"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!

Welcome to the Tough Love Fitness Club or otherwise known as the TLFC! This is a SERIOUS club where members have chosen exercise to help with weight loss and eventually use it as maintenance to keep the weight off. I expect a certain format of posting so that it is easier for me to go over your workout and assess if you need to make any adjustments to make it more effective. So this is how you post a workout:

Cardio: what you did, for how long and how many calories did you burn.

Strength: what exercises performed, how many sets and how many reps per set

Assessment: how you did on your food and water, how you feel overall and any other info you want to add.

You MUST know the name of the exercises you perform. This not only makes it easy to know what you did, but gives you knowledge, how to perform it correctly and how it affects the body part it's intended to work. Here is a link to learn the exercise names:


Just click on the body part and it will show you the exercise names and video of how to perform it correctly. Really pay attention to the form because it will help to prevent injury and also you will get the best results from correct form.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Saturday: 3 hours of walking and shopping in Manhattan. Makes me wish I had a pedometer!


    Cardio: 10 minute warm up on the elliptical

    One-armed kettle bell swings to warm up, 3 sets w. 10 lbs, 20-15-10 reps
    Upright Rows, 2 sets of 8 with 35 lbs, felt my form start to go so I did a last set with 10 lbs, 15 reps
    Front Raises, 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
    Barbell Shrug, 3 sets of 12, 35 lbs
    Overhead Press, 3 sets of 8, 35 lbs

    ETA: I planned to indulge on Saturday and I kind of did. Had a small breakfast and ate one big (for me) and indulgent meal. I was still so full when I got home that I skipped dinner, and wound up a few hundred calories below my MFP suggested amount for the day (since I spent so much of it walking around Manhattan, and burned a lot of exercise calories). On Sunday I basically used all those calories up, lol. I was good during the day- lots of veggies, salmon, quinoa, low-fat chicken sausages, a smoothie made with fruit, dairy, protein and veggies. But I was still hungry that evening, and I indulged in a glass of wine, some manchego cheese and sweet potato chips. I didn't binge, but I definitely ate back any calories I didn't eat on Saturday. Oh well.
  • Happy Monday!!

    Strength Training:

    Goblet Squats: 2x5x35lb
    Sumo Deadlifts: 2x5x135lb
    Barbell Glute Bridge: 3x5x155lb

    Food: a little too much ice cream.
  • Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 1 client this morning and 2 tonight. Training with elevation mask went well yesterday. I'm trying it today hiking a popular trail here with some elevation today.

    Cardio: jog/walk 2 mile (300 calories)

    Strength: hamstrings and shoulders- lying leg curls, seated leg curls, shoulder press, side laterals, machine rear laterals. 12,10,8,6 reps for 4 sets.

    Assessment: Back on track!
  • Yesterday was a rest day so I rested.............LOL

    Today was a training session and we worked on my dead lift...........I've been a little hesitant to increase the weight and so he forced me a little and I got up to 175 lbs unassisted. Went for 185 but hesitated a little about half way up so he grabbed the bar and helped me a little. My highest before was 155 lbs. Then he showed me some more things to do with my resistance bands.

    Exercise: 10 min calisthenic warmup including leg swings, pushups, planks, TRX pistol squats and rear deltoid fly. 60 min strength training w/Brent including Dead Lifts>8@ 115, 6@ 135, 4@ 145, 1@ 155, 1@ 175 1@ 185 (assisted), 10 reps each side bench split squats w/red & green bands, 10 reps each side single leg RDL w/red & green bands, 10 reps high row w/red & green bands, 10 reps squat press w/red bands.

    Food: Yesterday I stayed around 1600 since it was a rest day and today I'm shooting for 1700 if I can..........I may be hungry though.
  • Yesterday:

    Cardio: 25 minute zumba video

    Strength: 65 minutes of Power Yoga. No weights!


    No cardio! It's kind of nice to take a day off.

    Squats: 3 sets of 10, 45 lbs
    Step up onto a tall box: 3 sets of 10, 20 lbs
    Donkey Kicks: 3 sets of 15, 10 lbs
    Lying Adductor Lifts: 3 sets of 15 each leg, 10 lbs
    Lying Abductor Lifts: 3 sets of 15 each leg, 10 lbs

    I plan on doing a yin yoga class tonight. Lots of stretches held for 2-4 minutes at a time. Can't wait to try it out!

    Food: Hit my calorie goals yesterday, but I was very low on protein. Went shopping this AM to get more supplies and today I am on track both with calorie goals and protein goals. The challenge of getting in adequate protein when your calories are restricted is so real.
  • Happy Tuesday!!

    Cardio: 6 mile run, mix of tempo and easy pace.

    Food: er, polished off that ice cream. At least it's out of the house now. :p
  • luluinca wrote: »
    Yesterday was a rest day so I rested.............LOL

    Today was a training session and we worked on my dead lift...........I've been a little hesitant to increase the weight and so he forced me a little and I got up to 175 lbs unassisted. Went for 185 but hesitated a little about half way up so he grabbed the bar and helped me a little. My highest before was 155 lbs. Then he showed me some more things to do with my resistance bands.

    Exercise: 10 min calisthenic warmup including leg swings, pushups, planks, TRX pistol squats and rear deltoid fly. 60 min strength training w/Brent including Dead Lifts>8@ 115, 6@ 135, 4@ 145, 1@ 155, 1@ 175 1@ 185 (assisted), 10 reps each side bench split squats w/red & green bands, 10 reps each side single leg RDL w/red & green bands, 10 reps high row w/red & green bands, 10 reps squat press w/red bands.

    Food: Yesterday I stayed around 1600 since it was a rest day and today I'm shooting for 1700 if I can..........I may be hungry though.
    WOW. That's a good weight for any female to deadlift. Congrats.

  • Yesterday:

    Cardio: 25 minute zumba video

    Strength: 65 minutes of Power Yoga. No weights!


    No cardio! It's kind of nice to take a day off.

    Squats: 3 sets of 10, 45 lbs
    Step up onto a tall box: 3 sets of 10, 20 lbs
    Donkey Kicks: 3 sets of 15, 10 lbs
    Lying Adductor Lifts: 3 sets of 15 each leg, 10 lbs
    Lying Abductor Lifts: 3 sets of 15 each leg, 10 lbs

    I plan on doing a yin yoga class tonight. Lots of stretches held for 2-4 minutes at a time. Can't wait to try it out!

    Food: Hit my calorie goals yesterday, but I was very low on protein. Went shopping this AM to get more supplies and today I am on track both with calorie goals and protein goals. The challenge of getting in adequate protein when your calories are restricted is so real.
    Consider protein powders and beef jerky. 1oz of beef jerky gives you about 14g. Just beware of the sodium in some.
  • brandiuntz wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday!!

    Cardio: 6 mile run, mix of tempo and easy pace.

    Food: er, polished off that ice cream. At least it's out of the house now. :p
    Hahaha! That's right, you can't leave ice cream unattended or it will get lonely.

  • Thanks Niner.............I give my trainer a lot of the credit...........he knows when to push me a little. I had a mental block at 155................LOL
  • Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! No clients this morning, strength class, TKO and 1 client tonight. Mask training was tough yesterday hiking up Del Valle trail. Gonna do it again today.

    Cardio: run/jog- 2 miles (400 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: I did alright yesterday.
  • Here's a rant I posted on my newsfeed this morning..................probably doesn't relate to most of you but someone else who might be lurking might find it interesting.

    I don't rant very often but here goes..............I was browsing through bodybuilders.com awhile ago after following a link there about exercise for seniors. Their recommendation for over 65 year olds was a couple days of circuit training with light weights and a few days of walking. It sort of pissed me off because most 65 year olds can do more than that if they want, or work up to it.

    Then the other day I read a complaint in the newspaper from a 65 year old man about age discrimination at his doctor's office. He's a very active 65 year old and went in complaining of knee pain............his doc said maybe he should be cutting back a little on the exercise at his age. Seriously?

    I don't know about other 65 year olds, but I plan on having at least another 20 years of an active life. As soon as I quit everything I'm doing, and retire to a daily walk once or twice a week and 5 lb weights, I believe that 20 could easily turn into only 10 or 15. I bounced back from 3 herniated discs, a broken foot and a deadly intestinal bacteria that kept me out of commission for 18 months..........so I think at 65 I still have a little life left in me.

    Even my enlightened kids suggest that I be careful because they don't want me to hurt myself, and yet I'm betting that right now I'm decidedly healthier than any of them.

    So.......the moral of this story is just because we, or you, are getting older, doesn't mean we can't achieve a level of health through diet and exercise that compares to many people much younger than we are.

    BTW, my trainer called BS on Bodybuilders.com and the doctor. With his encouragement yesterday I was able to achieve a new PR of 175lb on my dead lift. He thinks I'll easily make it to 200 soon. It took me a year and a half but so what, I have plenty of time.
  • luluinca wrote: »
    Thanks Niner.............I give my trainer a lot of the credit...........he knows when to push me a little. I had a mental block at 155................LOL

    See now THIS makes me want a trainer. I've worked with a few in years past, but I didn't really have articulated fitness goals outside of 'be skinny' so it didn't work out. Hmm. Definitely food for thought.
  • ninerbuff wrote: »

    Cardio: 25 minute zumba video

    Strength: 65 minutes of Power Yoga. No weights!


    No cardio! It's kind of nice to take a day off.

    Squats: 3 sets of 10, 45 lbs
    Step up onto a tall box: 3 sets of 10, 20 lbs
    Donkey Kicks: 3 sets of 15, 10 lbs
    Lying Adductor Lifts: 3 sets of 15 each leg, 10 lbs
    Lying Abductor Lifts: 3 sets of 15 each leg, 10 lbs

    I plan on doing a yin yoga class tonight. Lots of stretches held for 2-4 minutes at a time. Can't wait to try it out!

    Food: Hit my calorie goals yesterday, but I was very low on protein. Went shopping this AM to get more supplies and today I am on track both with calorie goals and protein goals. The challenge of getting in adequate protein when your calories are restricted is so real.
    Consider protein powders and beef jerky. 1oz of beef jerky gives you about 14g. Just beware of the sodium in some.
    Thanks! I need to find a new protein powder. Currently using muscle milk light (it was on sale) and it has a fairly low amount of protein given the calories.
  • luluinca wrote: »
    Thanks Niner.............I give my trainer a lot of the credit...........he knows when to push me a little. I had a mental block at 155................LOL

    See now THIS makes me want a trainer. I've worked with a few in years past, but I didn't really have articulated fitness goals outside of 'be skinny' so it didn't work out. Hmm. Definitely food for thought.

    I really can't recommend it enough. I've had two trainers in the last year and a half. My first one was called "Doc" at the gym I go to. She helped me rehab a pretty serious back injury through lots of core and stabilizing exercises with weights, along with weight loss. Lots of circuit type work. Then I moved onto my newer coach last September when I felt strong enough for heavier weights..............love it. He's a former Marine and pretty intense but he knows when to push me and has an instinct for what I'm capable of. I put the hard work in but I doubt I'd be this far along doing it on my own..........to be honest.

  • luluinca wrote: »
    Thanks Niner.............I give my trainer a lot of the credit...........he knows when to push me a little. I had a mental block at 155................LOL

    Big props! This is my reminder to get mine past 155lb. I've done 160lb in the past, but between being somewhat inconsistent with the weightlifting and concerned about maintaining form, I've been staying at 155lb to be "safe".
  • Happy Wednesday!!

    Strength Training:

    Bench Press: 3x5x75lb
    OHP: 3x5x50lb
    Pendlay Row: 3x5x75lb

    Flutter Kicks: 3x20

    Food: ugh, too much. Need to get my act together on the eating. At least I've been maintaining.
  • Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! No clients this morning and 2 tonight. Laundry and hiking again today.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: back- pullups, bent over rows, seated cable rows, pullovers. 12,10,8,6 x 4 sets

    Assessment: All food was take out yesterday.
  • luluinca wrote: »
    Thanks Niner.............I give my trainer a lot of the credit...........he knows when to push me a little. I had a mental block at 155................LOL

    See now THIS makes me want a trainer. I've worked with a few in years past, but I didn't really have articulated fitness goals outside of 'be skinny' so it didn't work out. Hmm. Definitely food for thought.
    A lot of people use me like once a month to set a program for them and make sure they do it correctly. It doesn't have to be week to week thing.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Got my workout in this morning and then we're taking off for the night...............

    Exercise: 15 min calisthenics warmup including 3X 10 standard pushups, 2X 60 sec forearm plank w/elevated leg and kickout, 2X 12 goblet squats w/20 lbs, 2X 10 renegade rows w/20 lbs, 2X 12 situps w/12 lb ball, 2X 20 crunch twists w/12 lb ball. 45 min Strength training including leg press 15@ 310 lbs > 12 @ 400 > 10 @ 490 > 6 @ 510 lbs (personal record), bench press 2X 5 @ 65 lbs > 2X 5 @ 75 lbs > 1X 5 @ 80 lbs, 3 X 6 single arm row from bench w/35 lbs, 3X 10 standing overhead tricep extension with 15/15 lbs, 3X 10 standing bicep curl with 15/15 lbs, 3X 8 seated row w/70 lbs, 3 X 8 inner thigh @ 100. 20 min bike.

    Food: We're eating out tonight and then a Mother's Day Brunch on Sat so this will just be the first of two bad days. I gave up logging restaurant meals and just try to eat less the rest of the day and make the best choices I can.

    Lost another .5 lb..................only 7.5 to go............ ;)

    Have a great day..........