Welcome to the
Tough Love Fitness Club or otherwise known as the
TLFC! This is a
SERIOUS club where members have chosen exercise to help with weight loss and eventually use it as maintenance to keep the weight off. I expect a certain format of posting so that it is easier for me to go over your workout and assess if you need to make any adjustments to make it more effective. So this is how you post a workout:
Cardio: what you did, for how long and how many calories did you burn.
Strength: what exercises performed, how many sets and how many reps per set
Assessment: how you did on your food and water, how you feel overall and any other info you want to add.
You MUST know the name of the exercises you perform. This not only makes it easy to know what you did, but gives you knowledge, how to perform it correctly and how it affects the body part it's intended to work. Here is a link to learn the exercise names:
Just click on the body part and it will show you the exercise names and video of how to perform it correctly. Really pay attention to the form because it will help to prevent injury and also you will get the best results from correct form.