get his Dad into a facility, at least until his Mom is healed. That could take some time if she doesn't have surgery. The social worker is coming to talk to Dad, so they will determine what type of facility he needs to go into.

    Laurel, Great workouts, have not done Drill Max in a long time. I plan on taking it easy for the next four weeks, so I'm hoping that will help. I want this to get better, was hoping to entering a 5K in Sept. So will need to start training soon for that. All the proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project, so I really want to do it even if I have to walk the whole thing.

    Tami, WTG on the workouts, and sure hope you had an indoor training session last night! ;) I totally understand about Emma too. Ours is getting slower and slower, and of course she has her moments with her arthritis. All she loves to do on our walks in the mornings is sniffing for the deer that have wandered through the neighborhood. I think if we could walk across everyone's yard, we would be chasing deer.

    Thelma, Sounds like you are busy, and getting in workouts when you are able. Can't believe that you are headed into work next week. That time sure did fly by, and it is probably a good idea to bring in that ice. Wow three inches, that is a lot. But then again you are going to have a great floor to workout on. Yep my DH is really stresses out. Our oldest dd was concerned about him, he is at that age where stress can cause all types of problems. And of course he is overweight. One of the things that is stressing him out is getting his father out of their condo, because he is going to be a BIG bear about this. He thinks that he can be by himself.

    Have a great day!
  • Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lift It Hit It Chest, Shoulders and Triceps extreme premix. I am going to feel this tomorrow! My arms were shaking so badly at the end. Cathe just works the body completely differently than Tony Horton, that's for sure. For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme, which felt great.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed High Reps. I love that one because it uses so little equipment. When I want a 'simple' but tough workout, that's one I reach for. I hope Emma is okay. Poor thing looking so miserable. But I imagine I look pretty miserable too when I am working out at times! I do hope she improves over time.

    Thelma, back to work soon then? Yikes. I think taking ice is a great idea and, hopefully, you can rest for foot during the day. I hope the decision on the nature trail goes the way you would like. Sounds like they are giving it a great deal of consideration.

    Laurie, I think taking about 4 weeks to rest your ankle sounds like a great idea. Mine was really bad for about two weeks but when it started improving, it improved very quickly (again, over a week or two). Hopefully you will have the same experience. I hope you get to participate in the race for the Wounded Warrior Project. We had quite a bit of exposure to a couple of programs for the wounded warriors in DC and Colorado. What they do is fantastic. In Colorado, there was an equestrian center on the Air Force Academy, and the wounded veterans really enjoyed being able to work with the horses. It was great to see. In DC, one of the program's was golf! DH and I spent a day with a returning veteran who had pretty significant PTSD, and he really talked about how golf--of all things--really helped him channel his anger. Again, just a great program doing great things.

    See you tomorrow!

  • Hi Ladies ~ Last night's class was inside, thank goodness and it was just traditional Insanity style. This a.m. was XT Cardio Leg Blast and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurie: I'm so glad to hear your FIL is being taken care of while your MIL heals up. Must be very stressful for your DH. Maybe they will make the decision that some extra care is just what they need? I bet you are glad that your DD has only a couple weeks left of dance, although she will probably miss it. Yes, I know Emma is just at that age that things are way tougher for her as I have seen in this last year :'( Plus she is a BIG dog which doesn't help with the aches/pains of arthritis. Big has been her problem since a puppy; not matter what I have ever done for food or exercise she stays right around 100 lbs. :o Just want her to be as comfortable & happy as possible.

    Laurel: What a fun combo you had today and when I say fun I also mean TOUGH! Nicely done . . . again!! I truly had forgot that I really enjoy that High Reps workout ~ sadly it has been that long and I think I will try and incorporate it in more on future rotations like this one. Yes, anything without a ton of equipment; especially in my early am. workouts is great. During STS I usually just leave my bench out and set up so I am not dragging every piece out each morning. lol Thanks for the encouragement with Emma and your nice wishes. I hope with some more walks (short) she will be doing better. I should make it a goal to take her swimming this summer in the early a.m. on weekends at least. She loves it and I don't think that will be painful for her.

    Thelma: Sounds like a very busy weekend and a little painful on the foot again. OUCH. I hope by Monday that the boot and ice will be helping so that you don't have troubles at work. I'm sure they will be very patient with you. Great job, as always getting in some workouts! You're a star for your persistence forsure :) I took Emma a month + ago to vet and that is why we started her on a daily regimen of Rimadyl, plus I still give her the over the counter Cosequin. Whatever is going on in her elbow (arthritis is what he is pretty sure of) is what causes her to be stiff and limp.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~
  • Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Lower Body Blast followed by RWH Low Impact One Doubled premix and Core 1. Good combo!

    Tami, glad to hear you were back indoors for class last night. Will you be outside this summer? I just remember you talking about the ants! Hope if you are outside you don't have a repeat of that. What a great idea to take Emma swimming! I bet that will feel good on her body. With every injury I have had, water therapy is always recommended because it is so good but gentle on the body. Can't imagine it would be any different for pups. Hope that works out for you.

    Laurie and Thelma, hope you are both well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was KCM's 30MTF Train Like a Contender Boxing workout. Ankle is feeling better and better everyday, so what I'm doing is working. I really like the fact that Kelly is tough, but has a lot of low impact workouts.

    The in-laws will be going into a facility near both us and DH's brother. It is one of the assisted living facilities, so they can be in the same place. The only problem will be his dad. DH is afraid that we might have to get burly guys to remove him from the condo. He can get pretty mean when he doesn't want to do something.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts, great job on making your arms shake from working them. All of those events for the WWP sound so great. I work with two guys right now that where are are in the service. Will be getting a new boss that has been in the service also, so I am basically surrounded by them. ;) One way or another I'm going to be in that run/walk, it just is a great cause.

    Tami, Great workouts! Once his parents are someplace that we know someone is seeing to their needs, DH will be so much happier. You can tell that he is very stressed. It will be a very sad day for DD's recital, and I know that a few tears will be shed. I know when she does her solo, I will be crying for sure. My Cami is a big dog to, but she isn't overweight. I can see why that wouldn't help an older dog though.

    Have a great day!
  • Hi Ladies ~ Well I didn't make it to Spin last night :( I ended up staying at work until 5:30 because one of the departments I help out in my boss is off today/tomorrow so she was going over some things for me to do/know, which went longer. So hoping tonight I can get in a little "extra" maybe. I did do the RWH Plyo One Dbl pre-mix this a.m. and it was lots of fun! We are having a gorgeous weather week as of yesterday and supposed to continue through the weekend!

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts!!! Liking the rotation so far? Yes, I think if the days are nice Katy will always have us outside, hoping we missed the ant hatching; there were a few that night we were out there but not like last year when they were everywhere and ginormous!

    Laurie: Great work with KCM Train Like a Contender workout and I am so glad to hear that what you are doing is working for your ankle. :) I love that same thing about KCM workouts, and/or some of them have just the right amount of intensity and then adds in some low impact as well. That is so great to hear about your in-laws going into a facility; I am sure it will be so much better for everyone.
    I like to call Emma "big boned" ;)

    Hi Thelma, hope you are doing well!

    Have a great rest of your day ladies!
