What is or was your exercise for the day??

Let's be accountable and show support daily!

Treadmill - 35 minutes @3.5 mph/1% incline


  • TRX Warm up, cool down
    PIYO Sculpt
    Body Beast Build Chest/Tris
  • All Pro heavy day, 12 rep week. I have a feeling I'll be repeating the same weight for curls when I start over next week. :unamused:
  • 45 minutes of walk/jog intervals, body weight exercises
  • 25 min of quick walking (4.5 mph). Will do something else a little later - ran out of time in the middle of the day.
  • A 5 mile run/jog walk along the coast. Burnt off 745 calories (according to MMF).
  • 11km rowing.

    My knee hates life. I ducked under a tree two weeks ago hiking and ran knee first into a large, broken tree branch. That was well on the road to recovery when I ran it in the exact same spot into the coffee table corner last night. Slow clap for me...
  • TRX warm up and cool down,
    Body Beast Bulk Legs
    PIYO Sweat done! :)
  • 9.5km rowing.
  • 60 minutes on treadmill @ 3.8 mph incline 4.5 5 min cool down
  • 3 ROUNDS!
    Squat wIde Stance to db Shoulder press x15
    dB lateral raises wIth alternatIng lungeS x15
    DB row x15
    glute BrIdge on floor wIth dB cheSt preSS x15
    weighted Bench dIps x15
    Alt Bicep Curls x 10 each
    inner bicep curls x10 each
    decline push-ups on Stability Ball followed by ab tuck x10
    2.5 minute jump rope

    THEN: 30 minutes of steep incline walk on treadmill.
  • 7 miles.... Tried to 9 and I just couldn't :(
  • 75 minutes of heavy weightlifting and I'll be doing some form of LISS cardio exercise before going to bed.
  • worked on my arms - heavy weight lifting and did HIIT cardio intervals between sets and then interval bike for about 15-20mins after. total workout time was just over 1hr; just over 500cals burned
  • C25K
  • 3x10 Dumbbell overhead press
    Flat bench 5x3
    10x1 Deadlift to a Power clean with a strict press
    3x6 incline dumbbell bench
    Finished with stretching and failed handstsnd attempts...going after that 500 dead and 185 ohp
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Walked 6 miles and did a 60 minute TAE BO Extreme Live workout.
  • 45 min arc trainer , treadmill 45 min
  • Seven minutes of spinning and about 45 of heavy lifting.
  • Abs on fire video and going swimming later tonight
  • Lifting leg day. Squats, lunges, leg press, deadlifts, calf raises, etc.